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State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency*
For the Year Ended Aug. 31, 2023
(Values are rounded before totaling)

* 2 CFR, Part 200, Subpart F (Uniform Guidance), Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, will be presented under separate cover and is available for view, download or print on FMX’s Single Audit Report Package for Texas page.

Note: For programs without Assistance Listing numbers (ALNs), individual award numbers and amounts are available on request.

Governor - Fiscal

Summary of Federal Expenditures
ALN NameALN #Pass-through to
non-state entities
Sexual Assault Services Formula Program 16.017 957,793 0 957,793
Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program 16.034 1,332,647 6,282 1,338,929
Antiterrorism Emergency Reserve 16.321 902,567 38,138 940,705
Crime Victim Assistance 16.575 74,710,384 3,477,294 78,187,678
Violence Against Women Formula Grants 16.588 10,129,334 308,507 10,437,841
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners 16.593 2,405,222 0 2,405,222
Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program 16.607 1,060 0 1,060
Project Safe Neighborhoods 16.609 814,646 0 814,646
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program 16.738 10,869,720 1,090,294 11,960,014
Paul Coverdell Forensic Sciences Improvement Grant Program 16.742 1,356,646 0 1,356,646
CORONAVIRUS STATE AND LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUNDS 21.027 120,196,892 67,185,743 187,382,635
Non-Profit Security Program 97.008 5,494,480 47,463 5,541,943
Homeland Security Grant Program 97.067 85,110,585 2,552,060 87,662,645


WIOA Dislocated Worker Formula Grants 17.278 0 855,750 855,750
Total   314,281,976 75,561,531 389,843,507