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State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency*
For the Year Ended Aug. 31, 2022
(Values are rounded before totaling)

* 2 CFR, Part 200, Subpart F (Uniform Guidance), Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, will be presented under separate cover and is available for view, download or print on FMX’s Single Audit Report Package for Texas page.

Note: For programs without assistance listing numbers (ALNs), individual award numbers and amounts are available on request.

Texas State University

Summary of Federal Expenditures
ALN NameALN #Pass-through to
non-state entities
1890 Institution Capacity Building Grants 10.216 0 6,732 6,732
Hispanic Serving Institutions Education Grants 10.223 0 86,297 86,297
Consumer Data and Nutrition Research 10.253 0 10,919 10,919
Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields 10.318 0 20,368 20,368
Child and Adult Care Food Program 10.558 0 21,662 21,662
Cooperative Forestry Assistance 10.664 0 40,000 40,000
Soil and Water Conservation 10.902 0 115,709 115,709
U.S. Department of Defense 12.000 0 96 96
DOD, NDEP, DOTC-STEM Education Outreach Implementation 12.560 0 13,404 13,404
U.S. Department of the Interior 15.000 0 367 367
SECURE Water Act - Research Agreements 15.560 0 52,940 52,940
Law Enforcement Assistance FBI Advanced Police Training 16.300 0 987,104 987,104
Law Enforcement Assistance FBI Field Police Training 16.302 0 71,262 71,262
Grants to Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking on Campus 16.525 0 11,942 11,942
Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program 16.751 0 183 183
Second Chance Act Reentry Initiative 16.812 0 23,787 23,787
STOP School Violence 16.839 152,148 732,341 884,489
Occupational Safety and Health Susan Harwood Training Grants 17.502 0 116,861 116,861
Public Diplomacy Programs 19.040 0 69 69
Highway Research and Development Program 20.200 0 53,930 53,930
Highway Training and Education 20.215 0 27,131 27,131
Donation of Federal Surplus Personal Property 39.003 0 336 336
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 43.000 0 30,340 30,340
Science 43.001 0 1,379,357 1,379,357
Exploration 43.003 0 6,810 6,810
Space Operations 43.007 124,344 16,301 140,645
Office of Stem Engagement (OSTEM) 43.008 149,410 2,869,315 3,018,725
Promotion of the Humanities Federal/State Partnership 45.129 0 11,735 11,735
Promotion of the Humanities Challenge Grants 45.130 0 5,233 5,233
Promotion of the Humanities Fellowships and Stipends 45.160 0 4 4
Promotion of the Humanities Research 45.161 32,910 15,138 48,048
Promotion of the Humanities Public Programs 45.164 0 36,831 36,831
Grants to States 45.310 0 7,423 7,423
Engineering 47.041 0 481,782 481,782
Mathematical and Physical Sciences 47.049 0 799,333 799,333
Geosciences 47.050 0 11,795 11,795
Computer and Information Science and Engineering 47.070 55,803 1,079,101 1,134,904
Biological Sciences 47.074 0 389,243 389,243
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 47.075 24,705 179,763 204,468
STEM Education (formerly Education and Human Resources) 47.076 194,639 2,209,222 2,403,861
Office of International Science and Engineering 47.079 0 32,239 32,239
NSF Technology, Innovation and Partnerships 47.084 0 22,476 22,476
Veterans Information and Assistance 64.115 0 33,228 33,228
Gulf of Mexico Program 66.475 0 11,230 11,230
Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 81.049 0 152,400 152,400
Renewable Energy Research and Development 81.087 28,000 78,931 106,931
Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program 81.124 0 31,164 31,164
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 93.000 0 29,889 29,889
Sexual Risk Avoidance Education 93.060 26,727 383,463 410,190
Prevention of Disease, Disability, and Death by Infectious Diseases 93.084 0 10,055 10,055
Healthy Marriage Promotion and Responsible Fatherhood Grants 93.086 5,377 934,202 939,579
Food and Drug Administration Research 93.103 0 1,622,640 1,622,640
Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs 93.110 0 35,561 35,561
Human Genome Research 93.172 0 53,049 53,049
Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 93.213 0 145,634 145,634
Mental Health Research Grants 93.242 0 53,437 53,437
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Projects of Regional and National Significance 93.243 0 20 20
Immunization Cooperative Agreements 93.268 0 133,395 133,395
Alcohol Research Programs 93.273 0 235,330 235,330
Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 93.279 95,927 82,905 178,832
Research Infrastructure Programs 93.351 0 95,641 95,641
Nursing Research 93.361 0 32,558 32,558
Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 93.393 0 109,429 109,429
Cancer Treatment Research 93.395 54,986 94,330 149,316
Cancer Biology Research 93.396 0 95,674 95,674
ACL National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 93.433 0 113,281 113,281
Mental and Behavioral Health Education and Training Grants 93.732 0 138,877 138,877
Biomedical Research and Research Training 93.859 26,313 458,742 485,055
Aging Research 93.866 0 516 516
Block Grants for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse 93.959 0 463,970 463,970
State and Local Homeland Security National Training Program 97.005 1,186,652 1,222,828 2,409,480
Hazard Mitigation Grant 97.039 0 359 359
Assistance to Firefighters Grant 97.044 0 423,542 423,542
USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas 98.001 40,000 80,943 120,943
Hispanic-Serving Institutions - Science Technology Engineering or Mathematics and Articulation Programs 84.031C 0 1,065,644 1,065,644
Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program 84.031S 0 379,979 379,979
Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need 84.200A 0 8,244 8,244
K-12 Congressionally Funded Community Projects 84.215K 0 15,385 15,385
Special Education Research Cognition and Student Learning 84.324A 41,297 345,104 386,401
Research to Accelerate Pandemic Recovery in Special Education 84.324X 0 171 171
Interdisciplinary Preparation in Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services for Personnel Serving Children with Disabilities who have High-Intensity Needs 84.325K 0 300,112 300,112
National Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports 84.326S 0 64,934 64,934
Governors Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund 84.425C 0 3,777,205 3,777,205
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Student Aid Portion 84.425E 0 47,290,070 47,290,070
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Institutional Portion 84.425F 0 63,368,779 63,368,779
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) 84.425L 0 6,949,069 6,949,069


Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 10.001 0 6,632 6,632
Grants for Agricultural Research, Special Research Grants 10.200 0 154,246 154,246
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 10.215 0 944 944
Hispanic Serving Institutions Education Grants 10.223 0 133,666 133,666
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 10.310 0 177,767 177,767
Capacity Building for Non-Land Grant Colleges of Agriculture (NLGCA) 10.326 0 133,953 133,953
Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers 10.443 0 180,218 180,218
Environmental Quality Incentives Program 10.912 0 27,275 27,275
Sea Grant Support 11.417 0 29,208 29,208
Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 11.419 0 155,042 155,042
Measurement and Engineering Research and Standards 11.609 0 107,859 107,859
Conservation and Rehabilitation of Natural Resources on Military Installations 12.005 0 457 457
Collaborative Research and Development 12.114 0 955,761 955,761
Basic and Applied Scientific Research 12.300 0 364,802 364,802
Navy Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance 12.335 0 210 210
Military Medical Research and Development 12.420 0 2,000 2,000
Centers for Academic Excellence 12.598 0 13,876 13,876
Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering 12.630 30,185 1,741,730 1,771,915
Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 12.800 0 55,912 55,912
Mathematical Sciences Grants 12.901 0 66,189 66,189
Research and Technology Development 12.910 0 108,018 108,018
Cultural and Paleontological Resources Management 15.224 0 39,102 39,102
Water Desalination Research and Development 15.506 0 81,487 81,487
Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance 15.608 0 72,414 72,414
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund 15.615 0 120,482 120,482
State Wildlife Grants 15.634 0 136,768 136,768
Endangered Species Recovery Implementation 15.657 0 17,156 17,156
Candidate Species Conservation 15.660 4,374 45,290 49,664
NFWF-USFWS Conservation Partnership 15.663 0 8,191 8,191
Cooperative Landscape Conservation 15.669 0 5,988 5,988
National Park Service Conservation, Protection, Outreach, and Education 15.954 0 388 388
National Institute of Justice Research, Evaluation, and Development Project Grants 16.560 313,149 827,213 1,140,362
Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing Grants 16.710 0 10,244,162 10,244,162
STEM Education (formerly Education and Human Resources) 47.076 0 92,133 92,133
Small Business Development Centers 59.037 0 500,644 500,644
Nonpoint Source Implementation Grants 66.460 0 493,448 493,448
Biomedical Research and Research Training 93.859 0 243,080 243,080
Disaster Grants - Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters) 97.036 0 621,229 621,229
Education Research 84.305A 93,617 93,440 187,057


Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education 15.611 0 136,353 136,353


Highway Planning and Construction 20.205 0 96,449 96,449


State and Community Highway Safety 20.600 0 131,734 131,734


Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants 84.007 0 1,844,947 1,844,947
Federal Work-Study Program 84.033 0 1,320,910 1,320,910
Federal Pell Grant Program 84.063 0 61,360,799 61,360,799
Federal Direct Student Loans 84.268 0 172,610,506 172,610,506
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grants (TEACH Grants) 84.379 0 15,088 15,088
Postsecondary Education Scholarships for Veteran's Dependents 84.408 0 10,370 10,370
Scholarships for Health Professions Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds 93.925 0 286,908 286,908


TRIO Student Support Services 84.042A 0 550,160 550,160
TRIO Talent Search 84.044A 0 1,085,043 1,085,043
TRIO Upward Bound 84.047A 0 718,508 718,508
Total   2,680,563 401,124,955 403,805,518