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State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency*
For the Year Ended Aug. 31, 2022
(Values are rounded before totaling)

* 2 CFR, Part 200, Subpart F (Uniform Guidance), Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, will be presented under separate cover and is available for view, download or print on FMX’s Single Audit Report Package for Texas page.

Note: For programs without assistance listing numbers (ALNs), individual award numbers and amounts are available on request.

Midwestern State University

Summary of Federal Expenditures
ALN NameALN #Pass-through to
non-state entities
National Land Remote Sensing Education Outreach and Research 15.815 0 16,929 16,929
Grants to States 45.310 0 1,301 1,301
Small Business Development Centers 59.037 0 147,752 147,752
Area Health Education Centers 93.107 0 128,835 128,835
Mental and Behavioral Health Education and Training Grants 93.732 0 40,891 40,891
Governors Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund 84.425C 0 389,750 389,750
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Student Aid Portion 84.425E 0 5,642,942 5,642,942
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Institutional Portion 84.425F 0 5,977,207 5,977,207
HEERF Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP) 84.425M 0 225,352 225,352


Mathematical and Physical Sciences 47.049 0 424 424
Geosciences 47.050 0 30,130 30,130
Biological Sciences 47.074 0 28,098 28,098
Advanced Nursing Education Workforce Grant Program 93.247 0 495,681 495,681
Trans-NIH Research Support 93.310 0 235,630 235,630


Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants 84.007 0 313,631 313,631
Federal Work-Study Program 84.033 0 106,949 106,949
Federal Pell Grant Program 84.063 0 10,097,589 10,097,589
Federal Direct Student Loans 84.268 0 25,771,409 25,771,409
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grants (TEACH Grants) 84.379 0 8,933 8,933


TRIO Student Support Services 84.042A 0 248,791 248,791
Total   0 49,908,224 49,908,224