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State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency*
For the Year Ended Aug. 31, 2021
(Values are rounded before totaling)

* 2 CFR, Part 200, Subpart F (Uniform Guidance), Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, will be presented under separate cover and is available for view, download or print on FMX’s Single Audit Report Package for Texas page.

Note: For programs without assistance listing numbers (ALNs), individual award numbers and amounts are available on request.

Texas A&M AgriLife Research

Summary of Federal Expenditures
ALN NameALN #Pass-through to
non-state entities


Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 10.001 93,011 4,003,348 4,096,359
Plant and Animal Disease, Pest Control, and Animal Care 10.025 24,614 1,550,561 1,575,175
Conservation Reserve Program 10.069 0 31,362 31,362
Marketing Agreements and Orders 10.155 0 14,971 14,971
Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill 10.17 0 946,184 946,184
Grants for Agricultural Research, Special Research Grants 10.2 285,239 307,216 592,455
Cooperative Forestry Research 10.202 0 461,321 461,321
Payments to Agricultural Experiment Stations Under the Hatch Act 10.203 0 7,242,656 7,242,656
Animal Health and Disease Research 10.207 0 232,418 232,418
Higher Education - Graduate Fellowships Grant Program 10.21 0 10,167 10,167
Small Business Innovation Research 10.212 0 54,275 54,275
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 10.215 0 131,777 131,777
Higher Education - Institution Challenge Grants Program 10.217 0 107,082 107,082
Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research 10.219 0 111,220 111,220
Hispanic Serving Institutions Education Grants 10.223 0 9,274 9,274
Secondary and Two-Year Postsecondary Agriculture Education Challenge Grants 10.226 14,270 19,059 33,329
Agricultural Market and Economic Research 10.29 0 9,575 9,575
Agricultural and Food Policy Research Centers 10.291 0 1,629,487 1,629,487
Integrated Programs 10.303 0 280,035 280,035
Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative 10.307 53,638 179,922 233,560
Specialty Crop Research Initiative 10.309 1,308,401 2,602,532 3,910,933
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) 10.31 1,188,797 7,233,575 8,422,372
Capacity Building for Non-Land Grant Colleges of Agriculture (NLGCA) 10.326 0 129,156 129,156
National Food Safety Training, Education, Extension, Outreach, and Technical Assistance Competitive Grants Program 10.328 0 2,087 2,087
Crop Protection and Pest Management Competitive Grants Program 10.329 30,113 126,673 156,786
Veterinary Services Grant Program 10.336 0 31,554 31,554
Cooperative Agreements with States for Intrastate Meat and Poultry Inspection 10.475 0 142,813 142,813
Food Safety Cooperative Agreements 10.479 0 192,902 192,902
Emerging Markets Program 10.603 3,895 3,717 7,612
Food for Progress 10.606 0 57,121 57,121
International Agricultural Education Fellowship Program 10.619 45,835 134,799 180,634
Research Joint Venture and Cost Reimbursable Agreements 10.707 0 9,404 9,404
Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship 10.777 0 10,408 10,408
Soil and Water Conservation 10.902 654,053 1,115,248 1,769,301
Environmental Quality Incentives Program 10.912 58,395 648,823 707,218
Technical Agricultural Assistance 10.96 0 811,089 811,089
Scientific Cooperation and Research 10.961 0 42,574 42,574
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Cooperative Institutes 11.432 0 5,553 5,553
Marine Mammal Data Program 11.439 0 9,720 9,720
Unallied Science Program 11.472 0 10,911 10,911
Conservation and Rehabilitation of Natural Resources on Military Installations 12.005 11,933 1,874,514 1,886,447
Basic and Applied Scientific Research 12.3 69,197 1,246,671 1,315,868
Scientific Research - Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction 12.351 0 540,503 540,503
Pest Management and Vector Control Research 12.355 0 6,548 6,548
Military Medical Research and Development 12.42 0 578,456 578,456
Training and Support - Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction 12.501 0 3,195 3,195
DOD, NDEP, DOTC-STEM Education Outreach Implementation 12.56 0 291 291
Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering 12.63 0 212,500 212,500
Research and Technology Development 12.91 0 111,169 111,169
Fish, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Resource Management 15.231 0 365 365
Joint Fire Science Program 15.232 0 54,721 54,721
Environmental Quality and Protection 15.236 44,873 283,790 328,663
Applied Science Grants 15.557 0 7,815 7,815
Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance 15.608 0 9,170 9,170
Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education 15.611 0 214,593 214,593
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund 15.615 0 168,240 168,240
Coastal 15.63 0 55,607 55,607
State Wildlife Grants 15.634 0 320,099 320,099
Research Grants (Generic) 15.65 0 238,376 238,376
Endangered Species Recovery Implementation 15.657 35,785 584,173 619,958
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units 15.678 16,216 785,710 801,926
Assistance to State Water Resources Research Institutes 15.805 0 264,970 264,970
National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers 15.82 0 11,614 11,614
Cooperative Research and Training Programs - Resources of the National Park System 15.945 0 38,261 38,261
Science 43.001 50,978 421,755 472,733
Engineering 47.041 0 69,818 69,818
Mathematical and Physical Sciences 47.049 0 94,697 94,697
Geosciences 47.05 0 348,746 348,746
Biological Sciences 47.074 59,098 2,403,106 2,462,204
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences 47.075 108,497 214,245 322,742
Education and Human Resources 47.076 0 53,806 53,806
Surveys, Studies, Research, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Special Purpose Activities Relating to the Clean Air Act 66.034 0 51,033 51,033
Multipurpose Grants to States and Tribes 66.204 0 34,464 34,464
National Estuary Program 66.456 0 1,559 1,559
Nonpoint Source Implementation Grants 66.46 0 820,545 820,545
Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Research Program 66.509 3,363 1,036,522 1,039,885
Performance Partnership Grants 66.605 0 33,033 33,033
Office of Science Financial Assistance Program 81.049 0 512,261 512,261
University Coal Research 81.057 0 32,352 32,352
Renewable Energy Research and Development 81.087 262,986 1,663,651 1,926,637
Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research 81.113 78,294 146,688 224,982
Nuclear Energy Research, Development and Demonstration 81.121 0 6,054 6,054
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Program 81.123 0 31,418 31,418
Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy 81.135 968,189 909,146 1,877,335
MCC Foreign Assistance for Overseas Programs 85.002 0 5,931 5,931
Environmental Public Health and Emergency Response 93.07 0 50,446 50,446
Prevention of Disease, Disability, and Death by Infectious Diseases 93.084 0 337,640 337,640
Food and Drug Administration Research 93.103 0 2,033,811 2,033,811
Environmental Health 93.113 374,900 1,128,234 1,503,134
Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 93.121 12,370 12,298 24,668
NIEHS Superfund Hazardous Substances_Basic Research and Education 93.143 25,443 110,669 136,112
Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 93.213 0 269,531 269,531
Alcohol Research Programs 93.273 0 400,678 400,678
Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 93.279 0 20,609 20,609
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Investigations and Technical Assistance 93.283 0 604,850 604,850
Research Infrastructure Programs 93.351 0 534,707 534,707
Flexible Funding Model - Infrastructure Development and Maintenance for State Manufactured Food Regulatory Programs 93.367 0 91,789 91,789
Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 93.393 54,956 1,421,787 1,476,743
Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 93.394 74,160 79,566 153,726
Cancer Biology Research 93.396 0 92,121 92,121
Cardiovascular Diseases Research 93.837 0 121,170 121,170
Lung Diseases Research 93.838 0 313,195 313,195
Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 93.847 86,714 2,175,009 2,261,723
Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 93.853 0 236,609 236,609
Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 93.855 2,130,196 3,811,294 5,941,490
Biomedical Research and Research Training 93.859 78,756 4,118,849 4,197,605
Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 93.865 0 1,015,487 1,015,487
Aging Research 93.866 23,732 1,576,712 1,600,444
National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program 93.889 0 251,125 251,125
Centers for Homeland Security 97.061 0 2,593,911 2,593,911
USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas 98.001 2,146,662 4,832,975 6,979,637
USAID Development Partnerships for University Cooperation and Development 98.012 0 13,106 13,106
Total   10,477,559 75,402,928 85,880,487