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State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency*
For the Year Ended Aug. 31, 2023
(Values are rounded before totaling)

* 2 CFR, Part 200, Subpart F (Uniform Guidance), Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, will be presented under separate cover and is available for view, download or print on FMX’s Single Audit Report Package for Texas page.

Note: For programs without Assistance Listing numbers (ALNs), individual award numbers and amounts are available on request.

Department of Agriculture

Summary of Federal Expenditures
ALN NameALN #Pass-through to
non-state entities
Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 10.025 0 1,907,598 1,907,598
Market News 10.153 0 9,750 9,750
Market Protection and Promotion 10.163 0 1,240,606 1,240,606
Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 10.170 843,560 591,463 1,435,023
Organic Certification Cost Share Programs 10.171 19,155 0 19,155
Pandemic Relief Activities: Farm and Food Worker Relief Grant Program 10.181 0 353,135 353,135
Pandemic Relief Activities: Local Food Purchase Agreements with States, Tribes, and Local Governments 10.182 11,540,503 101,330 11,641,833
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) Commodity Credit Corporation Eligible Recipient Funds 10.187 2,020,627 0 2,020,627
Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Competitive Grants Program 10.525 286,605 0 286,605
Child Nutrition-Technology Innovation Grant 10.541 0 545,444 545,444
Child and Adult Care Food Program 10.558 518,782,199 5,045,509 523,827,708
State Administrative Expenses for Child Nutrition 10.560 14,151,214 24,060,197 38,211,411
WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) 10.572 353,308 18,817 372,125
Team Nutrition Grants 10.574 760 41,905 42,665
Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program 10.576 237,934 25,880 263,814
Child Nutrition Discretionary Grants Limited Availability 10.579 4,271,012 0 4,271,012
Market Access Program 10.601 0 13,324 13,324
Emerging Markets Program 10.603 124,713 0 124,713
Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops Program 10.604 44,000 0 44,000
Farm to School State Formula Grant 10.645 0 23,872 23,872
Pandemic EBT Administrative Costs 10.649 2,135,464 628 2,136,092
Community Development Block Grants/State's program and Non-Entitlement Grants in Hawaii 14.228 64,329,364 1,622,884 65,952,248
CORONAVIRUS STATE AND LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUNDS 21.027 30,817,783 -704,770 30,113,013
Donation of Federal Surplus Personal Property 39.003 0 163 163
State Trade Expansion 59.061 234,704 2,955 237,659
Multipurpose Grants to States and Tribes 66.204 0 8,343 8,343
Consolidated Pesticide Enforcement Cooperative Agreements 66.700 0 1,151,454 1,151,454
Food and Drug Administration Research 93.103 0 840,660 840,660
Rural Health Research Centers 93.155 10,023,444 129,076 10,152,520
State Rural Hospital Flexibility Program 93.241 0 1,173,430 1,173,430
Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program 93.301 1,294,306 310,897 1,605,203
Activities to Support State, Tribal, Local and Territorial (STLT) Health Department Response to Public Health or Healthcare Crises 93.391 95,769 805 96,574
Grants to States for Operation of State Offices of Rural Health 93.913 0 217,157 217,157


Unallied Management Projects 11.454 0 764,001 764,001


School Breakfast Program 10.553 5,567,079 0 5,567,079
National School Lunch Program 10.555 383,008,575 82,032 383,090,607
Summer Food Service Program for Children 10.559 20,693,740 805,410 21,499,150
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program 10.582 11,323,522 0 11,323,522


Commodity Supplemental Food Program 10.565 36,866,666 121,063 36,987,729
Emergency Food Assistance Program (Administrative Costs) 10.568 14,312,281 313,005 14,625,286
Emergency Food Assistance Program (Food Commodities) 10.569 161,014,796 0 161,014,796
Total   1,294,393,083 40,818,023 1,335,211,106