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State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency*
For the Year Ended Aug. 31, 2022
(Values are rounded before totaling)

* 2 CFR, Part 200, Subpart F (Uniform Guidance), Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, will be presented under separate cover and is available for view, download or print on FMX’s Single Audit Report Package for Texas page.

Note: For programs without assistance listing numbers (ALNs), individual award numbers and amounts are available on request.

University of Texas at Austin

Summary of Federal Expenditures
ALN NameALN #Pass-through to
non-state entities
Peace Corps 08.000 0 41,374 41,374
Child and Adult Care Food Program 10.558 0 71,521 71,521
State Administrative Expenses for Child Nutrition 10.560 0 934 934
Pandemic EBT Administrative Costs 10.649 0 614 614
U.S. Department of Commerce 11.000 0 19,404 19,404
Ocean Acidification Program (OAP) 11.017 0 28,553 28,553
Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 11.022 0 3,923,974 3,923,974
Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 11.419 0 99,162 99,162
U.S. Department of Defense 12.000 0 152,265 152,265
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Education, Outreach and Workforce Program 12.330 0 100,149 100,149
The Language Flagship Grants to Institutions of Higher Education 12.550 0 405,871 405,871
Economic Adjustment Assistance for State Governments 12.617 300,954 47,031 347,985
GenCyber Grants Program 12.903 0 24,594 24,594
Community Development Block Grants/State's program and Non-Entitlement Grants in Hawaii 14.228 0 1,037,415 1,037,415
Cultural Resources Management 15.511 0 1,293 1,293
Migratory Bird Conservation 15.647 0 19,350 19,350
Cooperative Research and Training Programs - Resources of the National Park System 15.945 0 2,007 2,007
Grants to Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking on Campus 16.525 0 64,858 64,858
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 16.540 0 415,358 415,358
National Institute of Justice Research, Evaluation, and Development Project Grants 16.560 0 51,416 51,416
Crime Victim Assistance 16.575 0 16,084 16,084
Violence Against Women Formula Grants 16.588 0 408,905 408,905
Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program 16.607 0 1,719 1,719
Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program 16.817 0 48,986 48,986
Mine Health and Safety Grants 17.600 0 44,694 44,694
Academic Exchange Programs - Undergraduate Programs 19.009 0 16,165 16,165
Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs Appropriation Overseas Grants 19.022 0 823 823
Public Diplomacy Programs 19.040 0 107,553 107,553
Science 43.001 0 561,170 561,170
Space Technology 43.012 0 150,508 150,508
Promotion of the Humanities Federal/State Partnership 45.129 0 1,841 1,841
Promotion of the Humanities Division of Preservation and Access 45.149 0 32,025 32,025
Promotion of the Humanities Fellowships and Stipends 45.160 0 116,196 116,196
Promotion of the Humanities Office of Digital Humanities 45.169 14,000 82,789 96,789
Grants to States 45.310 0 7,063 7,063
Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program 45.313 0 67,070 67,070
National Science Foundation 47.000 0 495,775 495,775
Mathematical and Physical Sciences 47.049 0 424,277 424,277
Geosciences 47.050 0 131,230 131,230
Computer and Information Science and Engineering 47.070 0 768,735 768,735
Biological Sciences 47.074 0 169,457 169,457
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 47.075 0 25,272 25,272
Water Pollution Control State, Interstate, and Tribal Program Support 66.419 0 64,604 64,604
Water Quality Management Planning 66.454 0 16,997 16,997
Performance Partnership Grants 66.605 38,754 459,417 498,171
Nuclear Regulatory Commission 77.000 0 30,413 30,413
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Scholarship and Fellowship Program 77.008 0 37,554 37,554
State Energy Program 81.041 70,000 377,559 447,559
Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 81.049 0 686 686
Nuclear Energy Research, Development and Demonstration 81.121 0 64,691 64,691
U.S. Department of Education 84.000 0 539,494 539,494
National Historical Publications and Records Grants 89.003 0 26,063 26,063
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 93.000 0 16,663 16,663
Medical Reserve Corps Small Grant Program 93.008 0 3,932 3,932
Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities - Prevention and Surveillance 93.073 23,170 561,281 584,451
Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 93.121 0 61,166 61,166
Emergency Medical Services for Children 93.127 0 268,897 268,897
Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 93.173 0 151,730 151,730
Graduate Psychology Education 93.191 0 365,713 365,713
Mental Health Research Grants 93.242 0 1,531 1,531
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Projects of Regional and National Significance 93.243 136,820 2,149,867 2,286,687
Alcohol Research Programs 93.273 0 39,625 39,625
Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 93.279 0 240,470 240,470
Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 93.286 0 154,482 154,482
Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) 93.323 0 157,481 157,481
Nursing Research 93.361 0 160,666 160,666
Cancer Research Manpower 93.398 0 74,469 74,469
Improving the Health of Americans through Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke 93.426 0 307,500 307,500
Innovative State and Local Public Health Strategies to prevent and Manage Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke- 93.435 0 193,000 193,000
ACL Assistive Technology 93.464 0 404,539 404,539
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families 93.558 0 82,845 82,845
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service 93.632 0 434,796 434,796
Adoption Opportunities 93.652 855,094 1,527,912 2,383,006
Mental and Behavioral Health Education and Training Grants 93.732 95,688 776,781 872,469
Cardiovascular Diseases Research 93.837 0 16,356 16,356
Biomedical Research and Research Training 93.859 0 45,436 45,436
Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 93.865 0 36,534 36,534
Medical Library Assistance 93.879 0 -17,414 -17,414
Block Grants for Community Mental Health Services 93.958 302,397 572,964 875,361
Block Grants for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse 93.959 0 2,715,307 2,715,307
Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant to the States 93.994 0 487,403 487,403
Assisted Outpatient Treatment 93.997 0 119,722 119,722
AmeriCorps State and National 94.006 94.006 0 621,049 621,049
Disaster Grants - Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters) 97.036 0 478,335 478,335
Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies 84.010A 0 1,172,273 1,172,273
National Resource Centers Program 84.015A 0 1,124,390 1,124,390
Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships 84.015B 0 1,516,098 1,516,098
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program 84.022A 0 66,128 66,128
Title III Part A Programs - Strengthening Institutions Program 84.031A 0 5,006 5,006
Language Resource Centers 84.229A 0 112,647 112,647
Research Training Programs in Special Education 84.324B 0 158,771 158,771
Preparation of Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services Leadership Personnel 84.325D 0 67,886 67,886
Leadership Consortia in Sensory Disabilities and Disabilities Associated with Intensive Service Needs 84.325H 0 175,542 175,542
Interdisciplinary Preparation in Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services for Personnel Serving Children with Disabilities who have High-Intensity Needs 84.325K 0 237,569 237,569
Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs 84.334A 0 7,653,365 7,653,365
English Language Acquisition State Grants 84.365A 0 38,216 38,216
Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants, Title II, Part A 84.367A 0 31,153 31,153
Education Innovation and Research - Early-phase grants 84.411C 0 93,930 93,930
Supporting Effective Educator Development Program 84.423A 123,020 1,081,728 1,204,748
Student Support and Academic Enrichment Program 84.424A 0 51,879 51,879
Governors Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund 84.425C 0 384,000 384,000
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund 84.425D 0 1,475,201 1,475,201
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Student Aid Portion 84.425E 0 52,296,669 52,296,669
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Institutional Portion 84.425F 0 72,117,128 72,117,128
American Rescue Plan - Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) 84.425U 0 1,669,886 1,669,886


Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 10.025 0 21,254 21,254
Conservation Reserve Program 10.069 0 45,410 45,410
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 10.310 0 329,191 329,191
Cooperative Forestry Assistance 10.664 0 7,065 7,065
U.S. Department of Commerce 11.000 0 55,579 55,579
NOAA Mission-Related Education Awards 11.008 0 59,649 59,649
Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) 11.012 0 192,108 192,108
Sea Grant Support 11.417 10,351 46,370 56,721
Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 11.419 29,790 120,804 150,594
Coastal Zone Management Estuarine Research Reserves 11.420 0 691,149 691,149
Climate and Atmospheric Research 11.431 23,306 157,145 180,451
Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Science, Observation, Monitoring, and Technology 11.451 0 772 772
Weather and Air Quality Research 11.459 0 103,551 103,551
Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research Coastal Ocean Program 11.478 0 79,687 79,687
Measurement and Engineering Research and Standards 11.609 0 277,361 277,361
Marine Debris Program 11.999 0 34,958 34,958
U.S. Department of Defense 12.000 1,002,493 9,315,454 10,317,947
Basic and Applied Scientific Research 12.300 8,765,751 167,964,008 176,729,759
Scientific Research - Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction 12.351 363,130 669,118 1,032,248
Military Medical Research and Development 12.420 244,852 1,552,178 1,797,030
Basic Scientific Research 12.431 231,729 9,760,472 9,992,201
DOD, NDEP, DOTC-STEM Education Outreach Implementation 12.560 0 25 25
Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering 12.630 0 693,156 693,156
Uniformed Services University Medical Research Projects 12.750 0 56,733 56,733
Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program 12.800 3,178,708 5,602,959 8,781,667
Research and Technology Development 12.910 58,900 3,652,177 3,711,077
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 14.000 21,541 306,653 328,194
Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 14.218 0 16,637 16,637
U.S. Department of the Interior 15.000 0 87,247 87,247
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Environmental Studies (ES) 15.423 45,231 26,018 71,249
Marine Minerals Activities 15.424 0 34,074 34,074
Safety and Environmental Research and Data Collection for Offshore Energy and Mineral Activities 15.441 0 81,124 81,124
Cultural Resources Management 15.511 0 7,501 7,501
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund 15.615 0 39,542 39,542
State Wildlife Grants 15.634 0 392,010 392,010
Fish and Wildlife Coordination and Assistance 15.664 0 41,981 41,981
Assistance to State Water Resources Research Institutes 15.805 0 5,000 5,000
Earthquake Hazards Program Assistance 15.807 0 235,060 235,060
U.S. Geological Survey Research and Data Collection 15.808 0 49,101 49,101
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping 15.810 0 486,899 486,899
National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation 15.814 0 20,415 20,415
Cooperative Research and Training Programs - Resources of the National Park System 15.945 0 89,625 89,625
U.S. Department of Justice 16.000 0 86,209 86,209
National Institute of Justice Research, Evaluation, and Development Project Grants 16.560 0 132,352 132,352
Juvenile Mentoring Program 16.726 0 45,818 45,818
U.S. Department of Labor 17.000 0 78,238 78,238
Mine Health and Safety Grants 17.600 0 677,841 677,841
Academic Exchange Programs - Undergraduate Programs 19.009 0 291,259 291,259
Investing in People in The Middle East and North Africa 19.021 0 48,359 48,359
Academic Exchange Programs - Graduate Students 19.400 0 25,207 25,207
Professional and Cultural Exchange Programs - Citizen Exchanges 19.415 0 17,231 17,231
Public Diplomacy Programs for Afghanistan and Pakistan 19.501 0 75,219 75,219
AEECA/ESF PD Programs 19.900 0 45,000 45,000
U.S. Department of Transportation 20.000 0 324,118 324,118
Air Transportation Centers of Excellence 20.109 0 148,257 148,257
Highway Research and Development Program 20.200 64,268 223,446 287,714
Highway Planning and Construction 20.205 0 82,356 82,356
Highway Training and Education 20.215 0 14,628 14,628
University Transportation Centers Program 20.701 322,778 909,899 1,232,677
Pipeline Safety Research Competitive Academic Agreement Program (CAAP) 20.724 0 67,509 67,509
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 43.000 175,067 3,228,870 3,403,937
Science 43.001 319,265 11,381,986 11,701,251
Aeronautics 43.002 289,983 474,670 764,653
Exploration 43.003 0 113,953 113,953
Office of Stem Engagement (OSTEM) 43.008 6,513 894,262 900,775
Safety, Security and Mission Services 43.009 0 211 211
Space Technology 43.012 0 496,596 496,596
Promotion of the Arts Grants to Organizations and Individuals 45.024 0 29,599 29,599
Promotion of the Humanities Federal/State Partnership 45.129 0 4,738 4,738
Promotion of the Humanities Division of Preservation and Access 45.149 0 60,003 60,003
Promotion of the Humanities Research 45.161 0 10,049 10,049
Promotion of the Humanities Public Programs 45.164 0 89,146 89,146
Promotion of the Humanities Office of Digital Humanities 45.169 0 55,750 55,750
Museums for America 45.301 0 -4,406 -4,406
Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program 45.313 0 145,863 145,863
National Science Foundation 47.000 0 315,380 315,380
Engineering 47.041 1,033,731 17,911,536 18,945,267
Mathematical and Physical Sciences 47.049 354,844 17,542,067 17,896,911
Geosciences 47.050 633,264 8,524,356 9,157,620
Computer and Information Science and Engineering 47.070 3,081,584 43,455,168 46,536,752
Biological Sciences 47.074 2,740,340 7,327,356 10,067,696
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 47.075 57,676 2,724,747 2,782,423
STEM Education (formerly Education and Human Resources) 47.076 533,304 8,252,966 8,786,270
Polar Programs 47.078 0 424,405 424,405
Office of International Science and Engineering 47.079 80,677 448,496 529,173
Integrative Activities 47.083 120,869 399,137 520,006
NSF Technology, Innovation and Partnerships 47.084 0 65,879 65,879
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 64.000 0 196,289 196,289
Environmental Protection Agency 66.000 25,328 452,273 477,601
Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Research Program 66.509 117,355 438,982 556,337
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Scholarship and Fellowship Program 77.008 0 110,995 110,995
U.S. Department of Energy 81.000 258,898 15,530,735 15,789,633
Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 81.049 3,498,287 15,280,749 18,779,036
Conservation Research and Development 81.086 2,740 1,104,329 1,107,069
Renewable Energy Research and Development 81.087 27,956 1,145,217 1,173,173
Fossil Energy Research and Development 81.089 4,326,696 6,228,981 10,555,677
Stewardship Science Grant Program 81.112 267,206 911,396 1,178,602
Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research 81.113 0 237,515 237,515
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Information Dissemination, Outreach, Training and Technical Analysis/Assistance 81.117 0 165,760 165,760
Nuclear Energy Research, Development and Demonstration 81.121 0 110,484 110,484
Electricity Research, Development and Analysis 81.122 156,031 336,888 492,919
Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program 81.124 0 2,935,682 2,935,682
Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy 81.135 304,441 1,085,995 1,390,436
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 93.000 0 1,651,601 1,651,601
Medical Reserve Corps Small Grant Program 93.008 0 3,542 3,542
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Regulatory Research 93.077 0 176,711 176,711
Prevention of Disease, Disability, and Death by Infectious Diseases 93.084 0 73,130 73,130
Healthy Marriage Promotion and Responsible Fatherhood Grants 93.086 0 299,161 299,161
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Personal Responsibility Education Program 93.092 0 94,007 94,007
Health Profession Opportunity Grants 93.093 0 15,396 15,396
Food and Drug Administration Research 93.103 0 420,380 420,380
Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs 93.110 135,859 496,144 632,003
Environmental Health 93.113 345,810 2,759,485 3,105,295
Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 93.121 0 1,415,461 1,415,461
Emergency Medical Services for Children 93.127 2,085,287 618,731 2,704,018
Community Programs to Improve Minority Health Grant Program 93.137 0 180,373 180,373
Human Genome Research 93.172 15,943 68,456 84,399
Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders 93.173 478,279 2,393,465 2,871,744
Immunization Research, Demonstration, Public Information and Education Training and Clinical Skills Improvement Projects 93.185 84,175 345,081 429,256
Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 93.213 0 219,921 219,921
Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes 93.226 68,726 623,056 691,782
Mental Health Research Grants 93.242 947,705 8,815,520 9,763,225
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Projects of Regional and National Significance 93.243 200,329 97,519 297,848
Occupational Safety and Health Program 93.262 0 4,092 4,092
Alcohol Research Programs 93.273 375,206 5,032,258 5,407,464
Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 93.279 57,645 1,597,129 1,654,774
Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 93.286 176,409 2,348,145 2,524,554
Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program 93.297 1,059,125 1,056,662 2,115,787
Minority Health and Health Disparities Research 93.307 21,930 1,387,058 1,408,988
Trans-NIH Research Support 93.310 0 1,446,774 1,446,774
Leading Edge Acceleration Projects (LEAP) in Health Information Technology 93.345 0 397,856 397,856
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences 93.350 0 161,551 161,551
Research Infrastructure Programs 93.351 0 42,672 42,672
21st Century Cures Act - Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot 93.353 0 102,688 102,688
Nursing Research 93.361 10,190 425,029 435,219
Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 93.393 220,386 2,978,941 3,199,327
Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 93.394 24,073 881,175 905,248
Cancer Treatment Research 93.395 23 2,238,106 2,238,129
Cancer Biology Research 93.396 189,901 1,313,126 1,503,027
Cancer Centers Support Grants 93.397 0 79,319 79,319
Strengthening Public Health Systems and Services through National Partnerships to Improve and Protect the Nation's Health 93.421 3,814 328,936 332,750
ACL National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 93.433 123,873 253,463 377,336
ACL Assistive Technology 93.464 0 685,925 685,925
Welfare Reform Research, Evaluations and National Studies 93.595 0 55,125 55,125
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service 93.632 0 91,834 91,834
Opioid STR 93.788 0 1,087,434 1,087,434
Section 223 Demonstration Programs to Improve Community Mental Health Services 93.829 0 127,604 127,604
Cardiovascular Diseases Research 93.837 418,044 2,754,104 3,172,148
Lung Diseases Research 93.838 0 546,681 546,681
Translation and Implementation Science Research for Heart, Lung, Blood Diseases, and Sleep Disorders 93.840 0 2,865 2,865
Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 93.846 0 688,558 688,558
Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 93.847 238,779 3,345,186 3,583,965
Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 93.853 602,557 4,456,881 5,059,438
Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 93.855 850,820 8,701,852 9,552,672
Biomedical Research and Research Training 93.859 451,851 18,817,871 19,269,722
Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 93.865 666,037 8,138,131 8,804,168
Aging Research 93.866 343,504 4,953,922 5,297,426
Vision Research 93.867 156,347 4,244,666 4,401,013
Assisted Outpatient Treatment 93.997 0 7,058 7,058
AmeriCorps National Service and Civic Engagement Research Competition 94.026 94.026 0 21,166 21,166
Assistance to Firefighters Grant 97.044 0 85,565 85,565
Centers for Homeland Security 97.061 0 127,977 127,977
National Nuclear Forensics Expertise Development Program 97.130 0 302,747 302,747
U.S. Agency for International Development 98.000 0 164,522 164,522
USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas 98.001 0 115,781 115,781
National Resource Centers Program 84.015A 0 219,942 219,942
International Research and Studies 84.017A 0 108,690 108,690
Comprehensive Centers 84.283B 0 -14,313 -14,313
National Comprehensive Center on Improving Literacy for Students with Disabilities 84.283D 0 34,499 34,499
Education Research 84.305A 382,567 1,536,673 1,919,240
Education Research and Development Centers Improving Teaching and Learning in Postsecondary Institutions 84.305C 0 408,974 408,974
Statistical and Research Methodology in Education 84.305D 24,615 152,757 177,372
Research Grants Focused on Systematic Replication 84.305R 0 146,028 146,028
Special Education Research Cognition and Student Learning 84.324A 289,614 2,467,212 2,756,826
Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems of Education Policy and Practice in Special Education 84.324N 0 830,370 830,370
Research Grants Focused on Systematic Replication in Special Education 84.324R 0 101,359 101,359
Research to Accelerate Pandemic Recovery in Special Education 84.324X 0 202,952 202,952
Preparation of Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services Leadership Personnel 84.325D 0 352,474 352,474
Interdisciplinary Preparation in Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services for Personnel Serving Children with Disabilities who have High-Intensity Needs 84.325K 0 5,499 5,499
Postsecondary Education Center for Individuals who are Deaf 84.326D 66,020 3,126,763 3,192,783
Technical Assistance and Dissemination Center on Improving Literacy through Supporting Elementary School Leaders 84.326L 0 12,429 12,429
Model Demonstration Projects to Develop Coaching Systems 84.326M 43,374 273,749 317,123
National Center for Students with Disabilities Who Require Intensive Intervention 84.326Q 0 33,796 33,796
Center for Systemic Improvement 84.326R 0 384,810 384,810
Stepping-Up Technology Implementation 84.327S 0 521 521
National Professional Development Program 84.365Z 0 133,941 133,941
Education Innovation and Research - Mid-phase Grants 84.411B 0 126 126
Education Innovation and Research - Early-phase grants 84.411C 0 2,300 2,300


School Breakfast Program 10.553 0 33,043 33,043
National School Lunch Program 10.555 0 178,359 178,359


Drinking Water State Revolving Fund 66.468 0 59,576 59,576


Economic Adjustment Assistance 11.307 0 3,915,760 3,915,760


Head Start 93.600 0 -5,000 -5,000


Special Education Grants to States 84.027A 0 1,905,072 1,905,072
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act / American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) 84.027X 0 40,690 40,690
Special Education Preschool Grants 84.173A 0 3,919 3,919
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act / American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) 84.173X 0 1,628 1,628


Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants 84.007 0 1,916,096 1,916,096
Federal Work-Study Program 84.033 0 1,821,476 1,821,476
Federal Perkins Loan Program_Federal Capital Contributions 84.038 0 1,340 1,340
Federal Pell Grant Program 84.063 0 56,198,290 56,198,290
Federal Direct Student Loans 84.268 0 162,719,971 162,719,971
Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) 93.264 0 359,630 359,630


TRIO McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement 84.217A 0 281,233 281,233
Total   45,893,597 886,313,611 932,207,208