State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency*
For the Year Ended Aug. 31, 2020
(Values are rounded before totaling)
* 2 CFR, Part 200, Subpart F (Uniform Guidance), Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, will be presented under separate cover and is available for view, download or print on FMX’s Single Audit Report Package for Texas page.
Note: For programs without CFDA numbers, individual award numbers and amounts are available upon request.
University of Houston
CFDA Name | CFDA # | Pass-through to non-state entities | Expenditures | Total |
Hispanic Serving Institutions Education Grants | 10.223 | 0 | -10,000 | -10,000 |
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) | 10.310 | 0 | 80,216 | 80,216 |
Economic Development Technical Assistance | 11.303 | 0 | 234,476 | 234,476 |
Procurement Technical Assistance For Business Firms | 12.002 | 0 | 403,172 | 403,172 |
Information Security Grants | 12.902 | 0 | 47,909 | 47,909 |
CyberSecurity Core Curriculum | 12.905 | 0 | 6,789 | 6,789 |
Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability Tourist Opportunities and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States | 21.015 | 31,198 | 599,539 | 630,737 |
Promotion of the Arts Grants to Organizations and Individuals | 45.024 | 0 | 33,706 | 33,706 |
Promotion of the Arts Partnership Agreements | 45.025 | 0 | 2,723 | 2,723 |
Promotion of the Humanities Federal/State Partnership | 45.129 | 0 | 6,755 | 6,755 |
Promotion of the Humanities Division of Preservation and Access | 45.149 | 0 | 89,685 | 89,685 |
Promotion of the Humanities Fellowships and Stipends | 45.160 | 0 | 59,751 | 59,751 |
Promotion of the Humanities Research | 45.161 | 0 | -4 | -4 |
Promotion of the Humanities Teaching and Learning Resources and Curriculum Development | 45.162 | 0 | 7,875 | 7,875 |
Grants to States | 45.310 | 0 | 54,599 | 54,599 |
National Leadership Grants | 45.312 | 0 | 26,396 | 26,396 |
Engineering | 47.041 | 0 | 59,015 | 59,015 |
Mathematical and Physical Sciences | 47.049 | 0 | 169,538 | 169,538 |
Computer and Information Science and Engineering | 47.070 | 0 | 13,782 | 13,782 |
Biological Sciences | 47.074 | 0 | 172,676 | 172,676 |
Education and Human Resources | 47.076 | 0 | 1,751,306 | 1,751,306 |
Small Business Development Centers | 59.037 | 875,460 | 2,173,636 | 3,049,096 |
Veterans State Hospital Care | 64.016 | 0 | -39 | -39 |
National Estuary Program | 66.456 | 15,050 | 62,813 | 77,863 |
State Energy Program | 81.041 | 0 | 99,283 | 99,283 |
Office of Science Financial Assistance Program | 81.049 | 0 | -10,898 | -10,898 |
Minority Economic Impact | 81.137 | 0 | 11,822 | 11,822 |
Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies | 84.010 | 0 | 27,447 | 27,447 |
Child Care Access Means Parents in School | 84.335 | 0 | 234,325 | 234,325 |
Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants (formerly Improving Teacher Quality State Grants) | 84.367 | 0 | 336 | 336 |
Supporting Effective Educator Development Program | 84.423 | 0 | 346,673 | 346,673 |
Student Support and Academic Enrichment Program | 84.424 | 0 | 2,835 | 2,835 |
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Student Aid Portion | 84.42E | 0 | 16,149,980 | 16,149,980 |
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Institutional Portion | 84.42F | 0 | 13,852,488 | 13,852,488 |
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) | 84.42L | 0 | 2,546,211 | 2,546,211 |
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Personal Responsibility Education Program | 93.092 | 0 | 41,047 | 41,047 |
Food and Drug Administration Research | 93.103 | 0 | 94,810 | 94,810 |
Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs | 93.279 | 0 | 82,217 | 82,217 |
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families | 93.558 | 0 | 32,926 | 32,926 |
Biomedical Research and Research Training | 93.859 | 0 | 128,741 | 128,741 |
Vision Research | 93.867 | 0 | 16,970 | 16,970 |
Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant to the States | 93.994 | 0 | 181,297 | 181,297 |
Disaster Grants - Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters) | 97.036 | 0 | 892,685 | 892,685 |
Hazard Mitigation Grant | 97.039 | 0 | -1,667 | -1,667 |
Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research | 10.001 | 0 | 65,904 | 65,904 |
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) | 10.310 | 38,582 | 180,871 | 219,453 |
National Food Safety Training Education Extension Outreach and Technical Assistance Competitive Grants Program | 10.328 | 0 | 16,845 | 16,845 |
Economic Adjustment Assistance | 11.307 | 0 | 8,845 | 8,845 |
Sea Grant Support | 11.417 | 0 | 11,624 | 11,624 |
Measurement and Engineering Research and Standards | 11.609 | 147,130 | 324,381 | 471,511 |
Basic and Applied Scientific Research | 12.300 | 1,533 | 1,057,089 | 1,058,622 |
Military Medical Research and Development | 12.420 | 0 | 686,118 | 686,118 |
Basic Scientific Research | 12.431 | 0 | 125,809 | 125,809 |
Basic Applied and Advanced Research in Science and Engineering | 12.630 | 0 | 311,260 | 311,260 |
Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program | 12.800 | 0 | 520,713 | 520,713 |
Information Security Grants | 12.902 | 0 | -15,852 | -15,852 |
Research and Technology Development | 12.910 | 0 | 261,179 | 261,179 |
Safety and Environmental Research and Data Collection for Offshore Energy and Mineral Activities | 15.441 | 0 | 67,419 | 67,419 |
U.S. Geological Survey Research and Data Collection | 15.808 | 0 | 169,388 | 169,388 |
U.S. Department of Justice | 16.000 | 0 | 54,749 | 54,749 |
Highway Research and Development Program | 20.200 | 0 | 44,739 | 44,739 |
Highway Training and Education | 20.215 | 0 | 5,000 | 5,000 |
Public Transportation Research Technical Assistance and Training | 20.514 | 0 | 52,305 | 52,305 |
Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability Tourist Opportunities and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States | 21.015 | 0 | 58,151 | 58,151 |
Science | 43.001 | 119,309 | 2,287,356 | 2,406,665 |
Aeronautics | 43.002 | 0 | 61,272 | 61,272 |
Exploration | 43.003 | 128,938 | 274,067 | 403,005 |
Space Operations | 43.007 | 0 | 379,070 | 379,070 |
Office of Stem Engagement (OSTEM) | 43.008 | 0 | 83,642 | 83,642 |
Space Technology | 43.012 | 0 | 50,473 | 50,473 |
Engineering | 47.041 | 28,566 | 3,076,626 | 3,105,192 |
Mathematical and Physical Sciences | 47.049 | 785,586 | 3,931,072 | 4,716,658 |
Geosciences | 47.050 | 125,142 | 1,918,564 | 2,043,706 |
Computer and Information Science and Engineering | 47.070 | 0 | 2,365,622 | 2,365,622 |
Biological Sciences | 47.074 | 55,771 | 1,427,387 | 1,483,158 |
Social Behavioral and Economic Sciences | 47.075 | 91,310 | 103,876 | 195,186 |
Education and Human Resources | 47.076 | 157,913 | 1,530,779 | 1,688,692 |
Office of International Science and Engineering | 47.079 | 0 | -16,819 | -16,819 |
Veterans Medical Care Benefits | 64.009 | 0 | 74,471 | 74,471 |
U.S. Department of Energy | 81.000 | 0 | -4,808 | -4,808 |
Office of Science Financial Assistance Program | 81.049 | 0 | 2,211,681 | 2,211,681 |
Conservation Research and Development | 81.086 | 682,419 | 1,092,745 | 1,775,164 |
Renewable Energy Research and Development | 81.087 | 75,517 | 838,824 | 914,341 |
Nuclear Energy Research Development and Demonstration | 81.121 | 595,867 | 188,670 | 784,537 |
Electricity Research Development and Analysis | 81.122 | 0 | 304,483 | 304,483 |
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Program | 81.123 | 0 | 99,579 | 99,579 |
Adult Education - Basic Grants to States | 84.002 | 0 | 123,959 | 123,959 |
Education Research Development and Dissemination | 84.305 | 35,605 | 1,042,397 | 1,078,002 |
Research in Special Education | 84.324 | 0 | 87,573 | 87,573 |
Special Education - Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities | 84.325 | 0 | 141,213 | 141,213 |
Special Education Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities | 84.326 | 0 | 281,289 | 281,289 |
Cooperative Agreements to Improve the Health Status of Minority Populations | 93.004 | 0 | 14,843 | 14,843 |
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Regulatory Research | 93.077 | 79,074 | 222,413 | 301,487 |
Prevention of Disease Disability and Death by Infectious Diseases | 93.084 | 0 | 244,763 | 244,763 |
Healthy Marriage Promotion and Responsible Fatherhood Grants | 93.086 | 0 | 224,096 | 224,096 |
Food and Drug Administration Research | 93.103 | 0 | 75,418 | 75,418 |
Environmental Health | 93.113 | 0 | 69,917 | 69,917 |
Human Genome Research | 93.172 | 0 | 24,364 | 24,364 |
Research Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders | 93.173 | 0 | 69,704 | 69,704 |
Research on Healthcare Costs Quality and Outcomes | 93.226 | 2,493 | 78,316 | 80,809 |
Policy Research and Evaluation Grants | 93.239 | 0 | -110 | -110 |
Mental Health Research Grants | 93.242 | 0 | 261,600 | 261,600 |
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Projects of Regional and National Significance | 93.243 | 0 | 81,048 | 81,048 |
Alcohol Research Programs | 93.273 | 115,604 | 1,123,276 | 1,238,880 |
Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs | 93.279 | 131,773 | 393,901 | 525,674 |
Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health | 93.286 | 102,395 | 512,582 | 614,977 |
Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program | 93.297 | 0 | 44,411 | 44,411 |
Cancer Cause and Prevention Research | 93.393 | 0 | 278,168 | 278,168 |
Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research | 93.394 | 0 | 19,728 | 19,728 |
Cancer Treatment Research | 93.395 | 91,520 | 1,058,930 | 1,150,450 |
Cancer Biology Research | 93.396 | 0 | 113,324 | 113,324 |
Cancer Centers Support Grants | 93.397 | 0 | 868,133 | 868,133 |
Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support | 93.701 | 0 | -2,398 | -2,398 |
Mental and Behavioral Health Education and Training Grants | 93.732 | 19,616 | 420,939 | 440,555 |
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Research Demonstrations and Evaluations | 93.779 | 40,077 | 237,157 | 277,234 |
Opioid STR | 93.788 | 0 | -104,514 | -104,514 |
Cardiovascular Diseases Research | 93.837 | 161,864 | 1,667,887 | 1,829,751 |
Blood Diseases and Resources Research | 93.839 | 0 | 82,945 | 82,945 |
Arthritis Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research | 93.846 | 125,966 | 1,930,774 | 2,056,740 |
Diabetes Digestive and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research | 93.847 | 82,359 | 1,685,294 | 1,767,653 |
Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders | 93.853 | 65,301 | 927,962 | 993,263 |
Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research | 93.855 | 698,112 | 1,845,219 | 2,543,331 |
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Research | 93.856 | 0 | 353,119 | 353,119 |
Biomedical Research and Research Training | 93.859 | 29,135 | 2,133,116 | 2,162,251 |
Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research | 93.865 | 586,629 | 2,766,447 | 3,353,076 |
Aging Research | 93.866 | 101,518 | 630,917 | 732,435 |
Vision Research | 93.867 | 10,251 | 4,690,760 | 4,701,011 |
Healthy Start Initiative | 93.926 | 0 | 891,546 | 891,546 |
PPHF Geriatric Education Centers | 93.969 | 0 | 84,004 | 84,004 |
National Service and Civic Engagement Research Competition | 94.026 | 0 | 28,237 | 28,237 |
Centers for Homeland Security | 97.061 | 898,010 | 1,215,696 | 2,113,706 |
Homeland Security Research Testing Evaluation and Demonstration of Technologies | 97.108 | 0 | 105,135 | 105,135 |
School Breakfast Program | 10.553 | 0 | 4,649 | 4,649 |
National School Lunch Program | 10.555 | 0 | 26,717 | 26,717 |
Special Education Grants to States | 84.027 | 0 | 129,048 | 129,048 |
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants | 84.007 | 0 | 1,751,228 | 1,751,228 |
Federal Work-Study Program | 84.033 | 0 | 2,053,991 | 2,053,991 |
Federal Pell Grant Program | 84.063 | 0 | 78,134,923 | 78,134,923 |
Federal Direct Student Loans | 84.268 | 0 | 155,791,260 | 155,791,260 |
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grants (TEACH Grants) | 84.379 | 0 | 26,734 | 26,734 |
Scholarships for Health Professions Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds | 93.925 | 0 | 262,625 | 262,625 |
Total | 7,332,593 | 334,287,684 | 341,620,277 |