State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency*
For the Year Ended Aug. 31, 2020
(Values are rounded before totaling)
* 2 CFR, Part 200, Subpart F (Uniform Guidance), Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, will be presented under separate cover and is available for view, download or print on FMX’s Single Audit Report Package for Texas page.
Note: For programs without CFDA numbers, individual award numbers and amounts are available upon request.
Department of Agriculture
CFDA Name | CFDA # | Pass-through to non-state entities | Expenditures | Total |
Plant and Animal Disease Pest Control and Animal Care | 10.025 | 0 | 1,245,788 | 1,245,788 |
Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership | 10.117 | 0 | 17,745 | 17,745 |
Market News | 10.153 | 0 | 3,400 | 3,400 |
Market Protection and Promotion | 10.163 | 0 | 1,069,332 | 1,069,332 |
Specialty Crop Block Grant Program - Farm Bill | 10.170 | 857,756 | 343,073 | 1,200,829 |
Organic Certification Cost Share Programs | 10.171 | 37,264 | 0 | 37,264 |
Trade Mitigation Program Eligible Recipient Agency Operational Funds | 10.178 | 8,076,699 | 0 | 8,076,699 |
CACFP Training Grants | 10.536 | 42,305 | 0 | 42,305 |
Child and Adult Care Food Program | 10.558 | 419,432,973 | 4,052,760 | 423,485,733 |
State Administrative Expenses for Child Nutrition | 10.560 | 12,700,536 | 23,173,185 | 35,873,721 |
WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) | 10.572 | 354,328 | 44,094 | 398,422 |
Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program | 10.576 | 65,652 | 7,703 | 73,355 |
Child Nutrition Discretionary Grants Limited Availability | 10.579 | 4,320,054 | 0 | 4,320,054 |
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program | 10.582 | 6,683,295 | 0 | 6,683,295 |
Market Access Program | 10.601 | 0 | 10,838 | 10,838 |
Community Development Block Grants/State's program and Non-Entitlement Grants in Hawaii | 14.228 | 62,006,022 | 1,889,945 | 63,895,967 |
State Trade Expansion | 59.061 | 331,923 | 13,109 | 345,032 |
Multipurpose Grants to States and Tribes | 66.204 | 0 | 18,925 | 18,925 |
Consolidated Pesticide Enforcement Cooperative Agreements | 66.700 | 0 | 917,573 | 917,573 |
Food and Drug Administration Research | 93.103 | 0 | 1,430,024 | 1,430,024 |
Telehealth Programs | 93.211 | -24,314 | 3,084 | -21,230 |
State Rural Hospital Flexibility Program | 93.241 | 0 | 790,108 | 790,108 |
Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program | 93.301 | 12,025,032 | 222,629 | 12,247,661 |
Grants to States for Operation of State Offices of Rural Health | 93.913 | 0 | 139,890 | 139,890 |
School Breakfast Program | 10.553 | 3,389,250 | 0 | 3,389,250 |
National School Lunch Program | 10.555 | 198,759,590 | 0 | 198,759,590 |
Special Milk Program for Children | 10.556 | 3,239 | 0 | 3,239 |
Summer Food Service Program for Children | 10.559 | 140,600,949 | 472,291 | 141,073,240 |
Commodity Supplemental Food Program | 10.565 | 25,519,084 | 15,735 | 25,534,819 |
Emergency Food Assistance Program (Administrative Costs) | 10.568 | 19,649,059 | 49,614 | 19,698,673 |
Emergency Food Assistance Program (Food Commodities) | 10.569 | 195,126,745 | 0 | 195,126,745 |
Total | 1,109,957,441 | 35,930,845 | 1,145,888,286 |