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Specialty License Plate Revenue: Changes to Certain General Revenue Dedicated Accounts

FPP L.005

UB Authority in Article IX, Section 8.13

Article IX, Section 8.13, appropriates for use during AY 2016 any unexpended balances from specialty license plate revenues collected during the 2014-15 biennium as shown in the table below. Agencies should always transfer unobligated balance forward one year at a time (i.e., AY 2015 to AY 2016).

Doc Type Batch Type Transaction Code Appropriation COBJ PCA Appd Fund Agency Fund
J 2 406/Revenue Transfer – Out (From the prior AY) Prior AY’s license plate appropriation (ex. 23305, 23806) 3975 Determined by Agency 0802* Determined by Agency
J 2 405/Revenue Transfer – In (To the current AY) 24813 3975 Determined by Agency 0802* Determined by Agency

Note: *If an agency currently collects specialty license plate revenue under another MOF, such as GR or Other Funds (ex. Fund 0001, 0573, 0334), then amounts UBed forward should remain in the same fund (i.e., do not move the amounts to Fund 0802).

After the revenue is moved forward, agencies can increase their budget in the current AY for appropriation 24813 as shown in the table below.

Doc Type Batch Type Transaction Code Appropriation COBJ PCA Appd Fund Agency Fund
A 1 006/Adjust Expenditure Budget 24813 7000 Determined by Agency 0802* Determined by Agency
A 1 009/Adjust Revenue Budget 24813 3000 Determined by Agency 0802* Determined by Agency

Note: *If an agency currently collects specialty license plate revenue under another MOF, such as GR or Other Funds (ex. Fund 0001, 0573, 0334), then amounts collected in the AY 2016-17 biennium will continue to be deposited to the applicable fund number.

After revenue is moved forward and budget adjustments are made in the current AY, agencies should reduce the appropriation revisions from the prior AY by using T-code 006R and 009R.

Please note that “unexpended balances“ does not include amounts collected prior to Sept. 1, 2013, and moved to unappropriated Fund 0802; that cash must be moved as unappropriated revenue to the current appropriation year for future appropriation by subsequent legislatures using T-code 404 with COBJ 7986 and T-code 403 with COBJ 3986.