State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency*
For the Year Ended Aug. 31, 2023
(Values are rounded before totaling)
* 2 CFR, Part 200, Subpart F (Uniform Guidance), Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, will be presented under separate cover and is available for view, download or print on FMX’s Single Audit Report Package for Texas page.
Note: For programs without Assistance Listing numbers (ALNs), individual award numbers and amounts are available on request.
Parks and Wildlife Department
ALN Name | ALN # | Pass-through to non-state entities | Expenditures | Total |
Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program | 10.093 | 96,806 | 515,958 | 612,764 |
Emergency Watershed Protection Program | 10.923 | 0 | 190,835 | 190,835 |
Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act of 1986 | 11.407 | 0 | 131,382 | 131,382 |
Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards | 11.419 | 0 | 199,012 | 199,012 |
Cooperative Fishery Statistics | 11.434 | 0 | 319,934 | 319,934 |
Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program | 11.435 | 0 | 238,889 | 238,889 |
Unallied Management Projects | 11.454 | 0 | 569,881 | 569,881 |
U.S. Department of Defense | 12.000 | 0 | 224,373 | 224,373 |
Recreation Resources Management | 15.524 | 0 | 38,317 | 38,317 |
Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration | 15.614 | 2,486,192 | 0 | 2,486,192 |
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund | 15.615 | 643,019 | -110,444 | 532,575 |
North American Wetlands Conservation Fund | 15.623 | 0 | 369,217 | 369,217 |
Multistate Conservation Grant | 15.628 | 0 | 5,000 | 5,000 |
Partners for Fish and Wildlife | 15.631 | 152,797 | 124,551 | 277,348 |
State Wildlife Grants | 15.634 | 0 | -405,761 | -405,761 |
National Outreach and Communication | 15.653 | 0 | 3,565 | 3,565 |
Outdoor Recreation Acquisition, Development and Planning | 15.916 | 4,238,250 | 8,800,000 | 13,038,250 |
Recreational Trails Program | 20.219 | 1,994,176 | 1,201,822 | 3,195,998 |
CORONAVIRUS STATE AND LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUNDS | 21.027 | 4,045,099 | 0 | 4,045,099 |
Donation of Federal Surplus Personal Property | 39.003 | 0 | 8,317 | 8,317 |
Food and Drug Administration Research | 93.103 | 0 | 36,599 | 36,599 |
Activities to Support State, Tribal, Local and Territorial (STLT) Health Department Response to Public Health or Healthcare Crises | 93.391 | 308,685 | 0 | 308,685 |
Boating Safety Financial Assistance | 97.012 | 0 | 5,151,840 | 5,151,840 |
Disaster Grants - Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters) | 97.036 | 0 | -9,116 | -9,116 |
Port Security Grant Program | 97.056 | 0 | 780,791 | 780,791 |
Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care | 10.025 | 0 | 162,736 | 162,736 |
Wildlife Services | 10.028 | 0 | -36,257 | -36,257 |
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | 10.683 | 10,787 | 0 | 10,787 |
Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 | 11.022 | 1,180,292 | -1,413,875 | -233,583 |
Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act of 1986 | 11.407 | 0 | 198,292 | 198,292 |
Cooperative Fishery Statistics | 11.434 | 0 | 96,764 | 96,764 |
Regional Fishery Management Councils | 11.441 | 0 | 28,512 | 28,512 |
Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance | 15.608 | 398,415 | 42,563 | 440,978 |
Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education and Safety | 15.611 | 565,342 | 0 | 565,342 |
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund | 15.615 | 557,207 | 0 | 557,207 |
State Wildlife Grants | 15.634 | 300,284 | 0 | 300,284 |
Endangered Species Recovery Implementation | 15.657 | 0 | -6,790 | -6,790 |
White-nose Syndrome National Response Implementation | 15.684 | 5,027 | 67,279 | 72,306 |
Cooperative Research and Training Programs - Resources of the National Park System | 15.945 | 0 | 146 | 146 |
Sport Fish Restoration | 15.605 | 1,157,759 | 18,947,597 | 20,105,356 |
Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education and Safety | 15.611 | 2,254,459 | 30,310,233 | 32,564,692 |
Enhanced Hunter Education and Safety | 15.626 | 0 | 247,326 | 247,326 |
Total | 20,394,596 | 67,029,488 | 87,424,084 |