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State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency*
For the Year Ended Aug. 31, 2022
(Values are rounded before totaling)

* 2 CFR, Part 200, Subpart F (Uniform Guidance), Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, will be presented under separate cover and is available for view, download or print on FMX’s Single Audit Report Package for Texas page.

Note: For programs without assistance listing numbers (ALNs), individual award numbers and amounts are available on request.

Parks and Wildlife Department

Summary of Federal Expenditures
ALN NameALN #Pass-through to
non-state entities
Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program 10.093 61,229 368,432 429,661
Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 11.419 0 83,060 83,060
Cooperative Fishery Statistics 11.434 0 343,796 343,796
Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program 11.435 0 314,440 314,440
Unallied Management Projects 11.454 0 97,944 97,944
Unallied Science Program 11.472 0 -1,384 -1,384
U.S. Department of Defense 12.000 0 368,852 368,852
Flood Control Projects 12.106 0 -678 -678
Recreation Resources Management 15.524 0 15,250 15,250
Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance 15.608 0 64,727 64,727
Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration 15.614 1,222,807 0 1,222,807
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund 15.615 825,795 3,863 829,658
Clean Vessel Act 15.616 66,450 0 66,450
Sportfishing and Boating Safety Act 15.622 0 -176 -176
North American Wetlands Conservation Fund 15.623 0 20,000 20,000
Partners for Fish and Wildlife 15.631 167,262 155,311 322,573
State Wildlife Grants 15.634 0 169,127 169,127
National Outreach and Communication 15.653 0 6,863 6,863
White-nose Syndrome National Response Implementation 15.684 0 16,253 16,253
Outdoor Recreation Acquisition, Development and Planning 15.916 4,959,944 0 4,959,944
Donation of Federal Surplus Personal Property 39.003 0 3,682 3,682
Food and Drug Administration Research 93.103 0 33,985 33,985
Activities to Support State, Tribal, Local and Territorial (STLT) Health Department Response to Public Health or Healthcare Crises 93.391 72,584 0 72,584
Boating Safety Financial Assistance 97.012 0 4,752,810 4,752,810
Disaster Grants - Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters) 97.036 0 187,837 187,837
Port Security Grant Program 97.056 0 473,701 473,701


Wildlife Services 10.028 0 89,630 89,630
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 10.683 0 2,637 2,637
Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 11.022 368,300 4,060,111 4,428,411
Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act of 1986 11.407 0 402,833 402,833
Cooperative Fishery Statistics 11.434 0 93,320 93,320
Regional Fishery Management Councils 11.441 0 32,402 32,402
Sport Fish Restoration 15.605 1,930,529 3,524,977 5,455,506
Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance 15.608 27,442 31,459 58,901
Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education 15.611 390,465 6,442,828 6,833,293
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund 15.615 111,725 296,355 408,080
State Wildlife Grants 15.634 315,240 1,518,726 1,833,966
Endangered Species Recovery Implementation 15.657 7,609 7,880 15,489
White-nose Syndrome National Response Implementation 15.684 0 8,487 8,487
Cooperative Research and Training Programs - Resources of the National Park System 15.945 0 1,250 1,250


Sport Fish Restoration 15.605 2,112 11,747,210 11,749,322
Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education 15.611 5,313,444 21,666,307 26,979,751
Enhanced Hunter Education and Safety 15.626 0 205,449 205,449


Recreational Trails Program 20.219 1,957,524 748,695 2,706,219
Total   17,800,461 58,358,251 76,158,712