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State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency*
For the Year Ended Aug. 31, 2022
(Values are rounded before totaling)

* 2 CFR, Part 200, Subpart F (Uniform Guidance), Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, will be presented under separate cover and is available for view, download or print on FMX’s Single Audit Report Package for Texas page.

Note: For programs without assistance listing numbers (ALNs), individual award numbers and amounts are available on request.

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

Summary of Federal Expenditures
ALN NameALN #Pass-through to
non-state entities
Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 10.001 0 134,794 134,794
Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 10.025 0 488,045 488,045
Wildlife Services 10.028 0 219,434 219,434
Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program 10.156 0 118,893 118,893
Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 10.170 0 92,820 92,820
Grants for Agricultural Research, Special Research Grants 10.200 0 39,099 39,099
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 10.215 0 129,593 129,593
Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research 10.219 0 295,149 295,149
Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement 10.229 0 21,770 21,770
Agricultural Market and Economic Research 10.290 0 5,103 5,103
Integrated Programs 10.303 0 34,732 34,732
Homeland Security Agricultural 10.304 0 47,675 47,675
Specialty Crop Research Initiative 10.309 116,217 795,478 911,695
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 10.310 45,759 468,085 513,844
Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program 10.311 13,000 83,393 96,393
Farm Business Management and Benchmarking Competitive Grants Program 10.319 0 11,384 11,384
Capacity Building for Non-Land Grant Colleges of Agriculture (NLGCA) 10.326 0 95,457 95,457
National Food Safety Training, Education, Extension, Outreach, and Technical Assistance Competitive Grants Program 10.328 0 9,733 9,733
Crop Protection and Pest Management Competitive Grants Program 10.329 90,994 234,460 325,454
Enhancing Agricultural Opportunities for Military Veterans Competitive Grants Program 10.334 2,275 86,457 88,732
Veterinary Services Grant Program 10.336 2,493 63,654 66,147
Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers 10.443 7,750 39,186 46,936
Cooperative Extension Service 10.500 65,192 925,475 990,667
Smith-Lever Funding (Various Programs) 10.511 0 16,989,479 16,989,479
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program 10.514 0 3,649,105 3,649,105
Renewable Resources Extension Act and National Focus Fund Projects 10.515 0 138,354 138,354
Rural Health and Safety Education Competitive Grants Program 10.516 0 223,773 223,773
Forest Health Protection 10.680 0 7,997 7,997
National Sheep Industry Improvement Center 10.774 0 11,028 11,028
Soil and Water Conservation 10.902 3,921 9,508 13,429
Environmental Quality Incentives Program 10.912 0 42,870 42,870
Feral Swine Eradication and Control Pilot Program 10.934 0 93,440 93,440
Technical Agricultural Assistance 10.960 0 -77,675 -77,675
Sea Grant Support 11.417 0 9,456 9,456
Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 11.419 0 149,651 149,651
Basic and Applied Scientific Research 12.300 85,398 2,214,427 2,299,825
Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Compatible Use and Joint Land Use Studies 12.610 0 20,697 20,697
Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering 12.630 0 335,336 335,336
Research and Technology Development 12.910 0 88,650 88,650
Cooperative Watershed Management 15.554 0 12,823 12,823
Coastal 15.630 0 4,964 4,964
State Wildlife Grants 15.634 0 14,041 14,041
Lower Snake River Compensation Plan 15.661 0 243 243
Adaptive Science 15.670 0 17,453 17,453
Juvenile Mentoring Program 16.726 0 10,171 10,171
Environmental and Scientific Partnerships and Programs 19.017 0 57,343 57,343
Engineering 47.041 0 7,276 7,276
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 47.075 0 53,302 53,302
Water Pollution Control State, Interstate, and Tribal Program Support 66.419 0 428,006 428,006
Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Training Grants and Cooperative Agreements - Section 104(b)(3) of the Clean Water Act 66.436 0 15,804 15,804
Nonpoint Source Implementation Grants 66.460 0 1,549,954 1,549,954
Gulf of Mexico Program 66.475 0 65,726 65,726
Performance Partnership Grants 66.605 0 17,867 17,867
Research, Development, Monitoring, Public Education, Outreach, Training, Demonstrations, and Studies 66.716 0 16,972 16,972
Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 81.049 0 18,925 18,925
Prevention of Disease, Disability, and Death by Infectious Diseases 93.084 0 67,522 67,522
Healthy Marriage Promotion and Responsible Fatherhood Grants 93.086 0 1,026,466 1,026,466
Outreach Programs to Reduce the Prevalence of Obesity in High Risk Rural Areas 93.319 0 1,009,254 1,009,254
Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 93.394 0 12,958 12,958
Strengthening Public Health Systems and Services through National Partnerships to Improve and Protect the Nation's Health 93.421 0 539 539
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service 93.632 0 24,997 24,997
Disaster Grants - Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters) 97.036 0 13,824 13,824
Cooperating Technical Partners 97.045 0 614,181 614,181


Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 10.025 0 49,254 49,254
Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 10.170 0 100,706 100,706
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 10.310 2,272 50,273 52,545
Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers 10.443 0 228 228
Environmental Quality Incentives Program 10.912 0 20,148 20,148
Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 11.419 0 9,442 9,442
Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Training Grants and Cooperative Agreements - Section 104(b)(3) of the Clean Water Act 66.436 0 3,789 3,789
Nonpoint Source Implementation Grants 66.460 0 20,171 20,171
Environmental Public Health and Emergency Response 93.070 0 10,927 10,927


Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education 15.611 0 150,811 150,811


State and Community Highway Safety 20.600 0 2,599,985 2,599,985


State Administrative Matching Grants for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program 10.561 0 7,192,770 7,192,770
Total   435,271 43,615,080 44,050,351