State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency*
For the Year Ended Aug. 31, 2023
(Values are rounded before totaling)
* 2 CFR, Part 200, Subpart F (Uniform Guidance), Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, will be presented under separate cover and is available for view, download or print on FMX’s Single Audit Report Package for Texas page.
Note: For programs without Assistance Listing numbers (ALNs), individual award numbers and amounts are available on request.
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
ALN Name | ALN # | Pass-through to non-state entities | Expenditures | Total |
Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research | 10.001 | 0 | 157,784 | 157,784 |
Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care | 10.025 | 0 | 517,058 | 517,058 |
Wildlife Services | 10.028 | 0 | 224,085 | 224,085 |
Farm Service Agency Taxpayer Outreach Education and Technical Assistance (American Rescue Plan Assistance) | 10.146 | 0 | 393,014 | 393,014 |
Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program | 10.156 | 0 | 102,179 | 102,179 |
Market Protection and Promotion | 10.163 | 0 | 14,235 | 14,235 |
Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill | 10.170 | 0 | 351,269 | 351,269 |
Grants for Agricultural Research, Special Research Grants | 10.200 | 0 | 45,957 | 45,957 |
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education | 10.215 | 0 | 105,746 | 105,746 |
Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research | 10.219 | 0 | 146,800 | 146,800 |
Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement | 10.229 | 0 | 12,556 | 12,556 |
Agricultural Market and Economic Research | 10.290 | 6,109 | 29,831 | 35,940 |
Integrated Programs | 10.303 | 0 | 60,170 | 60,170 |
Food and Agriculture Defense Initiative (FADI) | 10.304 | 0 | 81,822 | 81,822 |
Specialty Crop Research Initiative | 10.309 | 34,395 | 293,192 | 327,587 |
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) | 10.310 | 28,470 | 391,975 | 420,445 |
Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program | 10.311 | 96,170 | 90,569 | 186,739 |
Capacity Building for Non-Land Grant Colleges of Agriculture (NLGCA) | 10.326 | 0 | 105,181 | 105,181 |
Crop Protection and Pest Management Competitive Grants Program | 10.329 | 8,942 | 270,266 | 279,208 |
Enhancing Agricultural Opportunities for Military Veterans Competitive Grants Program | 10.334 | 18,397 | 66,901 | 85,298 |
Veterinary Services Grant Program | 10.336 | 23,411 | 47,608 | 71,019 |
Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers | 10.443 | 6,085 | 114,819 | 120,904 |
Cooperative Extension Service | 10.500 | 56,479 | 958,674 | 1,015,153 |
Smith-Lever Extension Funding | 10.511 | 0 | 19,717,261 | 19,717,261 |
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program | 10.514 | 0 | 4,243,711 | 4,243,711 |
Renewable Resources Extension Act | 10.515 | 0 | 96,109 | 96,109 |
Rural Health and Safety Education Competitive Grants Program | 10.516 | 0 | 125,918 | 125,918 |
Forest Health Protection | 10.680 | 0 | 17,168 | 17,168 |
Soil and Water Conservation | 10.902 | 25,450 | 3,356 | 28,806 |
Environmental Quality Incentives Program | 10.912 | 0 | 267,539 | 267,539 |
Feral Swine Eradication and Control Pilot Program | 10.934 | 0 | 270,160 | 270,160 |
Technical Agricultural Assistance | 10.960 | 0 | 6,157 | 6,157 |
Sea Grant Support | 11.417 | 0 | 27,158 | 27,158 |
Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards | 11.419 | 0 | 158,691 | 158,691 |
Conservation and Rehabilitation of Natural Resources on Military Installations | 12.005 | 0 | 2,804,854 | 2,804,854 |
Basic and Applied Scientific Research | 12.300 | 75,843 | 671,042 | 746,885 |
Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering | 12.630 | 0 | 334,617 | 334,617 |
Legacy Resource Management Program | 12.632 | 0 | 45,103 | 45,103 |
Community Development Block Grants/State's program and Non-Entitlement Grants in Hawaii | 14.228 | 0 | 250,301 | 250,301 |
Cooperative Watershed Management | 15.554 | 36,760 | 15,026 | 51,786 |
State Wildlife Grants | 15.634 | 0 | 27,887 | 27,887 |
Environmental and Scientific Partnerships and Programs | 19.017 | 0 | 67,662 | 67,662 |
Donation of Federal Surplus Personal Property | 39.003 | 0 | 455 | 455 |
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences | 47.075 | 0 | 1,031 | 1,031 |
Water Pollution Control State, Interstate, and Tribal Program Support | 66.419 | 0 | 402,908 | 402,908 |
Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Training Grants and Cooperative Agreements - Section 104(b)(3) of the Clean Water Act | 66.436 | 0 | 26,031 | 26,031 |
Nonpoint Source Implementation Grants | 66.460 | 0 | 1,848,303 | 1,848,303 |
Geographic Programs - Gulf of Mexico Program | 66.475 | 0 | 78,351 | 78,351 |
Performance Partnership Grants | 66.605 | 0 | 12,333 | 12,333 |
Research, Development, Monitoring, Public Education, Outreach, Training, Demonstrations, and Studies | 66.716 | 0 | 5,073 | 5,073 |
Healthy Marriage Promotion and Responsible Fatherhood Grants | 93.086 | 0 | 853,806 | 853,806 |
Occupational Safety and Health Program | 93.262 | 0 | 9,424 | 9,424 |
Outreach Programs to Reduce the Prevalence of Obesity in High Risk Rural Areas | 93.319 | 20,070 | 1,305,335 | 1,325,405 |
Strengthening Public Health Systems and Services through National Partnerships to Improve and Protect the Nation's Health | 93.421 | 0 | 19,700 | 19,700 |
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service | 93.632 | 0 | 24,700 | 24,700 |
Disaster Grants - Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters) | 97.036 | 0 | 43,771 | 43,771 |
Cooperating Technical Partners | 97.045 | 0 | 579,845 | 579,845 |
Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research | 10.001 | 0 | 15,359 | 15,359 |
Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care | 10.025 | 0 | 9,589 | 9,589 |
Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill | 10.170 | 0 | 2,705 | 2,705 |
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) | 10.310 | 0 | 8,073 | 8,073 |
Crop Protection and Pest Management Competitive Grants Program | 10.329 | 0 | 3,468 | 3,468 |
Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers | 10.443 | 0 | 18,913 | 18,913 |
Environmental Quality Incentives Program | 10.912 | 0 | 2,138 | 2,138 |
Environmental Public Health and Emergency Response | 93.070 | 0 | 5,553 | 5,553 |
Strengthening Public Health Systems and Services through National Partnerships to Improve and Protect the Nation's Health | 93.421 | 0 | 26,764 | 26,764 |
Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education and Safety | 15.611 | 0 | 222,376 | 222,376 |
State and Community Highway Safety | 20.600 | 0 | 2,349,473 | 2,349,473 |
SNAP | ||||
State Administrative Matching Grants for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program | 10.561 | 0 | 7,607,007 | 7,607,007 |
Total | 436,581 | 49,213,895 | 49,650,476 |