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State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency*
For the Year Ended Aug. 31, 2020
(Values are rounded before totaling)

* 2 CFR, Part 200, Subpart F (Uniform Guidance), Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, will be presented under separate cover and is available for view, download or print on FMX’s Single Audit Report Package for Texas page.

Note: For programs without CFDA numbers, individual award numbers and amounts are available upon request.

University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

Summary of Federal Expenditures
CFDA NameCFDA #Pass-through to
non-state entities
Agricultural Research Basic and Applied Research 10.001 0 10,398 10,398
Military Medical Research and Development 12.420 0 143,830 143,830
Grants to States 45.310 0 -19,526 -19,526
Engineering 47.041 0 179,616 179,616
Mathematics and Science Partnerships 84.366 0 -701 -701
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Student Aid Portion 84.42E 0 58,212 58,212
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Institutional Portion 84.42F 0 58,212 58,212
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 93.000 0 4,002,922 4,002,922
Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 93.286 0 116,386 116,386
Cancer Research Manpower 93.398 121,135 627,476 748,611
Medical Library Assistance 93.879 0 19,988 19,988
Hazard Mitigation Grant 97.039 0 159,290 159,290


Small Business Innovation Research 10.212 0 27,975 27,975
Military Medical Research and Development 12.420 247,888 7,233,179 7,481,067
Research and Technology Development 12.910 0 5,197 5,197
Exploration 43.003 0 437,722 437,722
Engineering 47.041 0 36,799 36,799
Mathematical and Physical Sciences 47.049 0 208,368 208,368
Biological Sciences 47.074 0 37,679 37,679
Social Behavioral and Economic Sciences 47.075 0 246,888 246,888
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 64.000 0 249,522 249,522
Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Research Program 66.509 0 1,106 1,106
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 93.000 1,161,029 6,286,685 7,447,714
Global AIDS 93.067 0 122,130 122,130
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Regulatory Research 93.077 1,402 545,030 546,432
Food and Drug Administration Research 93.103 154,236 500,797 655,033
Environmental Health 93.113 0 735 735
Oral Diseases and Disorders Research 93.121 135,019 2,102,590 2,237,609
Centers for Research and Demonstration for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 93.135 87,211 192,277 279,488
Human Genome Research 93.172 0 372,501 372,501
Research and Training in Complementary and Integrative Health 93.213 0 82,965 82,965
Research on Healthcare Costs Quality and Outcomes 93.226 0 67,622 67,622
Mental Health Research Grants 93.242 0 293,578 293,578
Alcohol Research Programs 93.273 0 127,570 127,570
Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs 93.279 0 1,083,199 1,083,199
Discovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health 93.286 258,493 1,662,684 1,921,177
Minority Health and Health Disparities Research 93.307 0 1,224 1,224
Trans-NIH Research Support 93.310 120,280 879,491 999,771
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences 93.350 0 1,210,019 1,210,019
Research Infrastructure Programs 93.351 178,528 2,578,502 2,757,030
21st Century Cures Act - Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot 93.353 0 4,397,982 4,397,982
Nursing Research 93.361 21,164 498,699 519,863
National Center for Research Resources 93.389 0 -492,349 -492,349
Cancer Cause and Prevention Research 93.393 1,647,744 15,285,602 16,933,346
Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research 93.394 2,142,285 13,086,838 15,229,123
Cancer Treatment Research 93.395 3,046,108 30,767,829 33,813,937
Cancer Biology Research 93.396 1,494,931 17,215,887 18,710,818
Cancer Centers Support Grants 93.397 1,019,178 52,641,697 53,660,875
Cancer Research Manpower 93.398 18,871 3,899,728 3,918,599
Cancer Control 93.399 0 90,611 90,611
Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support 93.701 0 -261,140 -261,140
ARRA - Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) 93.728 0 3 3
Cardiovascular Diseases Research 93.837 441,807 3,763,425 4,205,232
Lung Diseases Research 93.838 0 946,160 946,160
Blood Diseases and Resources Research 93.839 0 486,395 486,395
Arthritis Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research 93.846 0 101,840 101,840
Diabetes Digestive and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research 93.847 1,847,710 3,466,890 5,314,600
Extramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders 93.853 158,849 3,802,376 3,961,225
Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research 93.855 87,214 5,259,669 5,346,883
Biomedical Research and Research Training 93.859 284,937 5,563,409 5,848,346
Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research 93.865 34,191 1,104,048 1,138,239
Aging Research 93.866 0 362,035 362,035
Vision Research 93.867 0 656,312 656,312
Health Care and Other Facilities 93.887 0 -544,073 -544,073
National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program 93.889 0 18,527 18,527
USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas 98.001 331,399 293,377 624,776


Federal Pell Grant Program 84.063 0 859,688 859,688
Federal Direct Student Loans 84.268 0 1,234,620 1,234,620
Total   15,041,609 196,456,222 211,497,831