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CAPPS System Changes - March 2024

The system change information below provides a summary of the new and/or updated functionality that was implemented into the CAPPS Production environment during the indicated month, including the Service Request (SR) number for the change. This information is reviewed monthly during the CAPPS user group meetings.

The current Release Notes format began in April 2023. For additional details about the SRs listed in months prior to April 2023, CAPPS agency support staff can view the SR details via the SR ticketing system.

Contact the CAPPS Product Team at with questions or for additional information.

CAPPS Financials Changes

  • Provide the ability to update Project Costing Distribution Status and General Ledger Distribution Status field values for Employees/Projects/Business Units within a specific transaction timeframe and Time Reporting Code values. (SR 28860)
  • The Statewide Property Accounting (SPA) Reconciliation Report (TXSPA001B) properly displays reconciling items between CAPPS Asset Management Module and the SPA System. (SR 36449)
  • Create a new view of Standard Purchase Order comments and add it to the query tree.  Users will be able to query the standard comments text from the new view, TX_PO_STDCOM_VW. (SR 36467)
  • Add the Supplier Item ID and Manufacturer’s Item ID to the Requisition Print Report (TXCPO002X). The report can be run from the Manage Requisition page as well as from CAPPS reports, statewide reports. (SR 36757)
  • The AM Asset Listing Report now includes Transaction Type Transfers (TRF)  as well as the Transaction Types Addition (ADD) and Adjustment (ADJ). (SR 37973)
  • Refund (7135) transactions that were a reversal will now correctly show on the HX journal. (SR 39188)
  • The Requisition link on the Add/Update Purchase Order (PO) page now correctly navigates to the Requisition Inquiry page. (SR 39562)

CAPPS HR/Payroll Changes

  • The TX_TL_LAC_HR Federal Funding report properly shows terminated employees for all time periods in which they were active so the report is always accurate for the specific timeframe processed by TL superusers and federal funds administrators. (SR 32296)
  • Employees retain their email addresses while active at an agency and can log in and receive communication from CAPPS while employed at the agency. (SR 33176)
  • Hardcoding was removed for comp time earned and comp time Taken TRCs so that the logic is based on configurations and program errors are resolved. (SR 41751)
  • The correct incumbent is displayed when viewing the reports-to information in Manage Position so that core human resources (HR) users can easily/quickly validate who a position reports to. (SR 42124)
  • The TX_HR_AGY-ONE_TIME_MERIT query produces results for all employees who have received a one-time merit regardless of the pay group the one-time merit was paid under and regardless of the current pay group the employee resides in so that core human resources (HR) users have a complete list of employees who receive a one-time merit.  (SR 43943)
  • Multiple job rows can be keyed on the same day as an HIR/REH and processed by SPRS so that SPRS is always in sync with CAPPS. (SR 45051)
  • New query to provide pertinent current Manage Job information for an employee followed by information on the employee’s previous Manage Job row so that core human resources (HR) users can quickly review the employee’s current Manage Job information and compare it to their prior Manage Job row. (SR 45678)
  • The effective sequence rows entered after the hire of an employee will be processed and sent to SPRS so that SPRS, TINS and CAPPS are all in sync. (SR 45841)
  • The PEI process completes to success for large agencies so that the agencies can receive all PEI record types they are requesting. (SR 47662)
  • Edits added against the minimum salary on the Salary Step Table for Job Reason Code 022 reclass transactions so that invalid errors are not generated when core human resources (HR) users enter transactions on job data. (SR 49654)
  • The Leave Liability Report by Fund (TXETL00022) displays correct PCA and fund information based on the funding sources and produces the report by department even if the agency does not have the department budget table setup so that current and non-current long-term liabilities by PCA, fund, and department for the fiscal year is generated and correct. (SR 50357)
  • CAPPS will not allow a payroll processor to process a reversal/cancellation (CAN) document to be created before the original (PAY) document is USAS accepted so that an employee will not be overpaid. (SR 51196)
  • Revoke eConsent upon hire with a new agency and send email to employees that transfer to another agency so that they can re-eConsent for both ACA and W-2s at their new agency (SR 51519)
  • Payroll processors can enter the current calendar year balance information on the Imported Balances page for the mid-month direct transfers for the previous year so that the employee will have accurate tax and benefit deductions. (SR 52237)
  • Expiring Comp Time Off balances are displayed in the TX_TL_EXP_COMP_BAL_BY _AGY query so that there is no confusion about the expiring time between the query results and the Leave Balances page. (SR 52262)
  • Messaging added to better inform a dual/concurrent employee that they should contact their HR/manager directly as opposed to using the ESS Separation Request feature and will not allow the employee to bypass the message and submit the request anyway. (SR 39694)