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State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency*
For the Year Ended Aug. 31, 2020
(Values are rounded before totaling)

* 2 CFR, Part 200, Subpart F (Uniform Guidance), Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, will be presented under separate cover and is available for view, download or print on FMX’s Single Audit Report Package for Texas page.

Note: For programs without CFDA numbers, individual award numbers and amounts are available upon request.

General Land Office

Summary of Federal Expenditures
CFDA NameCFDA #Pass-through to
non-state entities
Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards 11.419 651,623 320,274 971,897
Community Development Block Grants/State's program and Non-Entitlement Grants in Hawaii 14.228 293,171,413 490,290,135 783,461,548
Grants to States for Construction of State Home Facilities 64.005 0 1,933,925 1,933,925
Veterans State Nursing Home Care 64.015 0 72,392,448 72,392,448
Burial Expenses Allowance for Veterans 64.101 0 1,196,512 1,196,512
Veterans Cemetery Grants Program 64.203 0 3,105,257 3,105,257
Beach Monitoring and Notification Program Implementation Grants 66.472 0 410,355 410,355
Disaster Grants - Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters) 97.036 0 16,644,093 16,644,093
Federal Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households in Presidential Declared Disaster Areas 97.048 7,340,664 8,059,196 15,399,860


Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 14.218 3,849,161 -171,564 3,677,597
Total   305,012,861 594,180,631 899,193,492