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Establishing Appropriations by Method of Finance, Rider, Capital Budget and Transfer Schedules

FPP A.020

Instructions for Completing the Required Schedules and Setting Up Budgets, AY 2025

Before completing required schedules and setting up budgets:

  • Review the Method of Finance (MOF) in the GAA to determine the effect of funds consolidation legislation (House Bill 3461, 88th Legislature, Regular Session or other related legislation) on sources of funding (such as General Revenue or General Revenue Dedicated).
  • Confirm that the USAS program code structure (D04 profiles) correctly establishes the strategic plan program code structure as it appears on the Legislative Budget Board’s (LBB) Automated Budget and Evaluation System of Texas (ABEST).
  • Refer to copies of the LBB ABEST/USAS CROSSWALK (Crosswalk) provided by your ACO, to help confirm the strategic structure program codes and corresponding appropriation numbers. The program code structure appearing on the Crosswalk must currently exist or be set up in USAS. Program Cost Accounts (26 profiles) must also be reviewed to ensure the correct relationship of program codes and appropriation numbers.

Completing Required Schedules and Setting Up Budgets

The GAA is used as the basis for setting up budgets in USAS. The final printed Fiscal Size-Up version incorporates all bills impacting appropriations and is primarily used for information purposes.

The following table explains which fund number to use on the applicable schedule for AY 2025, and how to set up budgets in USAS.

If your agency or institution has appropriations funded:

From… Then…
Locally held funds in the MOF, An appropriated local fund number (such as 9999) must be used on the applicable schedule for AY 2025, and to set up budgets in USAS. Refer to Requirements for Local Operating Funds and Associated Local Funds (FPP S.009) for D22 determination (to determine which appropriated local fund number to use).
Bond proceeds in the MOF, Appropriated fund 0999 must be used on the applicable schedule for AY 2025, and to set up budgets in USAS (if the appropriated fund is unknown).

Agencies may begin entering their AY 2025 budgets on July 1, 2024. For original budget batches to USAS, batches transferring strategy appropriations to Capital Budget appropriations, and batches transferring appropriations to other agencies; the effective date of the batch header should be allowed to default to the current date, while the effective date of the transaction screen must be entered as Sept. 1, 2024.

For instructions on transferring direct strategy appropriations to Capital Budget appropriations, see Capital Budget Rider Appropriations (APS 026) (FPP A.012).

Special Requirements for Unobligated Balances

Agencies with riders that identify an amount of unobligated balances (UB) included in the MOF must be included on the MOF Allocation Schedule by entering the UB amount by MOF and entering UB in the Rev Type Column as in the below example:


Agency Name: Texas Agency

Agency Number: 123

Prepared By: Mr. Smith

Phone Number: (512) 555-5555

Strategic Structure / Program Codes Strategy Method of Finance
Goal Objective Strategy Appn
General Revenue
GR Dedicated
Federal Fund
Other Fund
FD #
1008 2012 3013 13013 4,050,719            
          758,150       0001 GR
            1,525,027     0570 GD
            1,767,542     0570 UB

The original Appropriation Budget (BT01) must agree with the full amount published in the conference committee (CC) version of the GAA and the Agency’s LBB ABEST/USAS CROSSWALK.

C. Goal: Services

Provide Services to State Agencies

C.1.1. Strategy: MANAGE SERVICES
                                          $4,050,719                         $2,283,178

Provide Timely/Appropriate/Cost-effective Services

For transparency purposes, an agency is required to enter an appropriation transfer-out (BT03) to move the amount of the UB funding included in the MOF to a UB Reduction Appropriation (EX: 28XXX).

Coding Requirements in USAS

Below are the USAS coding requirements for agencies entering original budgets:

For setting up original budget for the full amount in the GAA

Batch Type 1
Effective Batch Date Actual Date of entry (Leave Blank to default to current date)
Document Type B
Effective Document Date Sept. 1, 2024
Transaction Code(s) 001
003 (for collected revenue budget, if necessary)
Legal/Descriptive Text Ensure legal/descriptive text has been entered for the document. The legal citation will reference the conference committee version of the GAA, 88th R.S. followed by the article and page number of the beginning of the agency’s bill pattern. Example: GAA, 88th R.S. Art VII-60
Comptroller Object(s) 7000
3000 (for collected revenue budget, if necessary)

For establishing a UB reduction rider transaction

As necessary, establish a UB Reduction transaction (EX:28XXX) for the amount of UB included on the MOF Allocation. This document requires ACO approval.

Batch Type 1
Effective Batch Date Actual Date of entry (Leave Blank to default to current date)
Document Type B
Effective Document Date Sept. 1, 2024
Transaction Code(s) 001 (R)
003 (R) (for collected revenue budget, if necessary)
Comptroller Object(s) 7000
3000 (for collected revenue budget, if necessary)

For transferring the UB funding included in the MOF to the reduction rider appropriation

After the UB reduction rider appropriation is set up in USAS, enter an A Document transferring the appropriate amount from the affected direct strategy to the UB reduction rider appropriation:

Appropriation T-Code / Description PCA COBJ
13XXX – Direct Strategy 012 – Committed Budget
012/015 – Collected Budget
Determined by Agency 7000 – Committed Budget
7000/3000 – Collected Budget
28XXX – UB Reduction 018 – Committed Budget
018/021 – Collected Budget
Determined by Agency 7000 – Committed Budget
7000/3000 – Collected Budget

Note: For instructions on entering the UB transactions, refer to Encumbrance Reporting and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019).

For transferring budget to other agencies

As necessary, transactions for transfers to other agencies are made using the following transfer coding in USAS on Document Type A, Batch Type 1, with a transaction effective date of Sept. 1, 2024.

Agency Appropriation T-Code / Description PCA PCA
Transferring Agency Transferring Strategy 012 – Committed Budget
012/015 – Collected Budget
Determined by Agency 7000 – Committed Budget
7000/3000 – Collected Budget
Receiving Agency Receiving Strategy 018 – Committed Budget
018/021 – Collected Budget
Determined by Receiving Agency 7000 – Committed Budget
7000/3000 – Collected Budget

Coding Requirements in CAPPS

Setting up budgets

The GAA is used as the basis for setting up budgets in CAPPS. The final printed Fiscal Size-Up version incorporates all bills impacting appropriations and is primarily used for informational purposes.

CAPPS logo CAPPS Central agencies:
  • May begin entering their AY 2025 budgets on July 1, 2024. When entering an original budget in CAPPS, enter the effective date of the transaction as Sept. 1, 2024.
  • Can either enter Appropriation Budgets online (see the coding requirements table below) or by using an Excel spreadsheet loader.
  • Can enter their Organization Budget, which can generate the Appropriation Parent Budget.

Below are the CAPPS coding requirements for entering original budgets online:

Business Unit AGYXX
Ledger Group APPROP (Expense)
REVEST (Revenue)
Control Chartfield Agency Defined
Budget Entry Type Original
Fiscal Year 2025
Period 1
Current Effective Date 9/1/24
Journal Date 9/1/24
Account 7000XX (Expense)
3000XX (Revenue)
Fund XXXXX (Agency defined)
APPN/PCA XXXXX (Agency defined)
APPN Year 2025
Amount XXXX.XX

Deadline for Submitting Completed Schedules

AY 2025 budgets may be entered in USAS starting on July 1, 2024.

By July 31, 2024, agencies and institutions must:

  1. Enter the original appropriation budget transactions and appropriation transfers to capital budgets.
  2. Submit all applicable schedules and copies of USAS original budget, capital budget transfer, and other agency transfer documents.

Email completed schedule(s) and original budget revision(s) to both your ACO and the ACO reports email address at

If electronic spreadsheets (Excel) are used, email the completed schedules to both your ACO and the ACO Reports email address.