“What’s New” for Main Page
10/11/24 | USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields
State agencies and institutions of higher education may enter payment information in the invoice number and description fields on USAS and CAPPS transaction entry screens. Never enter confidential or sensitive information such as complete or partial Social Security numbers or information covered by the protected health information prohibition. See USAS and CAPPS Financials Invoice Number Field Requirements (FPP E.023) for more information and to review your agency’s procedures for compliance with field requirements. |
10/11/24 | Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
By Oct. 30 each year, state agencies and institutions of higher education must lapse appropriation balances above the level needed to satisfy outstanding binding encumbrances and/or payables. All agencies must also submit the online annual certification form by Oct. 30. (Sept. 30 is the recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies to lapse appropriation balances and submit annual certifications.) An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle to lapse all unencumbered nonconstruction appropriation balances for all prior appropriation years. See Encumbrance Reporting and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for details. |
10/10/24 | Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due
Security coordinators are required to certify that their records are up to date through a semiannual security verification process that is concurrent for all Fiscal Management applications.
If you have questions, email ssa.security@cpa.texas.gov. |
10/04/24 | AFR Deadlines AFR Deadlines
The deadlines for the fiscal 2024 annual financial report (AFR) are:
USAS closed Oct. 1 for GR consolidated agencies. USAS will be closed to these agencies the evening of the following dates:
The Financial Reporting section strongly recommends that agencies make and release all USAS entries related to the AFR by 7 p.m. the day before USAS closes. Agencies must use USAS Batch Edit Mode 2 for entries made on the day USAS closes. Any later USAS entries must be made by your financial reporting analyst. All entries for the fiscal 2024 AFR must be backdated using an effective date of 08/32/2024. Contact your financial reporting analyst with questions about AFR submission requirements and deadlines. |
10/04/24 | CAPPS User Group Meeting CAPPS User Group Meeting
A combined CAPPS HR/Payroll and Financials user group meeting will be held Oct. 24, 9 – 11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda will be available a few days before the meeting. |
10/04/24 | Reminder – Preliminary EEO Report Reminder – Preliminary EEO Report
On Oct. 17, preliminary copies of the 2024 Equal Employment Opportunity Report (FPP F.016) will be available for agencies and institutions of higher education via electronic file transfer with each agency’s regular daily downloads. Deadlines:
Data corrections entered or submitted after Oct. 29 will not be reflected in the final report issued Oct. 31. |
10/04/24 | Reminder – SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines Reminder – SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines
State agencies (and institutions of higher education reporting to SPA) must annually reconcile SPA ending balances with their annual financial reports (AFRs). Deadlines for certification in the Capital Asset Note Submission System (CANSS) web application are:
See Instructions for the CANSS Web Application for more information. Contact your SPA analyst with questions about SPA or SPA/CANSS variances. |
10/04/24 | Reminder – State Employee Charitable Campaign Reminder – State Employee Charitable Campaign
The annual State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) runs Sept. 1 – Oct. 31. During the SECC, state employees may choose to deduct contributions to participating charities from their paychecks. CAPPS Central will be updated for December payrolls to reflect changes to the SECC, including participating charities’ payee codes, Texas identification numbers and contact information. Agencies and institutions of higher education not using CAPPS Central must update their own payroll/personnel systems. See State Employee Charitable Campaign Participation (FPP F.033) or the SECC website for participating statewide federations, local campaign areas and more information. |
09/27/24 | Final Fiscal 2024 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices) Final Fiscal 2024 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices)
Each state agency and institution of higher education will receive a final copy of the fiscal 2024 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices) via electronic file transfer on Oct. 7. See Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices for the Fiscal Year) (FPP F.005) for more information, including HRIS and SPRS contacts. |
09/27/24 | Preliminary EEO Report Preliminary EEO Report
On Oct. 17, preliminary copies of the 2024 Equal Employment Opportunity Report (FPP F.016) will be available for agencies and institutions of higher education via electronic file transfer with each agency’s regular daily downloads. Deadlines:
Data corrections entered or submitted after Oct. 29 will not be reflected in the final report issued Oct. 31. |
09/27/24 | Budget T-Codes Effective Date Change Budget T-Codes Effective Date Change
On Nov. 2, at 7 a.m., the effective start date for USAS budget T-codes 001, 003, 006, 009, 012, 015, 018, 021, 036, 039, 040, 041, 042 and 043 will change to 09/01/2024. Fiscal Management’s Financial Reporting section verifies general revenue (GR) information submitted by state agencies and must ensure agencies cannot backdate entries, which would change the agency’s GR amount. Contact your financial reporting analyst with questions. |
09/27/24 | Reminder – Take Our Customer Service Survey Reminder – Take Our Customer Service Survey
We care about what you think! Please take a moment to fill out Fiscal Management’s online customer service survey. We depend on your feedback to improve our operations and better meet your needs. The survey has three main questions that should take less than a minute to answer, plus an opportunity to provide additional feedback. You can access the survey until Friday, Oct. 4. Please share this email and survey link with any staff that may interact with Fiscal Management and our statewide systems. Thank you in advance for your time and thoughts. Email us at fiscal.documentation@cpa.texas.gov with any questions. |
09/20/24 | Annual Encumbrance Reporting Due Annual Encumbrance Reporting Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report annual binding encumbrances and payables to the Comptroller’s office per Encumbrance Reporting and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019). This reporting requirement includes the fourth quarter of the previous appropriation year. All agencies must submit the online Annual Certification form by Oct. 30. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies is Sept. 30.) |
09/20/24 | Automated Lapse of Unencumbered Balances Automated Lapse of Unencumbered Balances
By Oct. 30 each year, all agencies must lapse appropriation balances above the amount needed to satisfy any outstanding binding encumbrances and/or payables. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies is Sept. 30.) The Comptroller’s office must lapse all unencumbered nonconstruction appropriation balances for past appropriation years each Nov. 1. An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle. Agencies must review appropriation balances for accuracy before the lapse process. See Reviewing Appropriation Balances Prior to UB or Lapsing in APS 018 for full details. |
09/20/24 | Reminder – Emergency Leave Reporting Due Reminder – Emergency Leave Reporting Due
Agencies and institutions must report emergency leave use by Oct. 1 for employees granted more than 32 hours of emergency leave during the prior fiscal year. See Emergency Leave Reporting Requirements (FPP F.040) for details on the Emergency Leave Reporting web application and the required statement for agencies and institutions not sending a report. |
09/13/24 | Preliminary Fiscal 2024 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices) Preliminary Fiscal 2024 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices)
Preliminary copies of the fiscal 2024 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices) will arrive at state agencies and institutions of higher education via electronic file transfer Sept. 19. Agencies and institutions must submit electronic report acknowledgment forms by Sept. 26, and will have until Oct. 4 to review the preliminary report and enter or submit changes. See Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices for the Fiscal Year) (FPP F.005) for more information, including HRIS and SPRS contacts. |
09/13/24 | Fiscal 2025 Travel Rates Fiscal 2025 Travel Rates
The 2025 General Services Administration (GSA) rates are online now and effective Oct. 1. Fiscal 2025 travel reimbursement rates are available for:
Standard lodging reimbursement rates have increased for fiscal 2025. The standard lodging rate for all locations not listed by the GSA increases from $107 to $110. The meal reimbursement rate for locations not listed by the GSA increases from $59 to $68. For CAPPS agencies using the Travel and Expense module, the CAPPS Financials Production support team will update meal and lodging rates. Mileage rates must be updated by each agency. Contact your CAPPS level 1 representative for assistance. For more information, see Textravel, email expenditure.assistance@cpa.texas.gov or call (512) 475-0966. |
09/13/24 | Updated Grant Entry Process Updated Grant Entry Process
State agencies can now make entries to the Grant Catalog using the State Pass-Through Reporting (SPTR) web application, without assistance from the Comptroller’s Financial Reporting section. Certification in the SPTR web application is due Sept. 28. See State Grant Pass-Through Reconciliation – Timeline for more information. |
09/13/24 | Warrant Pickup Authorization Update Warrant Pickup Authorization Update
Agencies are no longer required to update the Agency Authorization for Warrant Pickup form (74-189) every two years. The form must be updated whenever authorized personnel are added or removed, or the preferred distribution method changes. Failure to remove terminated employees from the authorization form may result in an audit finding. See Authorization for Warrant Pickup on TexPayment Resource for the updated instructions. Contact Payment Services for questions. |
09/06/24 | HRIS Employees Without Reappointments Report HRIS Employees Without Reappointments Report
Institutions of higher education can download the HRIS Employees Without Reappointments Report on Sept. 20. Make all employee information corrections by close of business Sept. 27. HRIS uses this information to generate the Equal Employment Opportunity Report, Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices for the Fiscal Year) and Veteran Workforce Summary Report. See HRIS Higher Education Reporting Procedures for Reappointments (FPP M.003) or contact your agency’s HRIS representative for more information on the reappointment process. Note: Only institutions that have active employees without reappointments will receive reports. |
09/06/24 | Grant ID Requests Grant ID Requests
State agencies must email new Grant ID requests for the fiscal 2024 State Pass-Through Reporting (SPTR) web application to frs@cpa.texas.gov by close of business Sept. 25 and must attach documentation confirming the relationship between the grantor and grantee with the official grant name. Certification in the SPTR web application is due Sept. 28. See State Grant Pass-Through Reconciliation – Timeline for more information. |
09/06/24 | RTIs for Fiscal 2025 Unemployment Compensation Reimbursements RTIs for Fiscal 2025 Unemployment Compensation Reimbursements
The recurring transaction indexes (RTIs) for unemployment compensation reimbursements have been updated for fiscal 2025. See Reimbursements for Unemployment Compensation Payments (APS 003) (FPP A.035) for details. |
09/06/24 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held Sept. 24, 9 – 10:30 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held Sept. 26, 9 – 10:30 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available a few days before the meeting. |
09/06/24 | Reminder – Military Workforce Summary Reports Due Reminder – Military Workforce Summary Reports Due
Sept. 13 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2024 fourth-quarter Military Workforce Summary Reports (June 1 to Aug. 31). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on Sept. 17. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available Sept. 17 and must be submitted by Sept. 24. See Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
08/30/24 | State Employee Charitable Campaign State Employee Charitable Campaign
The annual State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) runs Sept. 1 – Oct. 31. During the SECC, state employees may choose to deduct contributions to participating charities from their paychecks. CAPPS Central will be updated for December payrolls to reflect changes to the SECC, including participating charities’ payee codes, Texas identification numbers and contact information. Agencies and institutions of higher education not using CAPPS Central must update their own payroll/personnel systems. See State Employee Charitable Campaign Participation (FPP F.033) or the SECC website for participating statewide federations, local campaign areas and more information. |
08/30/24 | SEFA Reporting SEFA Reporting
Deadlines for the Schedule of Expenditure of Federal Awards (SEFA) pass-through entries:
See the SEFA Timeline for more information; email sefa.texas@cpa.texas.gov for reporting inquiries. Email requests to set up a new Assistance Listing Number (ALN) and/or non-state entity (NSE) for SEFA reporting to sefa.texas@cpa.texas.gov. Include a copy of the agreement or notice of grant award that lists the federal awarding agency, ALN, AL title, and NSE legal name. |
08/30/24 | Higher Education USAS/ABEST Reconciliation Deadline Higher Education USAS/ABEST Reconciliation Deadline
Institutions of higher education hold appropriated funds outside the state treasury and must enter fiscal 2024 expenditure activity in USAS by Nov. 1 for reconciliation with the Legislative Budget Board’s Automated Budget and Evaluation System of Texas (ABEST). See Entering Higher Education Expenditure Activity in USAS for USAS/ABEST Reconciliation (FPP B.011) for more information. Note: Community/junior colleges are excluded from these requirements. |
08/30/24 | Reminder – Property Transfer Deadline Reminder – Property Transfer Deadline
Enter property transfers in SPA by Sept. 20 so GR consolidated agencies can complete their fiscal year-end reconciliations See Transferring Property in the SPA Process User’s Guide for complete instructions. |
08/30/24 | Reminder – Certification of Physical Inventory Form Due Reminder – Certification of Physical Inventory Form Due
State agencies must conduct an annual physical inventory of property by Aug. 31. Agencies must then submit the Certification of Physical Inventory Conducted by Agency form (73-283) to the Comptroller’s office by Sept. 20. See Certification of Physical Inventory in the SPA Process User’s Guide for details. |
08/23/24 | Emergency Leave Reporting Due Emergency Leave Reporting Due
Agencies and institutions must report emergency leave use by Oct. 1 for employees granted more than 32 hours of emergency leave during the prior fiscal year. See Emergency Leave Reporting Requirements (FPP F.040) for details on the Emergency Leave Reporting web application and the required statement for agencies and institutions not sending a report. |
08/23/24 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for August will be available Sept. 9 on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
08/23/24 | Reminder – Salary Supplement Report Due Reminder – Salary Supplement Report Due
State agencies and institutions must report certain salary supplements to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, the State Auditor’s office and the Secretary of State by Sept. 15. See Salary Supplements Paid From Sources Other Than Appropriated Funds (FPP F.031) for instructions and the online report form. |
08/23/24 | Reminder – SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines Reminder – SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines
State agencies (and institutions of higher education reporting to SPA) must annually reconcile SPA ending balances with their annual financial reports (AFRs). Deadlines for certification in the Capital Asset Note Submission System (CANSS) web application are:
See Instructions for the CANSS Web Application for more information. Contact your SPA analyst with questions about SPA or SPA/CANSS variances. |
08/22/24 | Military Workforce Reporting Due Military Workforce Reporting Due
Public community and junior colleges must provide quarterly data on military hiring and employment by completing the Comptroller’s electronic Military Workforce Reporting for Public Community/Junior Colleges form. The online form (with required veteran complaint reporting included) will be available Sept. 17 and must be submitted by Sept. 24. See Public Community and Junior Colleges Military Workforce Reporting Criteria in Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information, including form criteria, instructions and quarterly reporting deadlines. |
08/16/24 | RTI End Dates RTI End Dates
For recurring transaction indexes (RTIs) used during the interagency reconciliation process for the AFR, users should either leave the EFF END DATE field blank, or enter a date of Sept. 27 or later in that field on the Recurring Transaction Profile (55) screen. Interagency transaction vouchers (ITVs) must process successfully during the interagency reconciliation process for the AFR. An RTI (receiving) agency that sets an effective end date on the 55 profile will prevent a transaction (paying) agency from processing any ITVs past that end date. Agencies should leave the effective end dates on RTIs blank unless there is an explicit need to include one. See RTI Tables for Interfund/Interagency Transactions and the ITV/RTI Process USAS FAQs for more information. |
08/16/24 | Capitalization Threshold Increase Capitalization Threshold Increase
Effective Sept. 1, the capitalization thresholds in AFR categories 4 (furniture and equipment) and 5 (vehicles, boats and aircraft) increase to $10,000. This also affects SPA class codes related to those AFR categories. Controlled class code thresholds increase to $500 – $9,999.99. Reporting for fiscal 2024 and before will follow the $5,000 threshold for AFR category 4 and 5, along with the threshold of $500 – $4,999.99 for controlled class codes in SPA. See Introduction to Capital Assets in the SPA User’s Guide for more information; contact your SPA analyst with questions. |
08/16/24 | Military Workforce Summary Reports Due Military Workforce Summary Reports Due
Sept. 13 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2024 fourth-quarter Military Workforce Summary Reports (June 1 to Aug. 31). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on Sept. 17. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available Sept. 17 and must be submitted by Sept. 24. See Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
08/09/24 | Late Payment Interest Rate for Fiscal 2025 Late Payment Interest Rate for Fiscal 2025
For fiscal 2025, the interest rate the state pays on a late payment to a vendor under the state’s prompt payment law will be 9.50 percent. The interest calculation is one percentage point higher than the prime rate published in the Wall Street Journal on the first business day of July. See Interest Rate on eXpendit (FPP I.005) for more information. |
08/09/24 | Third-Quarter Audit Reports Third-Quarter Audit Reports
Fiscal 2024 third-quarter expenditure audit reports are available. See the Audit page for forms, fiscal policies and procedures, and audit contact information. Subscribe via GovDelivery for quarterly email notifications of audit reports posted. |
08/09/24 | Reminder – Vendor Hold Search Decommissioned Reminder – Vendor Hold Search Decommissioned
Effective Aug. 15, the Vendor Hold Search web tool will be decommissioned. Staff from state agencies and institutions of higher education who use this tool to search for vendor hold status must instead use TINS resources to verify vendor hold status. See Debtor Hold Extract File on TexPayment Resource for information on how the file can be used to search for vendor hold status. See Information Request (IR) RITM0743327 for more information about the decommission. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
08/09/24 | Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
Aug. 30 is the third- and fourth-quarter general revenue (GR) reimbursement deadline for statewide allocated costs for agencies listed in Fiscal 2023 Agency Statewide Cost Allocation Plan by Method of Finance. See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
08/09/24 | Reminder – Systems Unavailable During Year-End Close Reminder – Systems Unavailable During Year-End Close
The USAS annual cash-basis close for fiscal 2024 occurs Aug. 30. The fiscal year-end close process requires shutting down the statewide fiscal systems. See Master Schedule of Year-End Close Events for more information, including:
08/09/24 | Reminder – HRIS Reappointments Due Reminder – HRIS Reappointments Due
Institutions of higher education must report certain information about jobs and reappointments at the beginning of each fiscal year. Submit reappointment information via electronic file transfer (EFT) by:
The HRIS September maintenance deadline is Oct. 7. See HRIS Higher Education Reporting Procedures for Reappointments (FPP M.003) for reappointment details and instructions. |
08/06/24 | Reminder – Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due Reminder – Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due
Junior/community colleges must certify estimates of state matching contribution funds for employees participating in the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) by Aug. 15. See Annual Estimate of Optional Retirement Program (ORP) State Contributions (FPP A.003) for complete information including instructions and forms. |
08/02/24 | New CAPPS Logos New CAPPS Logos
The Comptroller’s office is proud to announce the launch of new logos for CAPPS. Certain CAPPS-related web pages and system interfaces will also be rebranded with a fresh, modern look. These changes begin rolling out Sept. 1, with CAPPS-based training documentation and other materials to be updated in phases. No changes are required for CAPPS Central agencies. For CAPPS Hub agencies using the current logo, the September Hub package will include the new design. All agencies may request updated images earlier by submitting a service request ticket. |
08/02/24 | AFR Ad Hoc Reports AFR Ad Hoc Reports
Beginning Sept. 2, the following AFR-related reports will be available via secure file transfer protocol (SFTP):
Agencies may save or print their reports daily, Monday through Friday. Each day’s information is replaced on the following business day by the next transmission. Contact your financial reporting analyst for more information. |
08/02/24 | CAPPS User Group Meeting CAPPS User Group Meeting
A combined CAPPS HR/Payroll and Financials user group meeting will be held Aug. 22, 9 – 11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available a few days before the meeting. |
08/02/24 | Reminder – GASB Questionnaires Due Reminder – GASB Questionnaires Due
All general revenue (GR) consolidated and full reporting agencies must complete and submit every Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) questionnaire by Aug. 15. The GASB Questionnaires page on the AFR website provides:
Contact your agency’s financial reporting analyst with questions about any GASB questionnaire. |
07/26/24 | SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines
State agencies (and institutions of higher education reporting to SPA) must annually reconcile SPA ending balances with their annual financial reports (AFRs). Deadlines for certification in the Capital Asset Note Submission System (CANSS) web application are:
See Instructions for the CANSS Web Application for more information. Contact your SPA analyst for SPA questions or SPA/CANSS variances. |
07/26/24 | Property Transfer Deadline Property Transfer Deadline
Enter property transfers in SPA by Sept. 20 so GR consolidated agencies can complete their fiscal year-end reconciliations. Universities that do not report to SPA must follow the AFR reporting requirements for: See Transferring Property in the SPA Process User’s Guide for complete instructions. |
07/26/24 | Accounting Policy Meeting Accounting Policy Meeting
An accounting policy meeting regarding the SPA threshold increase, LeaseQuery, new USAS general ledger accounts and General Revenue Reconciliation updates will be held Aug. 15, 10 a.m. – noon. Attend the presentation in person or online (via webinar). See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for more information. Note: For the webinar, use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues. |
07/19/24 | Vendor Hold Search Decommissioned Vendor Hold Search Decommissioned
The Vendor Hold Search web tool will be decommissioned effective Aug. 15. Staff from state agencies and institutions of higher education who use this tool to search for vendor hold status must instead use the Texas Identification Number System (TINS) resources to verify vendor hold status. See Information Request (IR) RITM0743327 for details. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
07/19/24 | Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 30 Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 30
The Outstanding Warrants Control Report (DAFR8171) runs on the first Friday of each month (e.g., July 5 and Aug. 2). Agencies should monitor their report before warrants become void Aug. 30. See USAS Annual Close Process (FPP Q.004) for more information, including how to generate agency-customized reports via the Report Request Profile, USAS 91 screen. Also see Void Warrants. Contact your appropriation control officer with questions. |
07/19/24 | Certification of Physical Inventory Form Due Certification of Physical Inventory Form Due
State agencies must conduct an annual physical inventory of property by Aug. 31. Agencies must then submit the Certification of Physical Inventory Conducted by Agency form (73-283) to the Comptroller's office by Sept. 20. See Certification of Physical Inventory in the SPA Process User’s Guide for details. |
07/19/24 | Salary Supplement Report Due Salary Supplement Report Due
State agencies and institutions must report certain salary supplements to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, the State Auditor’s office and the Secretary of State by Sept. 15. See Salary Supplements Paid From Sources Other Than Appropriated Funds (FPP F.031) for instructions and the online report form. |
07/18/24 | Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due
Junior/community colleges must certify estimates of state matching contribution funds for employees participating in the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) by Aug. 15. See Annual Estimate of Optional Retirement Program (ORP) State Contributions (FPP A.003) for complete information including instructions and forms. |
07/12/24 | Super Security Delete Request Form Change Super Security Delete Request Form Change
Effective July 15, a new version of the Super Security Delete Request form (73-310) is available. The new version includes:
Follow the instructions on Page 2 of the form to enter the appropriate values in each field. Note: To complete the form electronically, download it to your computer and open the form with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Do not complete the form using your internet browser. Previous versions of the SSD form will be rejected by USAS Maintenance after July 31. See USAS Internal Transaction File Maintenance and Super Security Delete Process (FPP Q.001) for more information. Email usas.maintenance@cpa.texas.gov or contact your agency’s appropriation control officer with questions. |
07/12/24 | Accounting Policy Meeting Accounting Policy Meeting
An accounting policy meeting will be held July 18, 10 a.m. – noon. Attend the presentation in person or via online webinar. See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for more information. Note: For the webinar, use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues. |
07/12/24 | Earned Federal Funds Collections Earned Federal Funds Collections
Earned federal funds that agencies deposit into Appropriation 70000 in amounts above the level identified in the General Appropriations Act (GAA) are appropriated, subject to certain conditions and deadlines. See Appropriation Authority for Earned Federal Fund Collections Above the Annual Level in Earned Federal Funds and Indirect Cost Reimbursements to the General Revenue Fund (APS 023) (FPP A.017) for conditions and deadlines. Contact your agency’s appropriation control officer with questions. |
07/12/24 | HRIS Reappointment Reporting HRIS Reappointment Reporting
Institutions of higher education must report certain information about jobs and reappointments at the beginning of each fiscal year. Submit reappointment information via electronic file transfer (EFT) by:
The HRIS September maintenance deadline is Oct. 7. See HRIS Higher Education Reporting Procedures for Reappointments (FPP M.003) for reappointment details and instructions. |
07/12/24 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for June through July will be available Aug. 9 on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
07/12/24 | Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
General revenue (GR) reimbursement deadlines for statewide allocated costs for agencies listed in Fiscal 2023 Agency Statewide Cost Allocation Plan by Method of Finance are:
See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions. |
07/12/24 | Reminder – USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Due Reminder – USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Due
Agencies must enter fiscal 2025 appropriation budgets in USAS and submit all required documentation by July 31. Budget entry and documentation submission must be complete before appropriation control officers can approve a budget setup. See Establishing Appropriations by Method of Finance, Rider, Capital Budget and Transfer Schedules (FPP A.020) for more information including schedules, instructions, definitions and samples. |
07/11/24 | New Overtime Rule Blocked New Overtime Rule Blocked
A federal district court has issued an injunction that blocks the enforcement of the Department of Labor’s new Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) rule for Texas government employees. For more information, see Federal Overtime Changes Effective July 1, 2024. Note: The Comptroller of Public Accounts does not provide guidance on FLSA, overtime exemptions or related employment law issues. |
07/02/24 | GASB Questionnaires Due GASB Questionnaires Due
All general revenue (GR) consolidated and full reporting agencies must complete and submit every Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) questionnaire by Aug. 15. The GASB Questionnaires page on the AFR website provides:
Contact your agency’s financial reporting analyst with questions about any GASB questionnaire. |
07/02/24 | TINS Application to Report Indebtedness TINS Application to Report Indebtedness
State agencies and institutions of higher education reporting state debts to TINS must semiannually review contact information for each assigned hold reason code. If the information displayed on the TINS Agency Hold Reason Inquiry (RSNINQ) screen requires updates, submit a separate Application to Report Indebtedness form for each hold reason code requiring updates. See Application to Report Indebtedness on TexPayment Resource for the form and more information. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
07/02/24 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held July 23, 9 – 10:30 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held July 25, 9 – 10:30 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available a few days before the meeting. |
06/28/24 | Fiscal Year-End Close Schedule Fiscal Year-End Close Schedule
See the 2024 Master Schedule of Year-End Close Events, which includes:
06/28/24 | USAS and CAPPS Financials Year-End Process USAS and CAPPS Financials Year-End Process
The fiscal 2024 USAS annual cash-basis close occurs on Friday, Aug. 30. Instructions, including deadlines for submitting documents, are in USAS Annual Close Process(FPP Q.004). See Scheduling Critical Payments at Fiscal Year-End for more information by appropriation year, including deadlines. Agencies using CAPPS Financials must also follow CAPPS Financials Year-End Processing Instructions (FPP T.001). |
06/28/24 | CAPPS HR/Payroll Fiscal Year-End Process CAPPS HR/Payroll Fiscal Year-End Process
CAPPS Central agencies must follow CAPPS HR/Payroll Fiscal Year-End Processing Instructions (FPP T.003) to prepare for the fiscal year-end process. The system will be unavailable from 5 p.m. Aug. 30 through 8 a.m. Sept. 3. Normal activities resume 8 a.m. Sept. 3. |
06/28/24 | SPA Fiscal Year-End Close Process SPA Fiscal Year-End Close Process
The last SPA processing cycle before the fiscal year-end close runs Aug. 30. SPA will be available Sept. 3 to accept both fiscal 2024 and fiscal 2025 transactions. See SPA Fiscal Year-End Close Process (FPP N.008) for more information. |
06/28/24 | SPRS Fiscal Year-End Process SPRS Fiscal Year-End Process
SPRS agencies must process transactions in the prescribed order for the rollover to fiscal 2025. See SPRS Fiscal Year-End Processing Instructions(FPP O.002) for complete information. |
06/28/24 | Holiday Warrant Distribution Holiday Warrant Distribution
Thursday, July 4: The Comptroller’s office will be closed; no warrants will be distributed. Friday, July 5: The Comptroller’s office will be closed; Payment Services will distribute warrants from the Wednesday, July 3 cycle 9 – 11 a.m. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements and the System Outages and Holidays calendar for more information. |
06/28/24 | Reminder – Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances Reminder – Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created with funds from the state treasury are subject to this requirement. Certification is due July 5. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 19. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information, including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms. |
06/21/24 | USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules
On July 1, agencies can begin entering fiscal 2025 appropriation budgets in USAS and CAPPS. Submit all required documentation by July 31. Budget entry and documentation submission must be complete before appropriation control officers can approve a budget setup. State agencies and institutions of higher education should use the Excel spreadsheets provided to complete the required schedules. See Establishing Appropriations by Method of Finance, Rider, Capital Budget and Transfer Schedules (FPP A.020) for schedule spreadsheets, instructions, definitions, examples and the special requirements for unobligated balances. |
06/21/24 | AFR Web Applications AFR Web Applications
All Annual Financial Report (AFR) web applications will open for data entry on July 1. This includes Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) and State Pass-Through Reporting (SPTR) for federal expenditure activity and state pass-through funds. Ensure proper security access exists as early in the process as possible. Contact your agency’s security coordinator to request access for each agency number you are reporting. All agencies are required to submit a certification within each web application by the applicable due date, even if there is no activity. SEFA is the only exception. Contact your financial reporting analyst with questions. |
06/21/24 | Open Record Requests: Personal Safety Exceptions Open Record Requests: Personal Safety Exceptions
Employees may request an exception to open records requests if they face a substantial threat of physical harm if information such as work location were made public. See Confidential Employee Information for Open Records Requests (FPP L.004) if your agency has employees who might qualify for the exception. |
06/21/24 | Current Forms Always Available on FMX Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Check the Forms page on FMX to ensure you use the current version. Previously downloaded forms might be outdated. The top of every FMX page has a link to the Forms page. Topic pages such as Appropriations and Payment Services link to their specific forms on the Forms page. Note: Payment Services forms on FMX are secured and require login to prevent unauthorized users from accessing them and submitting them to state agencies. If it is necessary for your agency to maintain any of these forms on your website, ensure the forms require login and that you are using the most current version. |
06/20/24 | Federal Overtime Changes Effective July 1 Federal Overtime Changes Effective July 1
The U.S. Department of Labor has revised the rules governing which executive, administrative and professional employees (EAP workers) are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) minimum wage and overtime pay protections. State agencies and institutions of higher education should review the changes. See Federal Overtime Changes Effective July 1, 2024 for more information. Note: The Comptroller of Public Accounts does not provide guidance on FLSA, overtime exemptions or related issues. |
06/14/24 | Direct Deposit Fraud Direct Deposit Fraud
Agencies must continue to guard against direct deposit fraud. The Comptroller’s office lists Fraud Prevention Recommendations on TexPayment Resource. Agencies can also:
Contact Payment Services with questions about direct deposits. |
06/14/24 | Reminder – Statewide Cost Allocation Forms Due Reminder – Statewide Cost Allocation Forms Due
On June 28, the General Revenue Reimbursement of Statewide Allocated Costs form and Federal Funds Reimbursement Calculation form are due for agencies listed in Fiscal 2023 Agency Statewide Cost Allocation Plan by Method of Finance. See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
06/14/24 | Reminder – FMQuery BusinessObjects Upgrade Reminder – FMQuery BusinessObjects Upgrade
FMQuery BusinessObjects will be upgraded to version 4.3 on June 24. Payroll reports and SIRS reports will be upgraded, replacing the 4.2 versions, which will be decommissioned and no longer accessible on that date. Current users will use their same login credentials. The results from any report run in the 4.3 environment will be identical to the results from the same report run in the 4.2 environment. See SAP BusinessObjects 4.3 Training for training videos. Note: The system will be offline from 5 p.m. Friday, June 21, to 8 a.m. Monday, June 24. |
06/07/24 | Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created with funds from the state treasury are subject to this requirement. The certification is due July 5. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 19. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information, including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms. |
06/07/24 | CAPPS User Group Meeting CAPPS User Group Meeting
A combined CAPPS HR/Payroll and Financials user group meeting will be held June 25, 9 – 11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available a few days before the meeting. |
06/07/24 | Reminder – Military Workforce Summary Reports Due Reminder – Military Workforce Summary Reports Due
June 14 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2024 third-quarter Military Workforce Summary Reports (March 1 to May 31). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent by electronic file transfer (EFT) on June 18. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available June 18 and must be submitted by June 25. See Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
05/31/24 | New Prior State Service Verification New Prior State Service Verification
A new indicator in CAPPS certifies prior state service records as they are created by the system, so state agencies are no longer required to contact the prior employer for certain state service records certified in CAPPS. However, agencies and institutions of higher education are still responsible for verifying prior state service not certified in CAPPS. See Texas Payroll/Personnel Resource – Required Documentation for more information, and contact CAPPS agency support with questions. |
05/31/24 | Accounting Policy Meeting Accounting Policy Meeting
An accounting policy meeting regarding the GR reconciliation process and updates for the state pass-through, SEFA and financial reporting processes will be held June 13, 10 a.m. – noon. Attend the presentation in person or online (via webinar):
See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for more information, including:
Note: For the webinar, use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues. |
05/24/24 | USAS Profile Rollover to FY/AY25 USAS Profile Rollover to FY/AY25
The annual USAS profile rollover occurs June 22. The process automatically creates new profiles for fiscal year (FY) and appropriation year (AY) 2025, based on existing FY24 and AY24 profiles. See USAS Profile Rollover (FPP Q.007) for more information. |
05/24/24 | USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Reports USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Reports
To prepare for the June 22, 2024, rollover to fiscal 2025, the Comptroller’s office will transmit USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Reports to agencies June 1 – 21. The reports:
Contact your agency’s financial reporting analyst with report questions. Contact the Comptroller’s help desk at (512) 463-HELP (4357) if you need retransmission of the reports. See USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Procedures (FPP A.031) for more information. |
05/24/24 | Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report payables and binding encumbrances for third-quarter fiscal 2024 appropriations by June 30. Quarterly certification must be entered in the online form. See Encumbrance Reporting and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for more information. |
05/24/24 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for March through May will be available on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200 on June 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
05/24/24 | Reminder – Statewide Cost Allocation Worksheet and Forms Due Reminder – Statewide Cost Allocation Worksheet and Forms Due
Deadlines for agencies listed in Fiscal 2023 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency are:
See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
05/21/24 | Military Workforce Reporting Due Military Workforce Reporting Due
Public community and junior colleges must provide quarterly data on military hiring and employment by completing the Comptroller’s electronic Military Workforce Reporting for Public Community/Junior Colleges form. The online form (with required veteran complaint reporting included) will be available June 18 and must be submitted by June 26. See Public Community and Junior Colleges Military Workforce Reporting Criteria in Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information, including form criteria, instructions and quarterly reporting deadlines. |
05/17/24 | Direct Deposit Checklist Direct Deposit Checklist
State agencies and institutions of higher education should follow the Direct Deposit Checklist when setting up, changing or cancelling direct deposit instructions. If your agency creates its own online direct deposit authorization or custom form, Payment Services must approve your agency’s form before it is implemented. See Approval Required for Alternative Methods. |
05/17/24 | Military Workforce Summary Reports Due Military Workforce Summary Reports Due
June 14 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2024 third-quarter Military Workforce Summary Reports (March 1 to May 31). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent by electronic file transfer (EFT) on June 18. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available June 18 and must be submitted by June 25. See Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
05/10/24 | SWCAP Worksheet and Forms Due SWCAP Worksheet and Forms Due
The fiscal 2023 Statewide Cost Allocation Plan (SWCAP) provided by the governor’s office is now available. Deadlines for agencies listed in Fiscal 2023 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency are:
See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
05/10/24 | Appropriation Information Management Report Changes Appropriation Information Management Report Changes
Four reports have been added to the Appropriation Information Management (AIM) (login required) and minor changes have been made to existing reports. The new reports are listed below:
See About AIM Reports (login required) for more information. Contact your agency’s appropriation control officer with any questions. |
05/10/24 | FMQuery BusinessObjects Upgrade FMQuery BusinessObjects Upgrade
FMQuery BusinessObjects will be upgraded to version 4.3 on June 24. Payroll reports and SIRS reports will be upgraded and will replace the 4.2 versions, which will be decommissioned and no longer accessible on that date. The results from any report run in the 4.3 environment will be identical to the results from the same report run in the 4.2 environment, and current users will use their same login credentials. See SAP BusinessObjects 4.3 Training for training videos. |
05/10/24 | Fiscal 2025 Payroll Due Dates and Direct Deposit Schedule Fiscal 2025 Payroll Due Dates and Direct Deposit Schedule
For state agencies and institutions of higher education, the monthly and twice-monthly payrolls are due by the seventh workday before payday. Submitting payrolls to the Comptroller’s office on or before the due dates ensures adequate processing time for direct deposits and warrant distribution. See Payroll Due Dates and Direct Deposit Schedules (FPP E.030) for more information, including the fiscal 2025 payroll due dates and direct deposit schedule. |
05/10/24 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held May 28, 9–10:30 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held May 30, 9–10:30 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available a few days before the meeting. |
05/03/24 | Fiscal 2023 SEFA and Single Audit Report Package Fiscal 2023 SEFA and Single Audit Report Package
The following Financial Reporting reference topics have been updated with fiscal 2023 information:
Contact your financial reporting analyst with questions. |
05/03/24 | Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division. |
05/03/24 | Accounting Policy Meeting Accounting Policy Meeting
An accounting policy meeting regarding shared funds, USAS profile rollover and GASB 99/GASB 100 will be held May 15, 10 a.m. – noon. Attend the presentation in person or online (via webinar):
See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for more information, including:
Note: For the webinar, use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues. |
04/29/24 | Reminder – Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due Reminder – Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due
Security coordinators are required to certify that their records are up to date through a semiannual security verification process that is concurrent for all Fiscal Management applications.
Email ssa.security@cpa.texas.gov with any questions. |
04/26/24 | Reminder – Authorization for Warrant Pickup Due Reminder – Authorization for Warrant Pickup Due
All state agencies and institutions must renew their Agency Authorization for Warrant Pickup form (74-189). Agencies without a new form on file by May 1 will not be able to pick up warrants or have their warrants mailed to them. See Authorization for Warrant Pickup for the form and more information. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
04/26/24 | Promote Direct Deposit Month Promote Direct Deposit Month
May is Direct Deposit Month, a yearly reminder that direct deposit payments save the state money and offer a safe, convenient method of payment to the state’s payees. Each agency should review its direct deposit practices to protect itself and its customers. See Promoting Direct Deposit/Pay Cards for more information. |
04/19/24 | GAA Book Available GAA Book Available
Agencies can purchase bound copies of the 2024-25 General Appropriations Act (GAA) for $15 each, including postage. All orders must be made online and prepaid with an interagency transaction voucher (ITV) or by check. Printed copies will be mailed in May 2024. |
04/12/24 | Second-Quarter Audit Reports Second-Quarter Audit Reports
Fiscal 2024 second-quarter expenditure audit reports are available. See the Audit page for forms, fiscal policies and procedures, and audit contact information. Subscribe via GovDelivery for quarterly email notifications of audit reports posted. |
04/11/24 | Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due
Security coordinators are required to certify that their records are up to date through a semiannual security verification process that is concurrent for all Fiscal Management applications.
If you have questions, email ssa.security@cpa.texas.gov. |
04/05/24 | CAPPS User Group Meeting CAPPS User Group Meeting
A combined CAPPS HR/Payroll and Financials user group meeting will be held April 25, 9 – 11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available a few days before the meeting. |
04/05/24 | Reminder – Authorization for Warrant Pickup Due Reminder – Authorization for Warrant Pickup Due
Every two years, the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts requires all state agencies and institutions of higher education to renew their Agency Authorization for Warrant Pickup form (74-189). Return the completed, signed form by close of business April 15. All authorization forms on file terminate at 5 p.m. on April 30. New forms are effective May 1. See Authorization for Warrant Pickup for the form and more information. |
03/28/24 | State Grant Requirement State Grant Requirement
State agencies and institutions of higher education that award a state grant over $25,000 from funds appropriated through the General Appropriations Act must publish the purpose of the grant on the agency’s public website. See Requirement to Publish Purpose of State Grants (FPP S.010) for more information. |
03/28/24 | Discontinued Contract Extracts Discontinued Contract Extracts
Effective April 5, the following USAS extracts are no longer available:
Agencies stopped using these extracts, so the Comptroller’s office has discontinued them. Contact your agency’s financial reporting analyst with questions. |
03/28/24 | Accounting Policy Meeting Accounting Policy Meeting
An accounting policy meeting regarding House Bill 4510 (Nov. 1 reporting deadline) will be held April 17, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Attendees can attend the presentation in person or online (webinar):
See Accounting Policy Meetings for meeting updates, including:
Note: For the webinar, use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues. |
03/22/24 | DDEP Web Application Updates DDEP Web Application Updates
Daily agency reports will be available for download effective March 11 for reversals and reclamations processed in the Direct Deposits – Reversals and Reclamations (DDEP) web application. To help prevent fraud, the account numbers will be masked and only the last four digits will display. See Daily Reversals/Reclamations Agency Reports on TexPayment Resource for details and sample reports. TINS ACR 60608 unmasks account numbers on DDEP effective March 11. User security is required to access DDEP, so full account numbers are only accessible to users with the proper security. See Instructions for the DDEP Web Application for more information. |
03/22/24 | Warrant Distribution on Friday, March 29 Warrant Distribution on Friday, March 29
The Comptroller’s office will be closed March 29 to observe Good Friday; however, Payment Services will distribute warrants from 9 – 11 a.m. The warrants will be from the March 28 processing cycle. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements. |
03/15/24 | Authorization for Warrant Pickup Due Authorization for Warrant Pickup Due
Every two years, the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts requires all state agencies and institutions of higher education to renew their Agency Authorization for Warrant Pickup form (74-189). Return the completed, signed form by close of business on April 15. All authorization forms on file terminate at 5 p.m. on April 30. New forms are effective May 1. See Authorization for Warrant Pickup for the form and more information. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
03/15/24 | T-Code for Manual IRS Payments Updated T-Code for Manual IRS Payments Updated
Effective March 15, transaction code (T-code) 876 allows comptroller object 7210 – Fees and Other Charges. Agencies use T-code 876 to process manual Internal Revenue Service (IRS) payroll deduction payments outside of the payroll systems (they are entered directly in USAS). Using T-code 876 with comptroller object 7210 allows agencies to pay IRS penalties for late payment of the employer portion of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax. Agencies must use T-code 876 for all manual payroll payments to the IRS to include the required taxpayer information with the automated clearing house (ACH) payment. Comptroller object 7210 is the only non-payroll object code permitted with T-code 876. |
03/08/24 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting (including an ERS Q&A regarding Group 3 Retirement employees) will be held March 26, 9–11 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held March 28, 9–10:30 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available a few days before the meeting. |
03/08/24 | Reminder – Military (Formerly Veteran) Workforce Summary Reports Due Reminder – Military (Formerly Veteran) Workforce Summary Reports Due
March 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2024 second-quarter Military (formerly Veteran) Workforce Summary Reports (Dec. 1 to Feb. 29). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on March 18. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available March 18 and must be submitted by March 26. See Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
03/01/24 | Fiscal 2023 ACFR Fiscal 2023 ACFR
The audited State of Texas Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 2023, is now available. This report presents the financial position and results of operations for Texas state government in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. |
03/01/24 | Reporting Requirements for ARPA Reporting Requirements for ARPA
For federal relief funds authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) (HR 1319) and awarded during the 88th Legislature, the Comptroller established Appropriation 21319 for all revenue and expenditure activity relating to these funds. Contact your appropriation control officer to request activation of Appropriation 21319. See Coronavirus Relief of 2020 Federal Funding Accounting Policy for the State of Texas (FPP A.048) for more information. |
03/01/24 | Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report payables and binding encumbrances for second-quarter fiscal 2024 appropriations by March 30. Quarterly certification must be entered in the online form. See Encumbrance Reporting and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for more information. |
02/23/24 | Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management
State agencies and institutions of higher education sometimes send documents with confidential information to Fiscal Management. An unencrypted email is not a secure transmission. Agencies must send confidential information in an encrypted email or as an encrypted email attachment as prescribed by your agency’s information security policy. See Confidential Information Must Be Encrypted Before Emailing to Fiscal Management (FPP D.004) for details. |
02/22/24 | Military (Formerly Veteran) Workforce Reporting Due Military (Formerly Veteran) Workforce Reporting Due
Public community and junior colleges must provide quarterly data on military hiring and employment by completing the Comptroller’s electronic Military (formerly Veteran) Workforce Reporting for Public Community/Junior Colleges form. The online form (with required veteran complaint reporting included) will be available March 18 and must be submitted by March 26. See Public Community and Junior Colleges Military Workforce Reporting Criteria in Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information, including form criteria, instructions and quarterly reporting deadlines. |
02/16/24 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for December through February will be available on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200 on March 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
02/16/24 | Military (Formerly Veteran) Workforce Summary Reports Due Military (Formerly Veteran) Workforce Summary Reports Due
March 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2024 second-quarter Military (formerly Veteran) Workforce Summary Reports (Dec. 1 to Feb. 29). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on March 18. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available March 18 and must be submitted by March 26. See Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
02/09/24 | Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division. |
02/09/24 | CAPPS User Group Meeting CAPPS User Group Meeting
A combined CAPPS HR/Payroll and Financials user group meeting will be held Feb. 27, 9–11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The meeting agenda will be available a few days before the meeting. |
02/02/24 | Saturday Mainframe System Availability Change Saturday Mainframe System Availability Change
Effective Jan. 27, mainframe systems (USAS, TINS, SPA, SPRS, HRIS and USPS) are available 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. on Saturdays. System availability on weekdays (7 a.m. – 7 p.m.) and Sundays (noon – 7 p.m.) remains the same. See System Outages and Holidays for all mainframe general system availability. |
02/02/24 | Direct Deposit Fraud Direct Deposit Fraud
Agencies must continue to guard against fraud with direct deposit payments. The Comptroller’s office lists Fraud Prevention Recommendations on TexPayment Resource. Agencies can also:
Contact Payment Services with questions about direct deposits. |
01/26/24 | USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator
To make payment information available to the public promptly, the Comptroller’s office must be able to distinguish between confidential and nonconfidential payments. State agencies and institutions of higher education must mark confidential transactions to protect payee confidentiality, per USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator (FPP E.045). The agency or institution submitting a transaction is responsible for determining confidentiality. Transactions are legally considered public unless specifically excluded by the Public Information Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 552). An agency or institution that marks a transaction as confidential should be prepared to cite the law or attorney general opinion that excludes the payment from public disclosure. |
01/19/24 | Updated USAS T-Code Sorts and Reference Information Updated USAS T-Code Sorts and Reference Information
For updated USAS documentation, see:
01/19/24 | First-Quarter Audit Reports First-Quarter Audit Reports
Fiscal 2024 first-quarter expenditure audit reports are available. See the Audit page for forms, fiscal policies and procedures, and audit contact information. Subscribe via GovDelivery for quarterly email notifications of audit reports posted. |
01/16/24 | Warrant Distribution Delayed Due to Inclement Weather Warrant Distribution Delayed Due to Inclement Weather
Due to inclement weather, warrant pickup will be available on Tuesday, Jan. 16 from noon – 2 p.m. Agencies may call the Payment Services help desk at (512) 936-8138 to confirm that warrants are available for distribution. |
01/12/24 | Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated
Effective Jan. 1, substantive changes have been made to the Texas Comptroller Manual of Accounts (FPP Q.009), reflecting legislation passed by the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, and resulting from the Nov. 7, 2023, election for Texas constitutional amendments. The Manual of Accounts provides current information on state agencies, appropriated funds, and accounts and object codes for recording accounting transactions. |
01/12/24 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held Jan. 23, 9–11 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held Jan. 25, 9–10:30 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available a few days before the meeting. |
01/12/24 | Reminder – Request Form 1099 by Jan. 30 Reminder – Request Form 1099 by Jan. 30
Jan. 30 is the last day to adjust the 1099-reportable data and request 1099s in USAS. Payments of $600 or more to a non-corporate payee for services or interest during a calendar year must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service on on Form 1099-MISC (miscellaneous), Form 1099-NEC (nonemployee compensation) or Form 1099-INT (interest income). See USAS Procedures for 1099 Reporting for Calendar Year 2023 (FPP E.001) for more information. |
01/05/24 | Economic Stabilization Fund Fiscal Brief Now Available Economic Stabilization Fund Fiscal Brief Now Available
The Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF) fiscal brief has been updated for the 2024-25 biennium. The ESF fiscal brief provides background information, key facts, how the ESF is funded, and calculation of the fund cap. Additionally, the ESF history table provides comprehensive data including historical revenues, expenditures, and maximum and ending balances since the fund’s inception in 1990 to the current biennium. |
01/05/24 | Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2024, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle has increased to 67 cents per mile (up from 65.5 cents in 2023). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates and Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. |
12/22/23 | Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2024, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 67 cents per mile (up from 65.5 cents in 2023). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. Note: State agencies may adopt an internal policy with a rate that is lower than the maximum; however, the agency must distribute the policy before its employees begin any travel under the lower rate. |
12/15/23 | Reminder – New TINS Reversal/Reclamation Web App Reminder – New TINS Reversal/Reclamation Web App
A Direct Deposits – Reversals and Reclamations (DDEP) web application and the automation of direct deposit returned money were implemented in phases via Application Change Request (ACR) 60027 and ACR 60227 when the final phase migrated in January 2023. Effective Jan. 2, 2024, agencies must process their own reversals and reclamations via DDEP. See ACR 60027 for more information, the DDEP Web Application for step-by-step instructions, and Direct Deposit Payments Made in Error for DDEP policy and procedure updates. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
12/15/23 | Reminder – Holiday Warrant Distribution Reminder – Holiday Warrant Distribution
Monday, Dec. 25, and Tuesday, Dec. 26: The Comptroller’s office will be closed; no warrants will be distributed. Warrants from the Dec. 22 and Dec. 26 cycles will be available Dec. 27. Monday, Jan. 1: The Comptroller’s office will be closed; no warrants will be distributed. Warrants from the Dec. 29 cycle will be available Jan. 2. See Payment Distribution or warrant pickup requirements and the System Outages and Holidays calendar for more information. |
12/15/23 | Reminder – USAS/TINS File Submission Reminder – USAS/TINS File Submission
If you need to submit a USAS or TINS batch file on a weekend or holiday, see the USAS/TINS Input Record File Submission Schedule. |
12/15/23 | Reminder – Direct Deposit Settlement Dates Reminder – Direct Deposit Settlement Dates
To determine the direct deposit settlement date of a payment, exclude state and federal holidays listed on the System Outages and Holidays calendar. Since financial institutions are closed, no direct deposit activity occurs on those days. Agencies must consider these dates when determining when to submit their payments to ensure prompt payment and avoid late payment interest. |
12/14/23 | Security Alert: Avoid Email Confirmation Security Alert: Avoid Email Confirmation
Fiscal Management urges all agencies to review and further strengthen internal processes and procedures for requesting system or security changes. To avoid security threats, it is best to validate requests by a method other than email. In the past, hackers harvested credentials such as user IDs, passwords, email addresses, etc., then used the credentials to access systems and gather data or other sensitive information. Now, hackers target the credential with the most transparency — email addresses. They hijack an email account, change the password, then use the email address to request the agency to provide sensitive information or make detrimental changes to the user’s profile, such as changing direct deposit instructions. This is what makes these hacks so dangerous. Everything about the email appears legitimate, because it is. Since the email account is compromised, the traditional strategy of training users to identify illegitimate email will not work. Only a second level of validation will ensure the instructions received were from the intended user. See Fraud Prevention Recommendations for more tips, or contact your agency’s information security office for more information and/or to discuss and implement security improvements for your agency. |
12/08/23 | Reminder – Military (Formerly Veteran) Workforce Summary Reports Due Reminder – Military (Formerly Veteran) Workforce Summary Reports Due
Dec. 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2024 first-quarter Military (formerly Veteran) Workforce Summary Reports (Sept. 1 to Nov. 30). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on Dec. 18. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available Dec. 18 and must be submitted by Dec. 29. See Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
12/04/23 | Update Contact Information for ACA 1094-C and 1095-C Update Contact Information for ACA 1094-C and 1095-C
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) requires employers to offer affordable health insurance that provides minimum essential coverage to their full-time (and full-time equivalent) employees and their dependents or incur tax penalties. The Comptroller’s office has updated ACA 1094-C and 1095-C Reporting Requirements (FPP F.039) for calendar year 2023. Agencies should review this guidance for how it affects your agency. Your agency is responsible for 1094-C and 1095-C reporting. CAPPS Central agencies are required to update the Manage Agency Contact Info page in CAPPS by Dec. 31. |
12/01/23 | Holiday Systems Scheduling and Warrant Distribution Holiday Systems Scheduling and Warrant Distribution
Monday, Dec. 25, and Tuesday, Dec. 26: The Comptroller’s office will be closed; no warrants will be distributed. Warrants from the Dec. 22 and Dec. 26 cycles will be available Dec. 27. Monday, Jan. 1: The Comptroller’s office will be closed; no warrants will be distributed. Warrants from the Dec. 29 cycle will be available Jan. 2. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements and the System Outages and Holidays calendar for more information. |
12/01/23 | USAS/TINS File Submission USAS/TINS File Submission
If you need to submit a USAS or TINS batch file on a weekend or holiday, see the USAS/TINS Input Record File Submission Schedule. |
12/01/23 | Direct Deposit Settlement Dates Direct Deposit Settlement Dates
To determine the direct deposit settlement date of a payment, exclude state and federal holidays listed on the System Outages and Holidays calendar. Since financial institutions are closed, no direct deposit activity occurs on those days. Agencies must consider these dates when determining when to submit their payments to ensure prompt payment and avoid late payment interest. |
12/01/23 | Reminder – New TINS Reversal/Reclamation Web App Reminder – New TINS Reversal/Reclamation Web App
A Direct Deposits – Reversals and Reclamations (DDEP) web application and the automation of direct deposit return money were implemented in phases via Application Change Request (ACR) 60027 and ACR 60227 when the final phase migrated in January 2023. Effective Jan. 2, 2024, agencies must process their own reversals and reclamations via DDEP. See ACR 60027 for more information, the DDEP Web Application for step-by-step instructions, and Direct Deposit Payments Made in Error for DDEP policy and procedure updates. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
11/21/23 | Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report payables and binding encumbrances for first-quarter fiscal 2024 appropriations by Dec. 30. Quarterly certification must be entered in the online form. See Important Dates in the Reporting Guidelines of Encumbrance Reporting and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for more information. |
11/17/23 | GAA for 2024-25 GAA for 2024-25
Bound copies of the 2024-25 General Appropriations Act (GAA) are not on sale at this time. The Comptroller’s office will issue an announcement once the bound/printed copies are available for purchase. See Conference Committee Report, House Bill 1, General Appropriations Bill for an electronic copy. |
11/17/23 | 2024 Earned Federal Funds Update 2024 Earned Federal Funds Update
State agencies are responsible for collecting and depositing earned federal funds (EFF) and indirect cost reimbursements to the General Revenue Fund. Effective Sept. 1, the EFF collection totals have been updated per the General Appropriations Act (GAA). See Earned Federal Funds and Indirect Cost Reimbursements to the General Revenue Fund (APS 023) (FPP A.017) for defined conditions and deadlines. Contact your agency’s appropriation control officer with any questions. |
11/17/23 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for the associated hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for September through November will be available on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200 on Dec 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
11/17/23 | Military (Formerly Veteran) Workforce Summary Reports Due Military (Formerly Veteran) Workforce Summary Reports Due
Dec. 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2024 first-quarter Military (formerly Veteran) Workforce Summary Reports (Sept. 1 to Nov. 30). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on Dec. 19. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available Dec. 19 and must be submitted by Dec. 29. See Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
11/10/23 | 2023 State of Texas Annual Cash Report 2023 State of Texas Annual Cash Report
The State of Texas Annual Cash Report for fiscal 2023 is now available. The report presents the state’s financial condition and details revenues and expenditures on a cash basis, as required by Texas Government Code, Section 403.013. |
11/10/23 | Direct Deposit – Reversals and Reclamations (DDEP) Webinars Direct Deposit – Reversals and Reclamations (DDEP) Webinars
Effective Jan. 2, 2024, all agencies must process their own reversals and reclamations via the new DDEP web application. Employees who monitor direct deposit payments for their agencies and submit direct deposit reversals and reclamations should attend a DDEP webinar. Webinars cover step-by-step instructions for processing, editing and deleting direct deposit reversals, and for using payment search functions. No registration is required. For webinar dates and access information, see DDEP Training Webinars. Contact Payment Services for more information. |
11/10/23 | CAPPS User Group Meeting CAPPS User Group Meeting
A combined CAPPS HR/Payroll and Financials user group meeting will be held Nov. 30, 9–11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The meeting agenda will be available a few days before the meeting. |
11/10/23 | Reminder – Warrant Distribution on Nov. 22 Reminder – Warrant Distribution on Nov. 22
The Comptroller’s office will be closed for business on Wednesday, Nov. 22; however, Payment Services will distribute warrants from 9–11 a.m. for the Nov. 21 processing cycle. There will be no warrant distribution on Nov. 23 or 24. Warrants from the Nov. 22 and Nov. 24 processing cycles will be available for distribution on Monday, Nov. 27. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements. |
11/10/23 | Reminder – Direct Deposit Settlement Dates Reminder – Direct Deposit Settlement Dates
When determining the direct deposit settlement date of a payment, exclude state and federal holidays that are listed on the System Outages and Holidays calendar. Since financial institutions are closed, no direct deposit activity occurs on those days. Agencies must consider these dates when determining when to submit their payments to ensure prompt payment and avoid late payment interest. |
11/10/23 | Reminder – USAS/TINS File Submission Reminder – USAS/TINS File Submission
If you need to submit a USAS or TINS batch file on a weekend or holiday, see the USAS/TINS Input Record File Submission Schedule. |
11/03/23 | New TINS Reversal/Reclamation Web App New TINS Reversal/Reclamation Web App
A Direct Deposits – Reversals and Reclamations (DDEP) web application and the automation of direct deposit returned money were implemented in phases via Application Change Request (ACR) 60027 and ACR 60227 when the final phase migrated in January 2023. Effective Jan. 2, 2024, agencies must process their own reversals and reclamations via DDEP. See ACR 60027 for more information, the DDEP Web Application for step-by-step instructions, and Direct Deposit Payments Made in Error for DDEP policy and procedure updates. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
11/03/23 | Warrant Distribution on Nov. 22 Warrant Distribution on Nov. 22
The Comptroller’s office will be closed for business on Wednesday, Nov. 22; however, Payment Services will distribute warrants from 9–11 a.m. for the Nov. 21 processing cycle. There will be no warrant distribution on Nov. 23 or 24. Warrants from the Nov. 22 and Nov. 24 processing cycles will be available for distribution on Monday, Nov. 27. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements. |
11/03/23 | Direct Deposit Settlement Dates Direct Deposit Settlement Dates
When determining the direct deposit settlement date of a payment, exclude state and federal holidays that are listed on the System Outages and Holidays calendar. Since financial institutions are closed, no direct deposit activity occurs on those days. Agencies must consider these dates when determining when to submit their payments to ensure prompt payment and avoid late payment interest. |
11/03/23 | USAS/TINS File Submission USAS/TINS File Submission
If you need to submit a USAS or TINS batch file on a weekend or holiday, see the USAS/TINS Input Record File Submission Schedule. |
11/03/23 | CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures
Entering procurement and travel card transactions in USAS or CAPPS Financials requires special considerations for timely payment reconciliation. Agencies should review the procedures for entering credit card information in the USAS and CAPPS invoice number fields as detailed in the section on central billed account (CBA) and corporate liability individual billed account (CLIBA) numbers in USAS and CAPPS Financials Invoice Number Field Requirements (FPP E.023). See Processing Third-Party Transactions in USAS for Payment/Travel Cards, Direct Bill Payments and Reimbursements (FPP A.043) (login required) for more information. Contact Expenditure Assistance with questions. |
10/27/23 | AFR Deadline AFR Deadline
The deadline for the fiscal 2023 annual financial report (AFR) is Nov. 20. The Financial Reporting section strongly recommends that agencies make and release all USAS entries related to the AFR by 7 p.m. on Nov. 17. Agencies that need to make USAS entries on Nov. 20 must use USAS Batch Edit Mode 2 for all entries. No USAS entries for fiscal 2023 may be made after Nov. 20. All entries for the fiscal 2023 AFR must be backdated using an effective date of 08/32/2023. Contact your financial reporting analyst with questions about AFR submission requirements and deadlines. |
10/27/23 | 1099 Reporting for Tax Year 2023 1099 Reporting for Tax Year 2023
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Department of the Treasury have issued final regulations for the Taxpayer First Act, reducing the electronic filing threshold from 250 information returns to 10 or more returns beginning in 2024, for tax year 2023. State agencies and universities filing 10 or more information returns for tax year 2023 are required to file electronically with the IRS. Agencies filing electronically for the first time must request a Transmitter Control Code from the IRS as soon as possible. For more information about the regulations and the reduced threshold to file electronically, see the IRS’ and Treasury’s final regulations on e-file and Filing Information Returns Electronically (FIRE). See USAS Procedures for 1099 Reporting for Calendar Year 2023 (FPP E.001) for instructions on requesting 1099 data from USAS. |
10/27/23 | USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields
Transaction entry screens in USAS and CAPPS let state agencies and institutions of higher education enter payment information in the invoice number and description fields. Never enter confidential or sensitive information such as complete or partial Social Security numbers or information covered by the protected health information prohibition. See USAS and CAPPS Financials Invoice Number Field Requirements (FPP E.023) for more information and to review your agency’s procedures for compliance with field requirements. |
10/27/23 | Top 10 Audit Findings Top 10 Audit Findings
The latest top 10 findings in post-payment audits are available on FMX. Findings include a description of the audit issue, proper procedure, and links to more information. See FMX’s Audit topic page for purchase policies and procedures, post-payment audit reports and more. |
10/27/23 | Reminder – Benefit Replacement Pay Leveling Election Due Reminder – Benefit Replacement Pay Leveling Election Due
State agencies that permit eligible employees to level their benefit replacement pay must update their payroll/personnel systems for December payrolls paid in calendar year 2024. See Benefit Replacement Pay (BRP) Leveling Election (FPP F.035) for more information. |
10/24/23 | Credit Union No Longer Authorized for Payroll Deductions Credit Union No Longer Authorized for Payroll Deductions
Effective with wages payable Dec. 1, 2023, Texas Dow ECU (TDECU) – Your Credit Union will no longer be a participating credit union authorized for payroll deductions, and deductions may no longer be made from employees’ wages for this credit union. See the list of approved participating credit unions (login required) or Credit Union Deductions for more information. |
10/20/23 | Fourth-Quarter Audit Reports Fourth-Quarter Audit Reports
Fiscal 2023 fourth-quarter expenditure audit reports are available. See the Audit page for forms, fiscal policies and procedures, and audit contact information. Subscribe via GovDelivery for quarterly email notifications of audit reports posted. |
10/20/23 | Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
Per Encumbrance Reporting and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019), state agencies and institutions of higher education must submit the online Annual Certification form by Oct. 30. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated was Sept. 30.) An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle. |
10/20/23 | Reminder – Budget T-Codes Effective Date Change Reminder – Budget T-Codes Effective Date Change
Nov. 2, at 7 a.m., the effective start date for USAS budget T-codes 001, 003, 006, 009, 012, 015, 018, 021, 036, 039, 040, 041, 042 and 043 will change to 09/01/2023. Fiscal Management’s Financial Reporting section verifies general revenue (GR) information submitted by state agencies and must ensure agencies cannot backdate entries, which would change the agency’s GR amount. The GR Reconciliation Certification is due Nov. 1. Contact your financial reporting analyst with questions. |
10/20/23 | Reminder – TFOA 2024 Nominations Reminder – TFOA 2024 Nominations
Nov. 10 is the deadline to nominate candidates for the 2024 Texas Fiscal Officers Academy (TFOA), a professional development program for state agency fiscal officers. Candidates must be nominated by their executive directors or chief fiscal officers. The 2024 TFOA curriculum has three week-long sessions:
See the TFOA website for details. |
10/19/23 | Reminder – Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due Reminder – Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due
Security coordinators are required to certify that their records are up to date through a semiannual security verification process that is concurrent for all Fiscal Management applications.
Email mailto:ssa.security@cpa.texas.gov with any questions. |
10/13/23 | Final EEO Report Final EEO Report
On Oct. 31, final copies of the 2023 Equal Employment Opportunity Report (FPP F.016) will be available for agencies and institutions of higher education via electronic file transfer. Oct. 27 is the deadline for making data corrections. Corrections entered or submitted after this date will not be reflected in the final report. The Comptroller’s office will send the final report to the Civil Rights Division of the Texas Workforce Commission on Oct. 31. |
10/13/23 | Benefit Replacement Pay Leveling Election Due Benefit Replacement Pay Leveling Election Due
State agencies that permit eligible employees to level their benefit replacement pay must update their payroll/personnel systems for December payrolls paid in calendar year 2024. See Benefit Replacement Pay (BRP) Leveling Election (FPP F.035) for more information. |
10/06/23 | Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due
Security coordinators are required to certify that their records are up to date through a semiannual security verification process that is concurrent for all Fiscal Management applications.
Email ssa.security@cpa.texas.gov with any questions. |
10/06/23 | SB8 Supplemental Appropriations Expiring SB8 Supplemental Appropriations Expiring
Agencies with supplemental appropriations made by Senate Bill 8, 87th Legislature, 3rd Called Session, must encumber or accrue obligated funds by Nov. 7 in USAS with an effective date of Oct. 31 to allow expenditure over the next two fiscal years. Any balances not encumbered or accrued will lapse. See Processing Supplemental Appropriations and Reductions (FPP A.047) for more information or contact your appropriation control officer with questions. |
10/06/23 | TFOA 2024 Nominations TFOA 2024 Nominations
Nov. 10 is the deadline to nominate candidates for the 2024 Texas Fiscal Officers Academy (TFOA), a professional development program for state agency fiscal officers. Candidates must be nominated by their executive directors or chief fiscal officers. The 2024 TFOA curriculum has three week-long sessions:
See the TFOA website for details. |
10/06/23 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held Oct. 24, 9–10:30 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held Oct. 26, 9–10:30 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available the morning of the meeting. |
10/06/23 | Reminder – SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines Reminder – SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines
State agencies (and institutions of higher education reporting to SPA) must annually reconcile SPA ending balances with their annual financial reports (AFRs). Due dates for certifying SPA fiscal balances and Note 2 using the Capital Asset Note Submission System (CANSS) web application are:
See SPA Fiscal Year-End Reconciliation and Certification of Fiscal Balances in the SPA Process User’s Guide for more information. |
10/06/23 | Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
By Oct. 30 each year, state agencies and institutions of higher education must lapse appropriation balances above the level needed to satisfy outstanding binding encumbrances and/or payables. All agencies must also submit the online annual certification form by Oct. 30. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies is Sept. 30 for both lapsing balances and certification submissions.) An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle to lapse all unencumbered nonconstruction appropriation balances for all past appropriation years. See Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for details. |
09/29/23 | Budget T-Codes Effective Date Change Budget T-Codes Effective Date Change
Nov. 2, at 7 a.m., the effective start date for USAS budget T-codes 001, 003, 006, 009, 012, 015, 018, 021, 036, 039, 040, 041, 042 and 043 will be changed to 09/01/2023. Fiscal Management’s Financial Reporting section verifies general revenue (GR) information submitted by state agencies and must ensure agencies cannot backdate entries, which would change the agency’s GR amount. The GR Reconciliation Certification is due Nov. 1. Contact your financial reporting analyst with questions. |
09/29/23 | 88th Legislature Updates – eXpendit 88th Legislature Updates – eXpendit
Four eXpendit tabs have been updated to reflect legislative changes: The Definitions section in Textravel also changed. See eXpendit Changes for more information. |
09/29/23 | Direct Deposit Fraud Direct Deposit Fraud
Agencies must continue to guard against fraud with direct deposit payments. The Comptroller’s office lists Fraud Prevention Recommendations in TexPayment Resource. Agencies can also:
Contact Payment Services with questions about direct deposits. |
09/29/23 | Reminder – Preliminary EEO Report Reminder – Preliminary EEO Report
On Oct. 19, preliminary copies of the 2023 Equal Employment Opportunity Report (FPP F.016) will be available for agencies and institutions of higher education via electronic file transfer with each agency’s regular daily downloads. Deadlines:
Data corrections entered or submitted after Oct. 27 will not be reflected in the final report issued Oct. 31. |
09/28/23 | Reminder – Complete Our Customer Service Survey by Sept. 29 Reminder – Complete Our Customer Service Survey by Sept. 29
If you already completed our Fiscal Management customer service survey, thank you! If you haven't had a chance to take our online survey, it will be available until the close of business Friday, Sept. 29. We appreciate your feedback. If you have any questions about the survey, email us at fiscal.documentation@cpa.texas.gov. |
09/26/23 | Preliminary Annual Report Delayed Preliminary Annual Report Delayed
The Preliminary Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices) is delayed and will be available to agencies via electronic file transfer on Sept. 27. Due dates for the Annual Report have been adjusted to accommodate the delay:
For more information, contact SPRS, HRIS or CAPPS agency support. |
09/22/23 | Updated Check Processing Requirement Updated Check Processing Requirement
Effective Sept. 18, the Comptroller’s Treasury Operations Division (Treasury) will no longer process deposits of a single check split into multiple D documents (known as a “split deposit”). Split deposits will fail the USAS/Treasury match process and will post to the depositing agency’s default coding block in USAS. See USAS Deposit Default Processing (FPP Q.006) for information on clearing your agency’s deposit default fund. |
09/22/23 | Final Fiscal 2023 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices) Final Fiscal 2023 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices)
On Oct. 5, each state agency and institution of higher education will receive a final copy of the fiscal 2023 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices) via electronic file transfer. See Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices for the Fiscal Year) (FPP F.005) for more information, including HRIS and SPRS contacts. |
09/22/23 | Preliminary EEO Report Preliminary EEO Report
On Oct. 19, preliminary copies of the 2023 Equal Employment Opportunity Report (FPP F.016) will be available for agencies and institutions of higher education via electronic file transfer with each agency’s regular daily downloads. Deadlines:
Data corrections entered or submitted after Oct. 27 will not be reflected in the final report issued Oct. 31. |
09/22/23 | SPRS Updates SPRS Updates
The Comptroller’s office has updated SPRS to reflect legislative changes to the General Appropriations Act, Article IX. Changes include new entitlement codes, two new reason codes and two new veteran preference indicators. See the SPRS User Guide (FPP O.003) and Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
09/15/23 | Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
How well are we meeting your customer service expectations? Please let us know by completing the online survey by Friday, Sept. 29. We appreciate your feedback. Email us at fiscal.documentation@cpa.texas.gov with any questions. |
09/15/23 | Fiscal 2024 Travel Rates Fiscal 2024 Travel Rates
The 2024 General Services Administration (GSA) rates are online now and effective Oct. 1. Fiscal 2024 travel reimbursement rates are available for:
Standard lodging reimbursement rates have increased for fiscal 2024. The standard lodging rate for all locations not listed by the GSA increases from $98 to $107. The meal reimbursement rate for locations not listed by the GSA remains at $59 for fiscal 2024. For CAPPS agencies using the Travel and Expense module, the CAPPS Financials Production Support Team will update meal and lodging rates, as necessary. Mileage rates must be updated by the agency. Contact your CAPPS Level 1 representative for assistance. For more information, see Textravel, email expenditure.assistance@cpa.texas.gov or call (512) 475-0966. |
09/15/23 | Updated Interagency Payment Policy Updated Interagency Payment Policy
State agencies must use the interagency transaction voucher (ITV) process in USAS for interagency payments when the funding sources for both agencies are held in the state treasury. However, agencies may use a procurement card to:
See Interagency Payments and Receipts for Goods and Services (APS 014) (FPP A.028) for more information. |
09/15/23 | Automated Lapse of Unencumbered Balances Automated Lapse of Unencumbered Balances
By Oct. 30 each year, all agencies must lapse appropriation balances above the amount needed to satisfy any outstanding binding encumbrances and/or payables. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies is Sept. 30.) The Comptroller’s office must lapse all unencumbered nonconstruction appropriation balances for past appropriation years each Nov. 1. An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle. Agencies must review appropriation balances for accuracy before the lapse process. See Reviewing Appropriation Balances Prior to UB or Lapsing in APS 018 for full details. |
09/15/23 | Annual Encumbrance Reporting Due Annual Encumbrance Reporting Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report annual binding encumbrances and payables to the Comptroller’s office per Encumbrance Reporting and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019). This reporting requirement includes the fourth quarter of the previous appropriation year. All agencies must submit the online Annual Certification form by Oct. 30. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies is Sept. 30.) |
09/08/23 | Preliminary Fiscal 2023 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices) Preliminary Fiscal 2023 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices)
Preliminary copies of the fiscal 2023 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices) will arrive at state agencies and institutions of higher education via electronic file transfer on Sept. 21. Agencies and institutions must submit electronic report acknowledgment forms by Sept. 28, and will have until Oct. 3 to review the preliminary report and enter or submit changes. See Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices for the Fiscal Year) (FPP F.005) for more information, including HRIS and SPRS contacts. |
09/08/23 | Additional Accounting Policy Statements Updated Additional Accounting Policy Statements Updated
The following Accounting Policy Statements (APSs) have been updated:
Review each APS to ensure compliance with the most current policies and procedures. |
09/08/23 | Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated
Effective Sept. 1, substantive changes have been made to the Texas Comptroller Manual of Accounts (FPP Q.009) reflecting legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. The Manual of Accounts provides current information on state agencies, appropriated funds, accounts and object codes to record accounting transactions. |
09/08/23 | Grant ID Requests Grant ID Requests
State agencies must email new grant ID requests for the fiscal 2023 State Pass-Through Reporting (SPTR) web application to frs@cpa.texas.gov by close of business Sept. 25 and must attach documentation confirming the grant relationship between the grantor and grantee with the official grant name. Final certification for the SPTR web application is due Sept. 28. See State Grant Pass-Through Reconciliation – Timeline for more information. |
09/07/23 | Two New HRIS Military Preference Codes Two New HRIS Military Preference Codes
Effective Sept. 1, institutions of higher education may begin to use two new military preference codes in the Human Resource Information System (HRIS): S (spouse of active-duty member) and H (disabled veteran’s spouse who is primary source of income). See ACR 60582 and Appendix C in HRIS Reporting Requirements – Higher Education (FPP M.005) for more information. |
09/01/23 | State Employee Charitable Campaign State Employee Charitable Campaign
The annual State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) runs Sept. 1 – Oct. 31. During the SECC, state employees may elect to deduct contributions to participating charities from their paychecks. CAPPS Central will be updated for December payrolls to reflect changes to the SECC, including participating charities’ payee codes, Texas identification numbers and contact information. Agencies and institutions of higher education not using CAPPS Central must update their payroll/personnel systems accordingly. See State Employee Charitable Campaign Participation (FPP F.033) or the SECC website for the list of participating statewide federations, local campaign areas and more information. |
09/01/23 | SEFA Reporting Additions SEFA Reporting Additions
Requests to set up a new Assistance Listing Number (ALN), formerly known as Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA), and non-state entity (NSE) entries in the Schedule of Expenditure of Federal Awards (SEFA) web application are due by close of business Oct. 23 to the Comptroller’s Statewide Fiscal Program section at sefa.texas@cpa.texas.gov. Include a copy of the agreement or award letter with the request. Pass-through activity deadline reminders:
See the SEFA Timeline for more information or email sefa.texas@cpa.texas.gov for assistance with SEFA reporting inquiries. |
09/01/23 | University USAS/ABEST Reconciliation Deadline University USAS/ABEST Reconciliation Deadline
Institutions of higher education hold appropriated funds outside the state treasury and must enter fiscal 2023 expenditure activity in USAS by Nov. 1 for reconciliation with the Legislative Budget Board’s Automated Budget and Evaluation System of Texas (ABEST). See Entering Higher Education Expenditure Activity in USAS for USAS/ABEST Reconciliation (FPP B.011) for more information. Note: Community/junior colleges are excluded from these requirements. |
09/01/23 | HRIS Reappointment Reporting HRIS Reappointment Reporting
Institutions of higher education must report certain information about jobs and reappointments at the beginning of each fiscal year. Submit reappointment information via electronic file transfer (EFT) by:
The HRIS September maintenance deadline is Oct. 7. See HRIS Higher Education Reporting Procedures for Reappointments (FPP M.003) for reappointment details and instructions. |
09/01/23 | Reminder – Certification of Physical Inventory Form Due Reminder – Certification of Physical Inventory Form Due
State agencies must conduct an annual physical inventory of property by Aug. 31. Agencies must then submit the Certification of Physical Inventory Conducted by Agency form (73-283) to the Comptroller's office by Sept. 20. See Certification of Physical Inventory in the SPA Process User’s Guide for details. |
09/01/23 | Reminder – Property Transfers Deadline Reminder – Property Transfers Deadline
Enter property transfers in SPA by Sept. 20 so GR consolidated agencies can complete their fiscal year-end reconciliations. See Transferring Property in the SPA Process User’s Guide for complete instructions. |
08/25/23 | Emergency Leave Reporting Due Emergency Leave Reporting Due
Agencies and institutions must report emergency leave use by Oct. 1 for employees granted more than 32 hours of emergency leave during the prior fiscal year. See Emergency Leave Reporting Requirements (FPP F.040) for details on the Emergency Leave Reporting web application and the required statement for agencies and institutions not sending a report. |
08/25/23 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for August will be available on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200 on Sept. 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
08/25/23 | Reminder – Salary Supplement Report Due Reminder – Salary Supplement Report Due
State agencies and institutions must report certain salary supplements to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, the State Auditor’s Office and the Secretary of State by Sept. 15. See Salary Supplements Paid From Sources Other Than Appropriated Funds (FPP F.031) for instructions and the online report form. |
08/25/23 | Reminder – Certification of Physical Inventory Form Due Reminder – Certification of Physical Inventory Form Due
State agencies must conduct an annual physical inventory of property by Aug. 31. Agencies must then submit the Certification of Physical Inventory Conducted by Agency (73-283) form to the Comptroller’s office by Sept. 20. See Certification of Physical Inventory in the SPA Process User’s Guide for details. |
08/25/23 | Reminder – SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines Reminder – SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines
State agencies (and institutions of higher education reporting to SPA) must annually reconcile SPA ending balances with their annual financial reports (AFRs). Due dates for certifying SPA fiscal balances and Note 2 using the Capital Asset Note Submission System (CANSS) web application are:
See SPA Fiscal Year-End Reconciliation and Certification of Fiscal Balances in the SPA Process User’s Guide for more information. |
08/18/23 | Comptroller-Assigned 3 TINs Comptroller-Assigned 3 TINs
Agencies must comply with the policies and procedures in TexPayment Resource (FPP P.007) when requesting and processing Comptroller-assigned 3 TINs (temporary Texas identification numbers). All 11 digits of a 3 TIN must be used as assigned and must not be altered by using the middle nine digits as a temporary Social Security number (SSN). Those nine digits could be the valid SSN of an individual who is not the intended foreign payee, so using that number would be misuse of an SSN. Such unauthorized use also creates invalid payee setups in TINS, inaccurate payment records in USAS, and could result in an audit finding. When an agency receives a Comptroller-assigned 3 TIN, it must be set up in TINS to prepare for a payment through USAS. A Comptroller-assigned 3 TIN may not be requested as a temporary SSN or as a temporary number to be used solely within an agency’s internal system. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
08/18/23 | Accounting Policy Statements Updated Accounting Policy Statements Updated
The following Accounting Policy Statements (APSs) have been updated:
Review each APS to ensure compliance with the most current policies and procedures. |
08/11/23 | Changes to Two-Day USAS Reports Changes to Two-Day USAS Reports
Effective Aug. 11, several USAS reports that have had a two-day turnaround for report generation now have a one-day turnaround. See IR 22397 – USAS System Change for more information. Contact your agency’s appropriation control officer for information about the USAS reports. |
08/11/23 | 88th Legislature GAA Updates 88th Legislature GAA Updates
The 88th Legislature updated Article IX of the General Appropriations Act (GAA); changes take effect Sept. 1. See Changes to Article IX of the GAA and Other Bills of Interest to State Agencies (FPP F.008) for a summary of GAA changes and other legislation that affects state agencies. |
08/11/23 | Reason Code Definitions and Restrictions Updated Reason Code Definitions and Restrictions Updated
The 88th Legislature updated salary administration provisions of the General Appropriations Act (GAA), so the Comptroller’s office has issued:
See Reason Code Resources and Classification Salary Schedules (FPP R.022) for more information and a downloadable PDF. |
08/11/23 | RTI End Dates RTI End Dates
Reminder: When coding on the USAS Recurring Transaction Profile (55), do not set an effective end date until after Sept. 26 on certain recurring transaction indexes (RTIs) used during the interagency reconciliation process for the annual financial report (AFR). Interagency transaction vouchers (ITVs) must process successfully during the interagency reconciliation process for the AFR. An RTI (receiving) agency that sets an effective end date on the 55 profile will prevent a transaction (paying) agency from processing any ITV transactions past that effective end date. Agencies should leave the effective end dates on RTIs blank unless there is an explicit need to include one. See RTI Tables for Interfund/Interagency Transactions and the ITV/RTI Process USAS FAQs for more information. |
08/11/23 | Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
Sept. 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2023 fourth-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (June 1 to Aug. 31). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on Sept. 19. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available Sept. 19 and must be submitted by Sept. 26. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
08/11/23 | Reminder – Systems Unavailable During Year-End Close Reminder – Systems Unavailable During Year-End Close
The USAS annual cash-basis close for fiscal 2023 occurs Aug. 31. The fiscal year-end close process requires shutting down the statewide fiscal systems. See Master Schedule of Year-End Close Events for more information, including:
08/11/23 | Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
Aug. 30 is the third- and fourth-quarter general revenue (GR) reimbursement deadline for statewide allocated costs for agencies listed in Fiscal 2022 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency. See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
08/10/23 | Reminder – Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due Reminder – Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due
Junior/community colleges must certify estimates of state matching contribution funds for employees participating in the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) by Aug. 15. See Annual Estimate of Optional Retirement Program (ORP) State Contributions (FPP A.003) for complete information including instructions and forms. |
08/04/23 | HB 9 Supplemental Appropriations Expiring HB 9 Supplemental Appropriations Expiring
Agencies with supplemental appropriations made by House Bill 9, 87th Legislature, Second Called Session must encumber or accrue obligated funds by Sept. 16 in USAS with an effective date of Aug. 31 to allow expenditure over the next two fiscal years. Any balances not encumbered or accrued will lapse. See Processing Supplemental Appropriations and Reductions (FPP A.047) for more information or contact your appropriation control officer with questions. |
08/04/23 | Legislative Changes to Salary Administration Legislative Changes to Salary Administration
The 88th Legislature, Regular Session, updated:
See Legislative Changes Affecting Salary Administration, 88th Legislature (FPP F.021) for more information. |
08/04/23 | AFR Ad Hoc Reports AFR Ad Hoc Reports
Beginning Sept. 4, the following AFR-related reports will be available via secure file transfer protocol (SFTP):
Agencies may save or print their reports daily, Monday through Friday. Each day’s information is replaced on the following business day by the next transmission. Contact your financial reporting analyst for more information. |
08/04/23 | Late Payment Interest Rate for Fiscal 2024 Late Payment Interest Rate for Fiscal 2024
The interest rate the state pays on a late payment to a vendor under the state’s prompt payment law will be 9.25 percent for fiscal 2024. The interest calculation is one percentage point higher than the prime rate published in the Wall Street Journal on the first business day of July. See Interest Rate on eXpendit (FPP I.005) for more information. |
08/04/23 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held Aug. 22, 9–10:30 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held Aug. 24, 9–10:30 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available the morning of the meeting. |
08/04/23 | Reminder – GASB Questionnaires Due Reminder – GASB Questionnaires Due
All general revenue (GR) consolidated and full reporting agencies must complete and submit every GASB questionnaire by Aug. 15. The AFR website’s GASB Questionnaires page provides:
Contact your agency’s financial reporting analyst with questions about any GASB questionnaire. |
08/04/23 | Reminder – HRIS Reappointments Due Reminder – HRIS Reappointments Due
Institutions of higher education must report certain information about jobs and reappointments at the beginning of each fiscal year. Submit reappointment information via electronic file transfer (EFT) by:
The HRIS September maintenance deadline is Oct. 7. See HRIS Higher Education Reporting Procedures for Reappointments (FPP M.003) for reappointment details and instructions. |
07/28/23 | Proceeds From the Sale of Surplus Property Proceeds From the Sale of Surplus Property
All proceeds from the sale of surplus property, equipment and commodities must be deposited to general revenue (GR) in appropriation 99908. An agency may reappropriate 25 percent of the receipts from the sale of surplus property for expenditure during the fiscal year the receipts are received. See Proceeds from the Sale of Surplus Property (FPP A.032) for more information. |
07/28/23 | SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines
State agencies (and institutions of higher education reporting to SPA) must annually reconcile SPA ending balances with their annual financial reports (AFRs). Due dates for certifying SPA fiscal balances and Note 2 using the Capital Asset Note Submission System (CANSS) web application are:
See SPA Fiscal Year-End Reconciliation and Certification of Fiscal Balances in the SPA Process User’s Guide (FPP N.005) for more information. |
07/28/23 | Property Transfer Deadline Property Transfer Deadline
Enter property transfers in SPA by Sept. 20 so GR consolidated agencies can complete their fiscal year-end reconciliations. Universities that do not report to SPA must follow the reporting requirements in Capital Asset Note Preparation to report external transfers. Transfers between two external agencies cannot be entered into SPA. See Transferring Property in the SPA Process User’s Guide for complete instructions. |
07/28/23 | Accounting Policy Webinar Accounting Policy Webinar
An accounting policy webinar will be held Aug. 17, 2–4 p.m. See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for the webinar registration. Future updates for the Aug. 17 meeting will include:
Note: For the webinar, use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues. |
07/21/23 | Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 31 Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 31
The Outstanding Warrants Control Report (DAFR8171) runs on the first Friday of each month (e.g., July 7 and Aug. 4). Agencies should monitor their report before warrants become void on Aug. 31. See USAS Annual Close Process (FPP Q.004) for more information, including details on generating agency-customized reports via the Report Request Profile, USAS 91 screen. Also see Void Warrants. Contact your appropriation control officer with questions. |
07/21/23 | Salary Supplement Report Due Salary Supplement Report Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report certain salary supplements to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, the State Auditor’s office and the Secretary of State by Sept. 15. See Salary Supplements Paid From Sources Other Than Appropriated Funds (FPP F.031) for instructions and the online report form. |
07/21/23 | Certification of Physical Inventory Form Due Certification of Physical Inventory Form Due
State agencies must conduct an annual physical inventory of property by Aug. 31. Agencies must then submit the Certification of Physical Inventory Conducted by Agency form (73-283) to the Comptroller’s office by Sept. 20. See Certification of Physical Inventory in the SPA Process User’s Guide for details. |
07/21/23 | Third-Quarter Audit Reports Third-Quarter Audit Reports
Fiscal 2023 third-quarter expenditure audit reports are available. See the Audit page for forms, fiscal policies and procedures, and audit contact information. Subscribe via GovDelivery for quarterly email notifications of audit reports posted. |
07/18/23 | Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due
Junior/community colleges must certify estimates of state matching contribution funds for employees participating in the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) by Aug. 15. See Annual Estimate of Optional Retirement Program (ORP) State Contributions (FPP A.003) for complete information including instructions and forms. |
07/14/23 | New TINS Edits and Enhancements New TINS Edits and Enhancements
TINS ACR 60547 implemented new system edits to prevent invalid transactions from processing, and to allow agencies to process certain transactions without submitting forms to Payment Services. Contact Payment Services for questions. |
07/14/23 | Limits on New Accounts, Funds and Revenue Dedications Limits on New Accounts, Funds and Revenue Dedications
House Bill 3461, 88th Legislature, Regular Session, continues the policy of limiting the number of new general revenue accounts, special funds and dedications of revenue. See Funds Consolidation: Limits on New General Revenue Accounts, Special Funds and Dedications of Revenue (FPP A.046) for a summary of HB 3461. |
07/14/23 | Updates to Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updates to Comptroller Manual of Accounts
Substantive changes have been made to the Texas Comptroller Manual of Accounts (FPP Q.009) reflecting legislation passed by the 88th Legislature, Regular Session effective before Sept. 1. The Manual of Accounts provides current information on state agencies, appropriated funds, and accounts and object codes to use when properly recording accounting transactions. |
07/14/23 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for June through July will be available on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200 on Aug. 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
07/14/23 | CAPPS User Group Meeting CAPPS User Group Meeting
A combined CAPPS HR/Payroll and Financials user group meeting will be held July 27, 9–11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The meeting agenda will be available a few days prior to the meeting. |
07/14/23 | Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
General revenue (GR) reimbursement deadlines for statewide allocated costs for agencies listed in Fiscal 2022 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency are:
See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
07/14/23 | Reminder – USAS/TINS Modernization Initiative Survey Reminder – USAS/TINS Modernization Initiative Survey
As part of our statewide Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project, the Comptroller’s office is beginning the process of replacing USAS and TINS with a modernized software solution. Input from users of USAS and TINS is critical for the success of this project. To help us identify the best solution, please complete this online survey by July 21. Email Shelly Arnold or Laurel Mulkey with questions about the survey. |
07/07/23 | GASB Questionnaires Due GASB Questionnaires Due
All general revenue (GR) consolidated and full reporting agencies must complete and submit every GASB questionnaire by Aug. 15. The AFR website’s GASB Questionnaires page provides:
Contact your agency’s financial reporting analyst with questions about any GASB questionnaire. |
07/07/23 | AFR Work Sessions AFR Work Sessions
Financial reporting analysts can help agencies reconcile the 2023 annual financial report (AFR) to USAS. Agencies must try to complete the fiscal year-end USAS entries, but can contact their financial reporting analyst if problems arise. The analyst may request copies of the USAS entries. If the issue cannot be resolved by phone or email, the agency may request a work session. |
07/07/23 | 2023 Earned Federal Funds Collections Reminder 2023 Earned Federal Funds Collections Reminder
Earned federal funds that agencies deposit into Appropriation 70000 in amounts above the level identified in the General Appropriations Act (GAA) are appropriated, subject to certain conditions and deadlines. See Appropriation Authority for Earned Federal Fund Collections Above the Annual Level in Earned Federal Funds and Indirect Cost Reimbursements to the General Revenue Fund (APS 023) (FPP A.017) for conditions and deadlines. Contact your agency’s appropriation control officer with any questions. |
07/07/23 | HRIS Reappointment Reporting HRIS Reappointment Reporting
Institutions of higher education must report certain information about jobs and reappointments at the beginning of each fiscal year. Submit reappointment information via electronic file transfer (EFT) by:
The HRIS September maintenance deadline is Oct. 7. See HRIS Higher Education Reporting Procedures for Reappointments (FPP M.003) for reappointment details and instructions. |
07/07/23 | Accounting Policy Webinar Accounting Policy Webinar
An accounting policy webinar will be held July 20, 2 – 4 p.m. See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for the webinar registration. Future updates for the July 20 meeting will include:
Note: For the webinar, use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues. |
07/07/23 | Reminder – USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Due Reminder – USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Due
Fiscal 2024 appropriation budgets must be entered in USAS and all required documentation submitted by July 31. Budget entry and documentation submission must be complete before appropriation control officers can approve a budget setup. See Establishing Appropriations by Method of Finance, Rider, Capital Budget and Transfer Schedules (FPP A.020) for more information including schedule spreadsheets, instructions, definitions and samples. |
07/06/23 | Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act
The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA), Pub. L. 109-282, as amended by Section 6202 of Pub. L. 110-252, requires recipients of grants or cooperative agreements to report first-tier subawards to non-state entities (NSEs) of $30,000 or more to the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Subaward Reporting System (FSRS). As of fiscal 2023, FFATA requires each state agency (including institutions of higher education) to report grants to NSEs in FSRS on a monthly basis. A pass-through recipient agency that makes a subaward to an NSE must provide the required information to the original recipient agency for recording in FSRS. The deadline for each month is 30 days from the end of previous month. To comply with the FFATA requirements and the uniform guidance in Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 2, Part 200), each state agency and institution must retroactively report all of its prior fiscal 2023 months’ NSE activity (Sept. 1, 2022 — June 30, 2023) in FSRS by Aug. 31. Activity for July and August 2023 should be reporting on the typical monthly schedule (i.e., 30 days from the end of the previous month). Note: Failure to meet these reporting requirements may result in an audit finding in the preparation of the State of Texas Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). Such findings are reported in the State of Texas Federal Portion of the Statewide Single Audit Report. The AFR Reporting Requirements’ SEFA tab was updated to include details regarding this level of FFATA reporting. Software data entry instructions and uploadable Excel templates can be found on the FSRS website. If you have questions regarding the FFATA, email SEFA.Texas@cpa.texas.gov. |
06/30/23 | Fiscal Year-End Close Schedule Fiscal Year-End Close Schedule
See the 2023 Master Schedule of Year-End Close Events for:
06/30/23 | USAS and CAPPS Financials Year-End Process USAS and CAPPS Financials Year-End Process
The fiscal 2023 USAS annual cash-basis close occurs Aug. 31. Instructions and deadlines for submitting documents, are in USAS Annual Close Process (FPP Q.004). See Scheduling Critical Payments at Year-End for more information by appropriation year, including deadlines. Agencies using CAPPS Financials must also follow CAPPS Financials Year-End Processing Instructions (FPP T.001). |
06/30/23 | CAPPS HR/Payroll Fiscal Year-End Process CAPPS HR/Payroll Fiscal Year-End Process
CAPPS Central agencies must follow CAPPS HR/Payroll Fiscal Year-End Processing Instructions (FPP T.003) to prepare for the fiscal year-end process. The system will be unavailable from 5 p.m. on Aug. 31 through 8 a.m. on Sept. 5. Normal activities resume at 8 a.m. on Sept. 5 |
06/30/23 | SPRS Fiscal Year-End Process SPRS Fiscal Year-End Process
SPRS agencies must process transactions in the prescribed order for the rollover to fiscal 2024. See SPRS Fiscal Year-End Processing Instructions for the Rollover to Fiscal 2024 (FPP O.002) for complete information. |
06/30/23 | SPA Fiscal Year-End Close Process SPA Fiscal Year-End Close Process
The last SPA processing cycle before the fiscal year-end close runs Aug. 31. SPA will be available Sept. 5 to accept both fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2023 transactions. See SPA Fiscal Year-End Close Process (FPP N.008) for more information. |
06/30/23 | Preliminary Copies of the 2023 EEO-4 Report Available Preliminary Copies of the 2023 EEO-4 Report Available
Preliminary copies of the 2023 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)-4 Report will be available to agencies July 20 via electronic file transfer. Agencies must review the preliminary report and submit the electronic Report Acknowledgment form to the Comptroller’s office by Aug. 3. The governor’s office uses the report, which reflects state agency hiring practices for odd-numbered years, to comply with U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reporting requirements. Agencies receive a preliminary report to review the data and enter or submit changes before the final report is sent. See Equal Employment Opportunity Report (EEO)-4 (FPP G.003) for complete copies. |
06/29/23 | USAS/TINS Modernization Initiative Survey USAS/TINS Modernization Initiative Survey
As part of our statewide Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project, the Comptroller’s office is beginning the process of replacing USAS and TINS with a modernized software solution. The Comptroller’s office is in the early stages of this initiative and a replacement date for these systems has not been determined. Agencies and institutions of higher education will be periodically updated and engaged as this project moves forward to ensure coordination and collaboration with this modernization. Input from users of USAS and TINS is critical for the success of this project. To help us identify the best solution, please complete this online survey by July 21. Email Shelly Arnold or Laurel Mulkey with questions about the survey. |
06/26/23 | SB 30 Supplemental Appropriation and Reduction Transactions Due SB 30 Supplemental Appropriation and Reduction Transactions Due
Processing Supplemental Appropriations and Reductions (FPP A. 047) has been updated with instructions for USAS and CAPPS to reflect Senate Bill 30, 88th Legislature, Regular Session. Affected state agencies and institutions of higher education must complete these profiles and transactions by July 31. |
06/23/23 | Salary Increase Information Available Salary Increase Information Available
The 88th Legislature, Regular Session, provided appropriations for two salary increases for certain state agency positions in fiscal 2024 and 2025 as well as appropriations in fiscal 2023 to accelerate the effective date of the first increase to July 1. See Appropriations for the Salary Increase Allocation for Certain State Positions(FPP A.009) and Guidelines for the Salary Increase for Certain State Positions (FPP F.017) for more information. |
06/23/23 | Classification Salary Schedules Updated Classification Salary Schedules Updated
The 88th Legislature increased state employee salaries in two phases, with the first increase effective July 1, and adopted new salary schedules with the same effective date. See Classification Salary Schedule For Partial Fiscal 2023 (Effective July 1-Aug. 31, 2023) for the updated salary schedules, and Reason Code Resources and Classification Salary Schedules (FPP R.022) for more information. |
06/23/23 | Holiday Warrant Distribution Holiday Warrant Distribution
Monday, July 3: The Comptroller’s office will be closed; Payment Services will distribute warrants 9–11 a.m. Tuesday, July 4: The Comptroller’s office will be closed; no warrants will be distributed. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements and the System Outages and Holidays calendar for more information. |
06/23/23 | Reminder – Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances Reminder – Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created with funds from the state’s treasury are subject to this requirement. The certification is due July 7. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 21. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information, including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms. |
06/16/23 | USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Deadline USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Deadline
On July 3, agencies can begin entering fiscal 2024 appropriation budgets in USAS and CAPPS. Submit all required documentation by July 31. Budget entry and documentation submission must be complete before appropriation control officers can approve a budget setup. State agencies and institutions of higher education should use the provided Excel spreadsheets to complete the required schedules. See Establishing Appropriations by Method of Finance, Rider, Capital Budget and Transfer Schedules (FPP A.020) for schedule spreadsheets, instructions, definitions, examples and the special requirements for unobligated balances. |
06/16/23 | Reminder – Statewide Cost Allocation Forms Due Reminder – Statewide Cost Allocation Forms Due
On June 30, the General Revenue Reimbursement of Statewide Allocated Costs form and Federal Funds Reimbursement Calculation form are due for agencies listed in Fiscal 2022 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency. See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
06/15/23 | Payroll Reimbursement Processing for Institutions of Higher Education Payroll Reimbursement Processing for Institutions of Higher Education
The Comptroller’s office USAS maintenance staff is streamlining the USAS corrections process for higher education payroll reimbursement documents (T-code pair 246/903). Starting July 6, each institution’s Document Control (33) profile, document type 5, ALL POST INDICATOR field will be set to a value of Y (all post). This allows users to correct all transactions in a payroll reimbursement document before posting. Before July 6, institutions not already using the all-post feature must clear all errors for reimbursement payroll batches in edit mode 3 on the USAS Internal Transaction (IT) file so the change to the 33 profile can occur. See the USAS News (90) screen, Keyword NEWS, Pages 55–56 for more information about this change. For help with the all-post indicator, contact Jennifer Paris at usas.maintenance@cpa.texas.gov. For general questions about processing payroll reimbursements, see Processing Third-Party Transactions in USAS for Payment/Travel Cards, Direct Bill Payments and Reimbursements (FPP A.043)(login required). |
06/09/23 | Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created with funds from the state’s treasury are subject to this requirement. The certification is due July 7. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 21. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information, including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms. |
06/09/23 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held June 27, 9–10:30 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held June 29, 9–10:30 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available the morning of the meeting. |
06/02/23 | Open Record Requests: Personal Safety Exceptions Open Record Requests: Personal Safety Exceptions
Employees who would face a substantial threat of physical harm if information such as work location were made public may request an exception to open records requests. See Confidential Employee Information for Open Records Requests (FPP L.004) if your agency has employees who might qualify for the exception. |
06/02/23 | Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
June 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2023 third-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (March 1 to May 31). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent by electronic file transfer (EFT) on June 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available June 16 and must be submitted by June 23. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
05/26/23 | USAS Profile Rollover to FY/AY24 USAS Profile Rollover to FY/AY24
The annual USAS profile rollover occurs June 17. The process automatically creates new profiles for fiscal year (FY) and appropriation year (AY) 2024, based on existing FY23 and AY23 profiles. See USAS Profile Rollover (FPP Q.007) for more information. |
05/26/23 | USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Reports USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Reports
To prepare for the June 17, 2023, rollover to fiscal 2024, the Comptroller’s office will transmit USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Reports to agencies June 1–15. The reports:
Contact your agency’s financial reporting analyst with report questions. Contact the Comptroller’s help desk at (512) 463-HELP (4357) if you need retransmission of the reports. See USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Procedures (FPP A.031) for more information. |
05/26/23 | Review USAS IT File Daily Review USAS IT File Daily
State agencies and institutions of higher education must review their USAS IT file daily and complete the maintenance necessary to keep the file current and ensure timely processing. Older transactions may not process due to closed fiscal periods. When posted transactions require deletion, agencies must submit a Super Security Delete Request (73-310). Submit requests by 4 p.m. to ensure same-day processing. See USAS Internal Transaction File Maintenance and Super Security Delete Process (FPP Q.001) for more information. |
05/26/23 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for March through May will be available on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200 on June 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
05/26/23 | Reminder – Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due Reminder – Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report payables and binding encumbrances for third-quarter fiscal 2023 appropriations by June 30 to the Comptroller’s office. Quarterly certification must be entered in the online form. See Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for more information. |
05/19/23 | Direct Deposit Checklist Direct Deposit Checklist
State agencies and institutions of higher education should follow the Direct Deposit Checklist before setting up, changing or cancelling direct deposit instructions. If your agency creates its own online direct deposit authorization, Payment Services must approve your agency’s form before it is implemented. See Approval Required for Alternative Methods. |
05/19/23 | Current Forms Always Available on FMX Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Check the Forms page on FMX to ensure you use the current version. Previously downloaded forms might be outdated. The top of every FMX page has a link to the Forms page. Topic pages (such as Appropriations and Payment Services link to their specific forms on the Forms page. Note: Payment Services forms on FMX are secured and require login to prevent unauthorized users from accessing them and submitting them to state agencies. If it is necessary to maintain any of these forms on your agency’s website, ensure the forms require login and are the most current version. |
05/19/23 | Reminder – SWCAP Worksheet and Forms Due Reminder – SWCAP Worksheet and Forms Due
Deadlines for agencies listed in Fiscal 2022 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency (SWCAP) are:
See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
05/18/23 | Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due
Public community and junior colleges must provide quarterly data on veteran hiring and employment by completing the Comptroller’s electronic Veteran Workforce Reporting for Public Community/Junior College form. The online form (with required veteran complaint reporting included) will be available June 16 and must be submitted by June 23. See Public Community and Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Criteria in Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information, including form criteria, instructions and quarterly reporting deadlines. |
05/12/23 | Interest Earned From ARPA Balances Interest Earned From ARPA Balances
Interest earned on fund balances from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) by grant subrecipients must be returned to the governor’s office as part of the grant agreement for this funding. Contact the governor’s office for instructions on transferring the interest earned on ARPA balances. See Depositing Funds in Earned Federal Funds and Indirect Cost Reimbursements to the General Revenue Fund (APS 023) (FPP A.017) for conditions and deadlines. Contact your agency’s appropriation control officer with questions. |
05/12/23 | Fiscal 2022 SEFA and Single Audit Report Package Fiscal 2022 SEFA and Single Audit Report Package
The following FMX Financial Reporting reference topics have been updated with fiscal 2022 information:
Contact your financial reporting analyst with questions. |
05/12/23 | Fiscal 2024 Payroll Due Dates and Direct Deposit Schedule Fiscal 2024 Payroll Due Dates and Direct Deposit Schedule
For state agencies and institutions of higher education, the monthly and twice-monthly payrolls are due by the seventh workday before payday. Submitting payrolls to the Comptroller’s office on or before the due dates ensures adequate processing time for direct deposits and warrant distribution. See Payroll Due Dates and Direct Deposit Schedules (FPP E.030) for more information, including the fiscal 2024 payroll due dates and direct deposit schedule. |
05/12/23 | Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
June 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2023 third-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (March 1 to May 31). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent by electronic file transfer (EFT) on June 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available June 16 and must be submitted by June 23. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
05/05/23 | SWCAP Worksheet and Forms Due SWCAP Worksheet and Forms Due
The Fiscal 2022 Statewide Cost Allocation Plan, Summary of Fixed Costs PDF (SWCAP) provided by the governor’s office is now available. Deadlines for agencies listed in Fiscal 2022 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency are:
See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
05/05/23 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held May 23, 9-10:30 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held May 25, 9-10:30 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available the morning of the meeting. |
05/04/23 | HB 2 Supplemental Appropriations Expiring HB 2 Supplemental Appropriations Expiring
Agencies with supplemental appropriations made by House Bill 2, 87th Legislature, Regular Session must encumber or accrue obligated funds by June 17 in USAS with an effective date of May 31 to allow expenditure over the next two fiscal years. Any balances not encumbered or accrued will lapse. Contact your appropriation control officer with questions. |
05/04/23 | Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division. |
04/28/23 | New Reason Codes for Warrant Hold Release New Reason Codes for Warrant Hold Release
TINS ACR 60019 created new reason codes for the release of held warrants, and updated the descriptions of each code to better define the disposition of a held warrant that is released. Updated reason codes display on TINS warrant release screens. See Warrant Hold Release Reason Codes on TexPayment Resource for the updated list of codes. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
04/28/23 | Promote Direct Deposit Month Promote Direct Deposit Month
May is Direct Deposit Month, a yearly reminder that direct deposit payments save the state money and offer a safe, convenient method of payment to the state's payees. Each agency should review its direct deposit practices to protect itself and its customers. See Promoting Direct Deposit/Pay Cards for more information. |
04/27/23 | Reminder – Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due Reminder – Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due
Security coordinators are required to certify that their records are up to date through a semiannual security verification process that is concurrent for all Fiscal Management applications.
If you have questions, email ssa.security@cpa.texas.gov. |
04/21/23 | Authorization Updates Due for Changes to Statewide Payroll/Personnel Systems Authorization Updates Due for Changes to Statewide Payroll/Personnel Systems
Letter of authorization (LOA) signature lists currently on file for HRIS, SPRS, USPS and CAPPS expire May 31. By May 31, each agency and institution of higher education must submit the names of authorized employees and a new LOA signature list form. Beginning June 1, only newly authorized state employees may request data changes. See Authorization and Request Process for Data Changes to Statewide Payroll/Personnel Systems (FPP M.009) for forms and instructions. |
04/14/23 | Pay Card Program Pay Card Program
State agency employees can choose to receive their payroll and travel reimbursements on a pay card as an alternative to receiving payments by warrant or direct deposit. Employees can contact their agency payroll office to choose this option. Agencies can promote the pay card program with downloadable payroll stuffers. See TexPayment Resource – Promoting Direct Deposit/Pay Card. Pay card setups are available for payments issued via USAS, SPRS and CAPPS. See Pay Cards for Payroll/Retirement Net Pay (FPP P.004). |
04/14/23 | Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due
Security coordinators are required to certify that their records are up to date through a semiannual security verification process that is concurrent for all Fiscal Management applications.
If you have questions, email ssa.security@cpa.texas.gov. |
04/06/23 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held April 25, 9–10:30 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held April 27, 9–10:30 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available the morning of the meeting. |
03/31/23 | Warrant Distribution on Friday, April 7 Warrant Distribution on Friday, April 7
The Comptroller’s office will be closed April 7 to observe Good Friday; however, Payment Services will distribute warrants from 9 – 11 a.m. The warrants will be from the April 6 processing cycle. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements. |
03/24/23 | Second-Quarter Audit Reports Second-Quarter Audit Reports
Fiscal 2023 second-quarter expenditure audit reports are available. See the Audit page for forms, fiscal policies and procedures, and audit contact information. Subscribe via GovDelivery for quarterly email notifications of audit reports posted. |
03/17/23 | Direct Deposit Reversal/Reclamation Reports and Funds Direct Deposit Reversal/Reclamation Reports and Funds
TINS Application Change Request (ACR) 60227 created new agency reports that notify agencies when:
See Reversal/Reclamation Reports for more information. Agencies also now have the option of requesting their USAS direct deposit funds to be deposited using the payment’s original coding block instead of the default USAS Fund 0980. See Reversal Requests for more information. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
03/10/23 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held March 28, 9–10:30 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held March 30, 9–10:30 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda for each meeting will be available the morning of the meeting. |
03/03/23 | Fiscal 2022 ACFR Fiscal 2022 ACFR
The audited State of Texas Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 2022, is now available. This report presents the financial position and results of operations for Texas state government in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. |
03/03/23 | Statewide Cost Allocation Billing Delayed Statewide Cost Allocation Billing Delayed
The Comptroller’s office bills agencies for their portion of statewide costs using the statewide allocated costs and billing procedures prescribed by the governor’s office. Agencies indicate the basis for allocating statewide costs and use that basis to distribute their statewide costs among sources of funding on the statewide cost allocation worksheet. The Fiscal 2022 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency provided by the governor's office is delayed beyond the usual first-quarter deadline. When that data is available, the Comptroller’s office will issue separate guidance, including new deadlines. See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for complete information including contacts, instructions, forms and worksheet. |
03/03/23 | Reminder – Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due Reminder – Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report payables and binding encumbrances for second-quarter fiscal 2023 appropriations by March 30 to the Comptroller’s office. Quarterly certification must be entered in the online form. See Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for more information. |
03/03/23 | Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
March 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2023 second-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (Dec. 1 to Feb. 28). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on March 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available March 16 and must be submitted by March 23. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
02/24/23 | Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management
State agencies and institutions of higher education sometimes send documents with confidential information to Fiscal Management. An unencrypted email is not a secure transmission. Agencies must send confidential information in an encrypted email or as an encrypted email attachment as prescribed by your agency’s information security policy. See Confidential Information Must Be Encrypted Before Emailing to Fiscal Management (FPP D.004) for details. |
02/17/23 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for December through February will be available on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200 on March 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
02/16/23 | Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due
Public community and junior colleges must provide quarterly data on veteran hiring and employment by completing the Comptroller’s electronic Veteran Workforce Reporting for Public Community/Junior College form. The online form (with required veteran complaint reporting included) will be available March 16 and must be submitted by March 23. See Public Community and Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Criteria in Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information, including form criteria, instructions and quarterly reporting deadlines. |
02/10/23 | Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
March 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2023 second-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (Dec. 1 to Feb. 28). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on March 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available March 16 and must be submitted by March 23. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
02/10/23 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A combined CAPPS HR/Payroll and Financials user group meeting will be held Feb. 28, 9–11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda will be available the morning of the meeting. |
02/03/23 | Updated USAS T-Code Sorts and Reference Information Updated USAS T-Code Sorts and Reference Information
For updated USAS documentation, see:
02/03/23 | First-Quarter Audit Reports First-Quarter Audit Reports
Fiscal 2023 first-quarter expenditure audit reports are available. See the Audit page for forms, fiscal policies and procedures, and audit contact information. Subscribe via GovDelivery for quarterly email notifications of audit reports posted. |
02/03/23 | Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division. |
02/02/23 | Warrant Distribution Delayed Due to Inclement Weather Warrant Distribution Delayed Due to Inclement Weather
Due to inclement weather, warrant pickup will be available on Friday, Feb. 3, from noon – 2 p.m. Agencies may call (512) 475-5329 to confirm that warrants are available for distribution. On days the LBJ building is closed but warrant pickup is available, your authorized representative must have photo identification and a cell phone to call (512) 475-5329 on arrival at the LBJ building if no front desk personnel are present. |
02/01/23 | Warrant Distribution Canceled Due to Inclement Weather Warrant Distribution Canceled Due to Inclement Weather
Due to inclement weather, warrants will not be distributed Thursday, Feb. 2. Additional Comptroller office building closures or delayed openings will be announced on FMX. Contact Payment Services at (512) 936-8138 for more information. |
01/31/23 | Warrant Distribution Canceled Due to Inclement Weather Warrant Distribution Canceled Due to Inclement Weather
Due to inclement weather, warrants will not be distributed Wednesday, Feb. 1. Additional Comptroller office building closures or delayed openings will be announced on FMX. Contact Payment Services at (512) 936-8138 for more information. |
01/30/23 | Warrant Distribution Canceled Due to Inclement Weather Warrant Distribution Canceled Due to Inclement Weather
Due to inclement weather, warrants will not be distributed Tuesday, Jan. 31. Additional Comptroller office building closures or delayed openings will be announced here on FMX. Contact Payment Services at (512) 936-8138 for more information. |
01/27/23 | USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator
To make payment information available to the public promptly, the Comptroller’s office must be able to distinguish confidential and nonconfidential payments. State agencies and institutions of higher education must properly mark confidential transactions to protect payee confidentiality, per USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator (FPP E.045). The agency or institution submitting a transaction is responsible for determining confidentiality. Transactions are legally considered public unless specifically excluded by the Public Information Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 552). An agency or institution that marks a transaction as confidential should be prepared to cite the law or attorney general opinion that excludes the payment from public disclosure. |
01/27/23 | Recovery Audit Reports Recovery Audit Reports
The Comptroller of Public Accounts is statutorily required to report to each Legislature the results of overpayment recovery audits of certain state agencies by Feb. 1 on odd-numbered years. See the State of Texas Overpayment Recovery Audit, Report to the 88th Legislature on the Recovery Audit Reports page for more information. |
01/20/23 | Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division. |
01/13/23 | Biennial Revenue Estimate Biennial Revenue Estimate
The 2024-25 Biennial Revenue Estimate (BRE) is available on Comptroller.Texas.Gov, following its release to the Texas Legislature. Lawmakers use this constitutionally mandated estimate to create a balanced budget during the legislative session. See the Comptroller’s news release for more on the 2024-25 BRE. |
01/13/23 | CAPPS User Group Meeting CAPPS User Group Meeting
A combined CAPPS HR/Payroll and Financials user group meeting will be held Jan. 26, 9–11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda and meeting materials will be available the morning of the meeting. |
01/13/23 | Reminder – Request Form 1099 by Jan. 30 Reminder – Request Form 1099 by Jan. 30
Jan. 30 is the last day to adjust the 1099-reportable data and request 1099s in USAS. Payments of $600 or more to a non-corporate payee for services or interest during a calendar year must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service on Form 1099-Miscellaneous (MISC), Form 1099-Nonemployee Compensation (NEC) or Form 1099-Interest Income (INT). See USAS Procedures for 1099 Reporting for Calendar Year 2022 (FPP E.001) for more information. |
01/05/23 | Report to the 88th Legislature: CAPPS – ERP in Texas Report to the 88th Legislature: CAPPS – ERP in Texas
The biennial Report to the 88th Legislature: CAPPS — ERP in Texas is available now for view or download. The report details the progress of statewide deployment of the Centralized Accounting and Payroll/Personnel System (CAPPS). See the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) topic page for more information. |
01/05/23 | Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 65.5 cents per mile (up from 62.5 cents in 2022). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. |
01/05/23 | Security Advisory: Implement Multifactor Authentication Security Advisory: Implement Multifactor Authentication
Multifactor authentication (MFA) is one of the best practices an agency can use to prevent unauthorized access to its data, devices and networks. MFA requires users to present multiple pieces of information that must be validated by the system before the user can access the system. It is essential that agencies implement strong password policies to enhance the protection of MFA. However, MFA for CAPPS is only as effective as the surrounding controls that each agency implements. It remains each agency’s responsibility to secure the entire infrastructure supporting the MFA factors (e.g., agency email accounts and voice call). If any of the systems supporting MFA are compromised, it could lead to account takeover. |
12/30/22 | Current Forms Always Available on FMX Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Check the Forms page on FMX before submitting a form to ensure you submit the current version. Previously downloaded forms or stored links might be outdated. The top of every FMX page has a link to the Forms page. Topic pages (such as Appropriations or Payment Services) link to their specific forms on the Forms page. |
12/30/22 | Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 65.5 cents per mile (up from 62.5 cents in 2022). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. Note: State agencies may adopt an internal policy with a rate that is lower than the maximum; however, the agency must distribute the policy before its employees begin any travel under the lower rate. |
12/09/22 | Top 10 Audit Findings Top 10 Audit Findings
The latest top 10 findings in post-payment audits are available on FMX. Findings include a description of the audit issue, proper procedure and links to more information. See FMX's Audit topic page for purchase policies and procedures, post-payment audit reports and more. |
12/09/22 | Reminder – Holiday Warrant Distribution Reminder – Holiday Warrant Distribution
Friday, Dec. 23: The Comptroller’s office will be closed; Payment Services will distribute warrants 9–11 a.m. Monday, Dec. 26: The Comptroller’s office will be closed; no warrants will be distributed. Monday, Jan. 2: The Comptroller’s office will be closed; Payment Services will distribute warrants 9–11 a.m. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements and the System Outages and Holidays calendar for more information. |
12/09/22 | Reminder – USAS/TINS File Submission Reminder – USAS/TINS File Submission
If you need to submit a USAS or TINS batch file on a weekend or holiday, see the USAS/TINS Input Record File Submission Schedule. |
12/09/22 | Reminder – Direct Deposit Settlement Dates Reminder – Direct Deposit Settlement Dates
When determining the direct deposit settlement date of a payment, exclude state and federal holidays that are listed on the System Outages and Holidays calendar. Since financial institutions are closed, no direct deposit activity occurs on those days. Agencies must consider these dates when determining when to submit their payments to ensure prompt payment and avoid late payment interest. |
12/02/22 | Warrant Distribution in December Warrant Distribution in December
The Comptroller’s office will be closed Friday, Dec. 23; however, Payment Services will distribute warrants 9–11 a.m. on that day. The Comptroller’s office will also be closed Monday, Dec. 26; no warrants will be distributed. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements and the System Outages and Holidays calendar for more information. |
12/02/22 | USAS/TINS File Submission USAS/TINS File Submission
If you need to submit a USAS or TINS batch file on a weekend or holiday, see the USAS/TINS Input Record File Submission Schedule. |
12/02/22 | Direct Deposit Settlement Dates Direct Deposit Settlement Dates
When determining the direct deposit settlement date of a payment, exclude state and federal holidays that are listed on the System Outages and Holidays calendar. Since financial institutions are closed, no direct deposit activity occurs on those days. Agencies must consider these dates when determining when to submit their payments to ensure prompt payment and avoid late payment interest. |
12/02/22 | Reminder – Local Funds Reporting Requirements Due Reminder – Local Funds Reporting Requirements Due
State agencies that receive, spend or administer funds or revenues held outside the state’s treasury (local funds) are required to submit financial data on those funds to the Comptroller’s office. Fiscal 2023 projected data must be submitted by Dec. 9 using the updated Excel reporting spreadsheet provided in Requirements for Local Operating Funds and Associated Local Funds (FPP S.009). See Additional reporting requirements per the GAA in the Agency Requirements section of FPP S.009. |
12/02/22 | Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
Dec. 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2023 first-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (Sept. 1 to Nov. 30). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on Dec. 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available Dec. 16 and must be submitted by Dec. 30. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
11/29/22 | Update Contact Information for ACA 1094-C and 1095-C Update Contact Information for ACA 1094-C and 1095-C
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) requires employers to offer affordable health insurance that provides minimum essential coverage to their full-time (and full-time equivalent) employees and their dependents or incur tax penalties. The Comptroller’s office has updated ACA 1094-C and 1095-C Reporting Requirements (FPP F.039) for calendar year 2022. Agencies should review this guidance for how it affects your agency. Your agency is responsible for 1094-C and 1095-C reporting. CAPPS Central agencies are required to update the Manage Agency Contact Info page in CAPPS by Dec. 16. USPS agencies are required to update 1094-C and 1095-C contact information by Dec. 31. |
11/28/22 | Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report payables and binding encumbrances for first-quarter fiscal 2023 appropriations by Dec. 30 to the Comptroller’s office. Quarterly certification must be entered in the online form. See Important Dates in the Reporting Guidelines of Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for more information. |
11/28/22 | Economic Stabilization Fund Fiscal Brief Economic Stabilization Fund Fiscal Brief
The Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF) fiscal brief has been updated for the 2022–23 biennium. The brief describes the ESF background, key facts, funding source and calculation of the fund cap. Additionally, the ESF history table provides historical revenues, expenditures, and maximum and ending balances since the fund’s 1990 inception. |
11/28/22 | Reminder – USPS Unavailable Dec. 10 Reminder – USPS Unavailable Dec. 10
USPS will be unavailable all day Saturday, Dec. 10, during the calendar year-end (CYE) file split. All USPS payrolls finalized after the 2022/2023 file split must have a warrant date in calendar year 2023 and will be reflected in the 2023 files. See the schedule in USPS Calendar Year-End Close Process (FPP R.014) and Splitting Files in the USPS Calendar Year-End Close Manual for more information. Contact the USPS help desk at (512) 463-4008 or your assigned USPS representative with questions. |
11/18/22 | USAS 1099 Reporting Procedures USAS 1099 Reporting Procedures
State agencies and institutions of higher education must file electronically with the IRS or mail 1099 forms with form 1096 to the IRS and mail postmarked 1099 forms to recipients by Jan. 31, 2023. Forms will be available for pickup at the Comptroller’s office each business day from Jan. 3–31 in the LBJ Building, room G17. See USAS Procedures for 1099 Reporting for Calendar Year 2022 (FPP E.001) for instructions on requesting 1099 data from USAS. |
11/18/22 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for the hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for September through November will be available on DAFR reports 8190 and 8200 Dec. 9 See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
11/18/22 | Reminder – Local Funds Reporting Requirements Due Reminder – Local Funds Reporting Requirements Due
State agencies that receive, spend or administer funds or revenues held outside the state’s treasury (local funds) are required to submit financial data on those funds to the Comptroller’s office. Fiscal 2023 projected data must be submitted by Dec. 9 using the updated Excel reporting spreadsheet provided in Requirements for Local Operating Funds and Associated Local Funds (FPP S.009). See Additional reporting requirements per the GAA in the Agency Requirements section of FPP S.009. |
11/17/22 | Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due
Public community and junior colleges must provide quarterly data on veteran hiring and employment by completing the Comptroller’s electronic Veteran Workforce Reporting for Public Community/Junior College form. The online form (with required veteran complaint reporting included) will be available Dec. 16 and must be submitted by Jan. 13. See Public Community and Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Criteria in Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information, including form criteria, instructions and quarterly reporting deadlines. |
11/10/22 | 2022 State of Texas Annual Cash Report 2022 State of Texas Annual Cash Report
The State of Texas Annual Cash Report for fiscal 2022 is now available. The report presents the state’s financial condition and details revenues and expenditures on a cash basis, as required by Texas Government Code, Section 403.013. |
11/10/22 | Local Funds Reporting Requirements Due Local Funds Reporting Requirements Due
State agencies that receive, spend or administer revenue held outside the state’s treasury (local funds) are required to submit financial data on those funds to the Comptroller’s office. Fiscal 2023 projected data must be submitted by Dec. 9 using the updated Excel reporting spreadsheet provided in Requirements for Local Operating Funds and Associated Local Funds (FPP S.009). See Additional reporting requirements per the GAA in the Agency Requirements section of FPP S.009. |
11/10/22 | Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
Dec. 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2023 first-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (Sept. 1 to Nov. 30). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on Dec. 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available Dec. 16 and must be submitted by Dec. 30. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
11/10/22 | Fraud Prevention Webinar Fraud Prevention Webinar
If you generate or monitor your agency’s direct deposit payments, learn how you can help avoid fraud and safeguard state resources by attending a fraud prevention webinar on Nov. 15, 10:30 a.m. – noon. Topics include:
This webinar is offered by the state’s direct deposit vendor, J.P. Morgan Chase. Registration is not required. Visit the web-based training calendar on FMX for login information. |
11/10/22 | Reminder – Warrant Distribution on Nov. 23 Reminder – Warrant Distribution on Nov. 23
The Comptroller’s office will be closed for business on Wednesday, Nov. 23; however, Payment Services will distribute warrants from 9–11 a.m. for the Nov. 22 processing cycle. There will be no warrant distribution on Nov. 24 or 25. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements. |
11/10/22 | Reminder – Direct Deposit Settlement Dates Reminder – Direct Deposit Settlement Dates
When determining the direct deposit settlement date of a payment, exclude state and federal holidays that are listed on the System Outages and Holidays calendar. Since financial institutions are closed, no direct deposit activity occurs on those days. Agencies must exclude these dates when determining when to process their payments to ensure prompt payment and avoid late payment interest. |
11/10/22 | Reminder – USAS/TINS File Submission Reminder – USAS/TINS File Submission
If you need to submit a USAS or TINS batch file on a weekend or holiday, see the USAS/TINS Input Record File Submission Schedule. |
11/04/22 | USPS Unavailable Dec. 10 USPS Unavailable Dec. 10
USPS will be unavailable all day Saturday, Dec. 10, during the calendar year-end (CYE) file split. All USPS payrolls finalized after the 2022/2023 file split must have a warrant date in calendar year 2023 and will be reflected in the 2023 files. See the schedule in USPS Calendar Year-End Close Process (FPP R.014) and Splitting Files in the USPS Calendar Year-End Close Manual for more information. Contact the USPS help desk at (512) 463-4008 or your assigned USPS representative with questions. |
11/04/22 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A combined CAPPS HR/Payroll and Financials user group meeting will be held Nov. 17, 9–11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda and meeting materials will be available the morning of the meeting. |
11/04/22 | Warrant Distribution on Nov. 23 Warrant Distribution on Nov. 23
The Comptroller’s office will be closed for business on Wednesday, Nov. 23; however, Payment Services will distribute warrants from 9–11 a.m. for the Nov. 22 processing cycle. There will be no warrant distribution on Nov. 24 or 25. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements. |
11/04/22 | Direct Deposit Settlement Dates Direct Deposit Settlement Dates
When determining the direct deposit settlement date of a payment, exclude state and federal holidays that are listed on the System Outages and Holidays calendar. Since financial institutions are closed, no direct deposit activity occurs on those days. Agencies must exclude these dates when determining when to process their payments to ensure prompt payment and avoid late payment interest. |
11/04/22 | USAS/TINS File Submission USAS/TINS File Submission
If you need to submit a USAS or TINS batch file on a weekend or holiday, see the USAS/TINS Input Record File Submission Schedule. |
10/28/22 | AFR Deadline AFR Deadline
The deadline for the fiscal 2022 annual financial report (AFR) is Sunday, Nov. 20. The Financial Reporting section strongly recommends that agencies make and release all USAS entries related to the AFR by 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18. Agencies that need to make USAS entries on Nov. 20 must use USAS Batch Edit Mode 2 for all entries. No USAS entries for fiscal 2022 may be made after Nov. 20. All entries for the fiscal 2022 AFR must be backdated using an effective date of 08/32/2022. Contact your financial reporting analyst for questions about AFR submission requirements and deadlines. |
10/28/22 | Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education are required to ensure payments of benefit costs are proportional to the agency's or institution’s method of finance, unless another legal provision prohibits proportionality. Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports and related adjustments are due Nov. 19. Agencies and institutions funded with a single method of finance must submit a letter confirming this status by Nov. 19. See Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance (APS 011) (FPP A.010) for more information, including forms and sample letters. |
10/28/22 | Reminder – Benefit Replacement Pay Leveling Election Due Reminder – Benefit Replacement Pay Leveling Election Due
State agencies that permit eligible employees to level their benefit replacement pay must update their payroll/personnel systems for December payrolls paid in calendar year 2023. See Benefit Replacement Pay (BRP) Leveling Election (FPP F.035) for more information. |
10/21/22 | CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures
Entering procurement and travel card transactions in USAS or CAPPS Financials requires special considerations for timely payment reconciliation. Agencies should review the procedures for entering credit card information in USAS and CAPPS invoice number fields as detailed in the section on central billed account (CBA) and corporate liability individual billed account (CLIBA) numbers in USAS and CAPPS Financials Invoice Number Field Requirements (FPP E.023). See Processing Third-Party Transactions in USAS for Payment/Travel Cards, Direct Bill Payments and Reimbursements (FPP A.043) (login required) for more information. Contact Expenditure Assistance with questions. |
10/21/22 | Fourth-Quarter Audit Reports Fourth-Quarter Audit Reports
Fiscal 2022 fourth-quarter expenditure audit reports are available. See the Audit page for forms, fiscal policies and procedures, and audit contact information. Subscribe via GovDelivery for quarterly email notifications of audit reports posted. |
10/21/22 | Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
Per Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019), state agencies and institutions of higher education must submit the online Annual Certification form by Oct. 30. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated was Sept. 30.) An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle. |
10/21/22 | Reminder – Budget T-Codes Effective Date Change Reminder – Budget T-Codes Effective Date Change
At 7 a.m. on Nov. 2, the effective start date changes to 09/01/2022 for USAS budget T-codes 001, 003, 006, 009, 012, 015, 018, 021, 036, 039, 040, 041, 042 and 043. Fiscal Management’s Financial Reporting section verifies general revenue (GR) information submitted by state agencies and ensures agencies cannot backdate entries, which would change the agency’s GR amount. The GR Reconciliation Certification is due Nov. 1. Contact your financial reporting analyst with questions. |
10/21/22 | LeaseQuery Access Available LeaseQuery Access Available
The LeaseQuery website is now available. Contact your agency’s security coordinator to request LeaseQuery access for each agency number you are reporting. Unlike the Comptroller’s annual financial report (AFR) web applications, login credentials will come from LeaseQuery when access is granted. |
10/14/22 | Benefit Replacement Pay Leveling Election Due Benefit Replacement Pay Leveling Election Due
State agencies that permit eligible employees to level their benefit replacement pay must update their payroll/personnel systems for December payrolls that will be paid in January 2023. See Benefit Replacement Pay (BRP) Leveling Election (FPP F.035) for more information. |
10/14/22 | Final EEO Report Final EEO Report
On Oct. 27, final copies of the 2022 Equal Employment Opportunity Report (FPP F.016) will be available for agencies and institutions of higher education via electronic file transfer. Oct. 25 is the deadline for making data corrections. Corrections entered or submitted after this date will not be reflected in the final report. The Comptroller’s office will send the final report to the Civil Rights Division of the Texas Workforce Commission on Oct. 27. |
10/14/22 | USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields
Transaction entry screens in USAS and CAPPS let state agencies and institutions of higher education enter payment information in the invoice number and description fields. Never enter confidential or sensitive information such as complete or partial Social Security numbers or information covered by the protected health information prohibition. See USAS and CAPPS Financials Invoice Number Field Requirements (FPP E.023) for more information and to review your agency’s procedures for compliance with field requirements. |
10/14/22 | Semiannual Verification of Users' Security Access Levels Due Semiannual Verification of Users' Security Access Levels Due
Security coordinators are required to certify that their records are up to date through a semiannual security verification process that is concurrent for all Fiscal Management applications.
Email ssa.security@cpa.texas.gov with any questions. |
10/07/22 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held Oct. 25, 9–10:30 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held Oct. 27, 9–10:30 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda and meeting materials will be available the morning of the meeting. |
10/07/22 | Reminder – SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines Reminder – SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines
State agencies (and institutions of higher education reporting to SPA) must annually reconcile SPA ending balances with their annual financial reports (AFRs). Due dates for certifying SPA fiscal balances and Note 2 using the Capital Asset Note Submission System (CANSS) web application are:
See SPA Fiscal Year-End Reconciliation and Certification of Fiscal Balances in the SPA Process User’s Guide (FPP N.005) for more information. |
10/07/22 | Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
By Oct. 30 each year, state agencies and institutions of higher education must lapse appropriation balances above the level needed to satisfy outstanding binding encumbrances and/or payables. All agencies must also submit the online annual certification form by Oct. 30. (Sept. 30 is the recommended due date for GR consolidated to lapse appropriation balances and submit annual certifications.) An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle to lapse all unencumbered nonconstruction appropriation balances for all prior appropriation years. See Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for details. |
09/30/22 | Budget T-Codes Effective Date Change Budget T-Codes Effective Date Change
At 7 a.m. on Nov. 2, the effective start date changes to 09/01/2022 for USAS budget T-codes 001, 003, 006, 009, 012, 015, 018, 021, 036, 039, 040, 041, 042 and 043. Fiscal Management’s Financial Reporting section verifies general revenue (GR) information submitted by state agencies and ensures agencies cannot backdate entries, which would change the agency’s GR amount. The GR Reconciliation Certification is due Nov. 1. Contact your financial reporting analyst with questions. |
09/30/22 | Reminder – Preliminary EEO Report Reminder – Preliminary EEO Report
On Oct. 13, preliminary copies of the 2022 Equal Employment Opportunity Report (FPP F.016) will be available for agencies and institutions of higher education via electronic file transfer with each agency’s regular daily downloads. Deadlines:
Data corrections entered or submitted after Oct. 25 will not be reflected in the final report issued on Oct. 27. |
09/29/22 | State Employee Charitable Campaign State Employee Charitable Campaign
The annual State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) runs Sept. 1 – Oct. 31. During the SECC, state employees may elect to deduct contributions to participating charities from their paychecks. USPS and CAPPS will be updated for December payrolls to reflect changes to the SECC, including participating charities’ payee codes, Texas identification numbers and contact information. Agencies and institutions of higher education not using USPS or CAPPS Central must update their payroll/personnel systems accordingly. See State Employee Charitable Campaign Participation (FPP F.033) or the SECC website for the list of participating statewide federations, local campaign areas and more information. |
09/23/22 | Preliminary EEO Report Preliminary EEO Report
Preliminary copies of the 2022 Equal Employment Opportunity Report (FPP F.016) will be available for agencies and institutions of higher education via electronic file transfer on Oct. 13 with each agency’s regular daily downloads. Deadlines:
Data corrections entered or submitted after Oct. 25 will not be reflected in the final report issued on Oct. 27. |
09/23/22 | Final Fiscal 2022 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices) Final Fiscal 2022 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices)
Each state agency and institution of higher education will receive a final copy of the fiscal 2022 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices) via electronic file transfer on Sept. 29. See Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices for the Fiscal Year) (FPP F.005) for more information, including HRIS, SPRS and USPS contacts. |
09/23/22 | Reminder – Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey Reminder – Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
How well are we meeting your customer service expectations? Please let us know by completing the online survey by Friday, Sept. 30. We appreciate your feedback. Email us at fiscal.documentation@cpa.texas.gov with any questions. |
09/23/22 | Reminder – Emergency Leave Reporting Due Reminder – Emergency Leave Reporting Due
Agencies and institutions must report emergency leave use by Oct. 1 for employees granted more than 32 hours of emergency leave during the prior fiscal year. See Emergency Leave Reporting Requirements (FPP F.040) for details on the Emergency Leave Reporting web application and the required statement for agencies and institutions not sending a report. |
09/16/22 | 2022 Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey 2022 Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
How well are we meeting your customer service expectations? Please let us know by completing the online survey by Friday, Sept. 30. We appreciate your feedback. Email us at fiscal.documentation@cpa.texas.gov with any questions about the survey. |
09/16/22 | Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Policy Updates Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Policy Updates
The Comptroller’s office has updated Tracking Expenditures and Revenues Related to Disaster or Disaster-Related Economic Relief Efforts (FPP K.014) to include the tracking requirements for Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funding received. Coronavirus Relief Federal Funding Accounting Policy for the State of Texas (FPP A.048) also includes new references to IIJA funding. |
09/16/22 | Annual Encumbrance Reporting Due Annual Encumbrance Reporting Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report annual binding encumbrances and payables to the Comptroller’s office per Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019). This reporting requirement includes the fourth quarter of the previous appropriation year. All agencies must submit the online Annual Certification form by Oct. 30. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies is Sept. 30.) |
09/16/22 | Automated Lapse of Unencumbered Balances Automated Lapse of Unencumbered Balances
By Oct. 30 each year, all agencies must lapse appropriation balances above the amount needed to satisfy outstanding binding encumbrances and/or payables. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies is Sept. 30.) The Comptroller’s office must lapse all unencumbered nonconstruction appropriation balances for prior appropriation years each Nov. 1. An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle. Agencies must review appropriation balances for accuracy before the lapse process. See Reviewing Appropriation Balances Prior to UB or Lapsing in APS 018 for details. |
09/16/22 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held Sept. 27, 9–10:30 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held Sept. 29, 9–10:30 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda and meeting materials will be available the morning of the meeting. |
09/16/22 | Masking Direct Deposit Account Numbers Masking Direct Deposit Account Numbers
Effective Sept. 16, TINS and USAS mask direct deposit account numbers on certain reports. See TINS ACR 60486 and USAS ACR 60487 for more information. Contact Payment Services for information about the TINS reports. Contact your agency’s appropriation control officer for information about the USAS reports. |
09/09/22 | New Pay Card Program New Pay Card Program
State agency employees can now choose to receive their payroll and travel reimbursement on a pay card as an alternative to receiving payments by warrant or direct deposit. The vendor will load the pay cards with the payment on payday or on the day a travel reimbursement is paid. Employees can contact their agency payroll office to choose this option. Payroll stuffers to promote the pay card program are available. See TexPayment Resource – Promoting Direct Deposit/Pay Card. Pay card setup procedures are available for payments issued via USAS, USPS, SPRS and CAPPS. See Pay Cards for Payroll/Retirement Net Pay (FPP P.004). |
09/09/22 | RTIs for Fiscal 2023 Unemployment Compensation Reimbursements RTIs for Fiscal 2023 Unemployment Compensation Reimbursements
The recurring transaction indexes (RTIs) for unemployment compensation reimbursements have been updated for fiscal 2023. See Reimbursements for Unemployment Compensation (APS 003) (FPP A.035) for details. |
09/09/22 | Grant ID Requests Grant ID Requests
State agencies must email new grant ID requests for the fiscal 2022 State Pass-Through Reporting (SPTR) web application to frs@cpa.texas.gov by close of business Sept. 26. In addition, agencies must attach documentation confirming the grant relationship between the grantor and grantee with the official grant name. Final certification for the SPTR web application is due Sept. 28. See State Grant Pass-Through Reconciliation for more information. |
09/09/22 | Preliminary Fiscal 2022 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices) Preliminary Fiscal 2022 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices)
Preliminary copies of the fiscal 2022 Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices) will arrive at state agencies and institutions of higher education via electronic file transfer on Sept. 15. Agencies and institutions must submit electronic report acknowledgment forms by Sept. 22, and will have until Sept. 27 to review the preliminary report and enter or submit changes. See Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices for the Fiscal Year) (FPP F.005) for more information, including HRIS, SPRS and USPS contacts. |
09/09/22 | Fiscal 2023 Travel Rates Fiscal 2023 Travel Rates
The 2023 General Services Administration (GSA) rates are effective Oct. 1 and are online. Fiscal 2023 travel reimbursement rates are available for:
Standard lodging reimbursement rates have increased for fiscal 2023. The standard lodging rate for all locations not listed by the GSA increases from $96 to $98. The meal reimbursement rate for locations not listed by the GSA remains at $59 for fiscal 2023. For CAPPS agencies using the Travel and Expense module, the CAPPS Financials Production Support Team will update meal and lodging rates, as necessary. Mileage rates must be updated by the agency. Contact your CAPPS Level 1 representative for assistance. See Textravel, email Expenditure Assistance or call (512) 475-0966 for more information. |
09/02/22 | ALN and NSE Additions for SEFA Reporting ALN and NSE Additions for SEFA Reporting
Requests to set up a new Assistance Listing Number (ALN), formerly known as a Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number, and non-state entity (NSE) entries in the Schedule of Expenditure of Federal Awards (SEFA) web application are due by close of business Oct. 23 to the Comptroller’s Financial Reporting section at frs@cpa.texas.gov. Include a copy of the agreement or award letter with the request. Pass-through activity deadline reminders:
See the SEFA Timeline for more information, or contact your agency’s financial reporting analyst with questions. |
09/02/22 | Higher Ed USAS/ABEST Reconciliation Deadline Higher Ed USAS/ABEST Reconciliation Deadline
Institutions of higher education hold appropriated funds outside the state’s treasury and must enter fiscal 2022 expenditure activity in USAS by Oct. 30 for reconciliation with the Legislative Budget Board’s Automated Budget and Evaluation System of Texas (ABEST). See Entering Higher Education Expenditure Activity in USAS for USAS/ABEST Reconciliation (FPP B.011) for more information. Note: Community/junior colleges are excluded from these requirements. |
09/02/22 | HRIS Employees Without Reappointments Report HRIS Employees Without Reappointments Report
Institutions of higher education can download the HRIS Employees Without Reappointments Report on Sept. 21. Make all employee information corrections by close of business Sept. 28. HRIS uses this information to generate the Equal Employment Opportunity Report, Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices for the Fiscal Year) and Veteran Workforce Summary Report. See HRIS Higher Education Reporting Procedures for Reappointments (FPP M.003) or contact your agency’s HRIS representative for more information on the reappointment process. Note: Only institutions that have active employees without reappointments will receive reports. |
09/02/22 | Reminder – Certification of Physical Inventory Form Due Reminder – Certification of Physical Inventory Form Due
State agencies must conduct an annual physical inventory of property by Aug. 31. Agencies must then submit the Certification of Physical Inventory Conducted by Agency (73-283) form to the Comptroller’s office by Sept. 20. See Certification of Physical Inventory in the SPA Process User’s Guide for details. |
09/02/22 | Reminder – Property Transfers Deadline Reminder – Property Transfers Deadline
Enter property transfers in SPA by Sept. 20 so GR consolidated agencies can complete their fiscal year-end reconciliations. See Transferring Property in the SPA Process User’s Guide for complete instructions. |
09/02/22 | Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
Sept. 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2022 fourth-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (June 1 to Aug. 31). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on Sept. 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available Sept. 16 and must be submitted by Sept. 23. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
09/01/22 | LeaseQuery Access and Availability LeaseQuery Access and Availability
The LeaseQuery launch has been temporarily delayed to correct a software incompatibility. As soon as the quality control checks are accepted, implementation will occur. Watch for announcements about training and user information. Ensure you have the proper security access as soon as possible. Contact your agency’s security coordinator to request LeaseQuery access for each agency number you are reporting. Unlike the Comptroller’s annual financial report (AFR) web applications, login credentials will come from LeaseQuery when access is granted. |
08/26/22 | Emergency Leave Reporting Due Emergency Leave Reporting Due
Agencies and institutions must report emergency leave use by Oct. 1 for employees granted more than 32 hours of emergency leave during the prior fiscal year. See Emergency Leave Reporting Requirements (FPP F.040) for details on the Emergency Leave Reporting web application and the required statement for agencies and institutions not sending a report. |
08/26/22 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for August will be available on DAFR reports 8190 and 8200 Sept. 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
08/26/22 | Reminder – Salary Supplement Report Due Reminder – Salary Supplement Report Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report certain salary supplements to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, the State Auditor’s Office and the Secretary of State by Sept. 15. See Salary Supplements Paid From Sources Other Than Appropriated Funds (FPP F.031) for instructions and the online report form. |
08/26/22 | Reminder – SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines Reminder – SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines
State agencies (and institutions of higher education reporting to SPA) must annually reconcile SPA ending balances with their annual financial reports (AFRs). Due dates for certifying SPA fiscal balances and Note 2 using the Capital Asset Note Submission System (CANSS) web application are:
See SPA Fiscal Year-End Reconciliation and Certification of Fiscal Balances in Chapter 2 of the SPA Process User’s Guide (FPP N.005) for more information. |
08/19/22 | Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
Aug. 30 is the fourth-quarter general revenue (GR) reimbursement deadline for statewide allocated costs for agencies listed in Fiscal 2021 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency. See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
08/19/22 | Reminder – CAPPS Systems Unavailable for FYE Reminder – CAPPS Systems Unavailable for FYE
The CAPPS production and non-production environments for HR/Payroll, Financials and Enterprise Learning Management will be unavailable from 5 p.m. Aug. 31 through 8 a.m. Sept. 3 for fiscal year-end (FYE) activities. CAPPS Recruit will remain available through https://capps.taleo.net. IAM/TDIS multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required. See 2022 Master Schedule of Fiscal Year-End Close Events for more details. Note: Users must clear their browser cache before logging in once the system is back up Sept. 3. |
08/18/22 | Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due
Public community and junior colleges must provide quarterly data on veteran hiring and employment by completing the Comptroller’s electronic Veteran Workforce Reporting for Public Community/Junior Colleges form. The online form (with required veteran complaint reporting included) will be available Sept. 16 and must be submitted by Sept. 23. See Public Community and Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Criteria in Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information, including form criteria, instructions and quarterly reporting deadlines. |
08/12/22 | RTI End Dates RTI End Dates
Reminder: when coding on the USAS Recurring Transaction Profile (55), do not set an effective end date until after Sept. 26 on certain recurring transaction indexes (RTIs) used during the interagency reconciliation process for the annual financial report (AFR). Interagency transaction vouchers (ITVs) must process successfully during the interagency reconciliation process for the AFR. An RTI (receiving) agency that sets an effective end date on the 55 profile will prevent a transaction (paying) agency from processing any ITV transactions past that effective end date. Agencies should leave the effective end dates on RTIs blank unless there is an explicit need to include one. See RTI Tables for Interfund/Interagency Transactions and the ITV/RTI Process USAS FAQs for more information. |
08/12/22 | Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
Sept. 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2022 fourth-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (June 1 to Aug. 31). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on Sept. 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available Sept. 16 and must be submitted by Sept. 23. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
08/12/22 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held Aug. 23, 9–11 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held Aug. 25, 9–11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda and meeting materials will be available the morning of the meeting. |
08/12/22 | Reminder – Systems Unavailable During Year-End Close Reminder – Systems Unavailable During Year-End Close
The USAS annual cash-basis close for fiscal 2022 occurs Aug. 31. The fiscal year-end close process requires shutting down the statewide fiscal systems. See Master Schedule of Year-End Close Events for more information, including:
08/11/22 | Reminder – Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due Reminder – Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due
Junior/community colleges must certify estimates of state matching contribution funds for employees participating in the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) by Aug. 15. See Annual Estimate of Optional Retirement Program (ORP) State Contributions (FPP A.003) for complete information including instructions and forms. |
08/05/22 | Changes to USAS Profiles D10 and D22 Changes to USAS Profiles D10 and D22
Unused fields on the Comptroller Object (D10) and Appropriated Fund (D22) profiles were retitled and repurposed for preparing the State of Texas Annual Cash Report. See ACR 60527 – USAS System Change for more information. |
08/05/22 | AFR Ad Hoc Reports AFR Ad Hoc Reports
Beginning Sept. 2, the following AFR-related reports will be available via secure file transfer protocol (SFTP):
Agencies may save or print their reports daily, Monday through Friday. Each day’s information is replaced on the following business day by the next transmission. Contact your financial reporting analyst for more information. |
08/05/22 | Property Transfer Deadline Property Transfer Deadline
Enter property transfers in SPA by Sept. 20 so GR consolidated agencies can complete their fiscal year-end reconciliations. Universities that do not report to SPA must follow the reporting requirements in Capital Asset Note Preparation to report external transfers. Transfers between two external agencies cannot be entered into SPA. See Transferring Property the SPA Process User's Guide for complete instructions. |
08/05/22 | Reminder – HRIS Reappointments Due Reminder – HRIS Reappointments Due
Institutions of higher education must report certain information about jobs and reappointments at the beginning of each fiscal year. Submit reappointment information via electronic file transfer (EFT) by:
The HRIS September maintenance deadline is Oct. 7. See HRIS Higher Education Reporting Procedures for Reappointments (FPP M.003) for reappointment details and instructions. |
08/05/22 | Reminder – GASB Questionnaires Due Reminder – GASB Questionnaires Due
All general revenue (GR) consolidated and full reporting agencies must complete and submit every GASB questionnaire by Aug. 15. The AFR website’s GASB Questionnaires page provides:
Contact your agency’s financial reporting analyst with questions about any GASB questionnaire. |
07/29/22 | Late Payment Interest Rate for Fiscal 2023 Late Payment Interest Rate for Fiscal 2023
The interest rate the state pays on late payments to vendors under the state’s prompt payment law will be 5.75 percent for fiscal 2023. The interest calculation is one percentage point higher than the prime rate published in the Wall Street Journal on the first business day of July. See Interest Rate on eXpendit (FPP I.005) for more information. |
07/29/22 | SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines
State agencies (and institutions of higher education reporting to SPA) must annually reconcile SPA ending balances with their annual financial reports (AFRs). Due dates for certifying SPA fiscal balances and Note 2 using the Capital Asset Note Submission System (CANSS) web application are:
See SPA Fiscal Year-End Reconciliation and Certification of Fiscal Balances in the SPA Process User’s Guide (FPP N.005) for more information. |
07/29/22 | Accounting Policy Webinar Accounting Policy Webinar
An accounting policy webinar will be held Aug. 18, 2–4 p.m. See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for the webinar registration. The Aug. 17 meeting page will also be updated with:
Note: Use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues. |
07/29/22 | Third-Quarter Audit Reports Third-Quarter Audit Reports
Fiscal 2022 third-quarter expenditure audit reports are available. See the Audit page for forms, fiscal policies and procedures, and audit contact information. Subscribe via GovDelivery or quarterly email notifications of audit reports posted. |
07/22/22 | Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 31 Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 31
The Outstanding Warrants Control Report (DAFR8171) runs on the first Friday of each month. Agencies should monitor their report before warrants become void on Aug. 31. See USAS Annual Close Process (FPP Q.004) for more information, including details on generating reports via the Report Request Profile, USAS 91 screen. Also see Void Warrants. Contact your appropriation control officer with questions. |
07/22/22 | Certification of Physical Inventory Form Due Certification of Physical Inventory Form Due
State agencies must conduct an annual physical inventory of property by Aug. 31. Agencies must then submit the Certification of Physical Inventory Conducted by Agency (73-283) form to the Comptroller's office by Sept. 20. See Certification of Physical Inventory in Chapter 2 of the SPA Process Users Guide for details. |
07/22/22 | Salary Supplement Report Due Salary Supplement Report Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report certain salary supplements to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, the State Auditor’s Office and the Secretary of State by Sept. 15. See Salary Supplements Paid From Sources Other Than Appropriated Funds (FPP F.031) for instructions and the online report form. |
07/19/22 | Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due
Junior/community colleges must certify estimates of state matching contribution funds for employees participating in the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) by Aug. 15. See Annual Estimate of Optional Retirement Program (ORP) State Contributions (FPP A.003) for complete information including instructions and forms. |
07/18/22 | GASB Questionnaires Due GASB Questionnaires Due
All general revenue (GR) consolidated and full reporting agencies must complete and submit every GASB questionnaire by Aug. 15. The AFR website’s GASB Questionnaires page provides:
Contact your agency’s financial reporting analyst with questions about any GASB questionnaire. |
07/18/22 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held July 26, 9-11 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held July 28, 9-11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda and meeting materials will be available the morning of the meeting. |
07/18/22 | Reminder – Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Reminder – Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for June through July will be available on DAFR reports 8190 and 8200 Aug. 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
07/11/22 | AFR Work Sessions AFR Work Sessions
Financial reporting analysts can help agencies reconcile the 2022 annual financial report (AFR) to USAS. Agencies must attempt to complete the fiscal year-end USAS entries, but if problems arise, they can contact their financial reporting analyst. The analyst may request copies of the USAS entries. If the issue cannot be resolved by phone or email, then agencies may request a work session. |
07/11/22 | 2022 Earned Federal Funds Collections 2022 Earned Federal Funds Collections
Earned federal funds that agencies deposit into Appropriation 70000 in amounts above the level identified in the General Appropriations Act (GAA) are appropriated, subject to certain conditions and deadlines. See the Appropriation Authority for Earned Federal Fund Collections Above the Annual Level section of Earned Federal Funds and Indirect Cost Reimbursements to the General Revenue Fund (APS 023) (FPP A.017) for conditions and deadlines. Contact your agency's appropriation control officer with any questions. |
07/11/22 | HRIS Reappointment Reporting HRIS Reappointment Reporting
Institutions of higher education must report certain information about jobs and reappointments at the beginning of each fiscal year. Submit reappointment information via electronic file transfer (EFT) by:
The HRIS September maintenance deadline is Oct. 7. See HRIS Higher Education Reporting Procedures for Reappointments (FPP M.003) for reappointment details and instructions. |
07/11/22 | Reminder – USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Due Reminder – USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Due
Fiscal 2023 appropriation budgets must be entered in USAS and all required documentation submitted by July 29. Budget entry and documentation submission must be complete before appropriation control officers can approve a budget setup. See Establishing Appropriations by Method of Finance, Rider, Capital Budget and Transfer Schedules (FPP A.020) for more information including schedule spreadsheets, instructions, definitions and samples. |
07/01/22 | Fiscal Year-End Close Schedule Fiscal Year-End Close Schedule
See the 2022 Master Schedule of Year-End Close Events, which includes:
07/01/22 | USAS and CAPPS Financials Year-End Process USAS and CAPPS Financials Year-End Process
The fiscal 2022 USAS annual cash-basis close occurs on Wednesday, Aug. 31. Instructions, including deadlines for submitting documents, are in USAS Annual Close Process (FPP Q.004). See Scheduling Critical Payments at Year-End for more information by appropriation year, including deadlines. Agencies using CAPPS Financials must also follow CAPPS Financials Year-End Processing Instructions (FPP T.001). |
07/01/22 | CAPPS HR/Payroll Fiscal Year-End Process CAPPS HR/Payroll Fiscal Year-End Process
CAPPS Central agencies must follow CAPPS HR/Payroll Fiscal Year-End Processing Instructions (FPP T.003) to prepare for the fiscal year-end process. The system will be unavailable from 5 p.m. on Aug. 31 through 8 a.m. on Sept. 3. Normal activities resume at 8 a.m. on Sept. 3. |
07/01/22 | USPS Fiscal Year-End Close Process USPS Fiscal Year-End Close Process
USPS agencies must use the fiscal 2022 USPS Fiscal Year-End Close Manual and USPS Year-End Close Schedule to prepare files correctly for the 2022 fiscal year-end close. See USPS Fiscal Year-End Close Process (FPP R.016) for complete information including the training calendar and links to the manual and schedule. |
07/01/22 | SPRS Fiscal Year-End Process SPRS Fiscal Year-End Process
SPRS agencies must process transactions in the prescribed order for the rollover to fiscal 2023. See SPRS Fiscal Year-End Processing Instructions for the Rollover to Fiscal 2023 (FPP O.002) for complete information. |
07/01/22 | SPA Fiscal Year-End Close Process SPA Fiscal Year-End Close Process
The last SPA processing cycle before the fiscal year-end close runs Aug. 31. SPA will be available Sept. 2 to accept both fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2023 transactions. See SPA Fiscal Year-End Close Process (FPP N.008) for more information. |
06/28/22 | Reminder – CAPPS Upgrade July 5 Reminder – CAPPS Upgrade July 5
CAPPS will be upgraded July 5; the updates impact many of the time and labor pages, including implementing a new timesheet. June timesheets must be submitted and approved by 5 p.m. June 30. CAPPS will be unavailable from 5 p.m. July 1 until 8 a.m. July 5. Be sure to save all work before logging out of the system at 5 p.m. July 1, and clear your browser cache before logging back on. Late June timesheets cannot be entered until July 5. Information about the upgrade has been sent to agency level 1 support staff and CAPPS governance contacts. More information will be provided during the CAPPS user group meeting June 28. Contact CAPPS Training or CAPPS Governance and Communications with questions. |
06/24/22 | New Warrant Distribution Hours New Warrant Distribution Hours
Beginning Friday, July 1, Fiscal Management Division’s warrant distribution window will be open 9 – 11 a.m. The Room G17 location remains the same. See Authorization for Warrant Pickup. Contact Payment Services for questions. |
06/24/22 | Accounting Policy Webinar Accounting Policy Webinar
An accounting policy webinar will be held July 27, 2 – 4 p.m. See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for the webinar registration. The July 27 meeting page will also be updated with:
Note: Use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues. |
06/24/22 | Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective July 1 to Dec. 31, 2022, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 62.5 cents per mile (up from 58.5 cents for Jan. 1 – June 30, 2022). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. Note: State agencies may adopt an internal policy with a rate that is lower than the maximum; however, the agency must distribute the policy before its employees begin any travel under the lower rate. |
06/24/22 | Reminder – Certification of USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts Due Reminder – Certification of USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts Due
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created from funds in the state’s treasury are subject to this requirement. The certification is due July 8. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 22. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the fo |
06/24/22 | Reminder – Direct Deposit Fraud Increasing Reminder – Direct Deposit Fraud Increasing
State agencies continue to report fraud attempts to the Comptroller’s office, especially for direct deposit payments. Agencies must be vigilant when setting up and/or changing direct deposit account information for employees and vendors. Review the Fraud Prevention Recommendations on TexPayment Resource, which include Don’t Be a Target of Fraud, Vendor Impersonation Fraud and Payment Processing Tips. |
06/21/22 | Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective July 1 to Dec. 31, 2022, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 62.5 cents per mile (up from 58.5 cents for Jan. 1 – Jun. 30, 2022). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. Note: State agencies may adopt an internal policy with a rate that is lower than the maximum; however, the agency must distribute the policy before its employees begin any travel under the lower rate. |
06/17/22 | USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Due USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Due
On July 1, agencies can begin entering fiscal 2023 appropriation budgets in USAS and CAPPS. Submit all required documentation by July 29. Budget entry and documentation submission must be complete before appropriation control officers can approve a budget setup. State agencies and institutions of higher education should use the provided Excel spreadsheets to complete the required schedules. See Establishing Appropriations by Method of Finance, Rider, Capital Budget and Transfer Schedules (FPP A.020) for schedule spreadsheets, instructions, definitions, examples and the special requirements for unobligated balances. |
06/17/22 | Updates to Profile Rollover Program Updates to Profile Rollover Program
The annual profile rollover program now excludes additional profiles when certain criteria are met, reducing the need for agency users to coordinate with Comptroller’s office staff to deactivate obsolete profiles. See ACR 60498 – USAS System Change for more information. |
06/17/22 | Texas Payroll/Personnel Resource Updates Texas Payroll/Personnel Resource Updates
The Texas Payroll/Personnel Resource Line-item Exempt Positions and Retroactive Pay pages have been updated to include additional, clarifying information. Contact Payroll Policy with questions. |
06/17/22 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held June 28, 9-11 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held June 30, 9-11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda and meeting materials will be available the morning of the meeting. |
06/17/22 | Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
The third-quarter general revenue (GR) reimbursement deadline for statewide allocated costs for agencies listed in Fiscal 2021 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency is June 30. See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
06/10/22 | Certification of USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts Due Certification of USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts Due
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created from funds in the state’s treasury are subject to this requirement. The certification is due July 8. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 22. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms. |
06/10/22 | CAPPS Upgrade July 5 CAPPS Upgrade July 5
CAPPS will be upgraded July 5; the updates impact many of the time and labor pages, including implementing a new timesheet. June timesheets must be submitted and approved by 5 p.m. June 30. CAPPS will be unavailable from 5 p.m. July 1 until 8 a.m. July 5. Be sure to save all work before logging out of the system at 5 p.m. July 1, and clear your browser cache before logging back on. Late June timesheets cannot be entered until July 5. Information about the upgrade has been sent to agency level 1 support staff and CAPPS governance contacts. More information will be provided during the CAPPS user group meeting June 28. Contact CAPPS Training or CAPPS Governance and Communications with questions. |
06/03/22 | Travel Reimbursement Maximum Rates Travel Reimbursement Maximum Rates
Maximum lodging and meal reimbursement rates are listed on the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) website by city (or county if the city is not listed). For locations not listed by city or county, daily rates are: lodging (in or out of state) — up to $96; meals (in or out of state) — up to $59. A state employee may claim less than the maximum meal reimbursement rate for a duty point and use the unclaimed amount to increase the lodging reimbursement rate. An employee who does not choose to offset lodging costs with lower meal costs is personally responsible for lodging costs over the maximum GSA rate. Contact Expenditure Assistance for more information. |
06/03/22 | New Texas Identification Number (TIN) Request Policy New Texas Identification Number (TIN) Request Policy
Payment Services implemented a new policy when requesting Comptroller-assigned TINs. Agencies that issue payments to foreign entities and non-resident aliens who do not have an employer identification number (EIN), Social Security number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) may need to request a Comptroller-assigned 3 TIN. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
06/03/22 | Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
June 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2022 third-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (March 1 to May 31). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent by electronic file transfer (EFT) on June 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available June 16 and must be submitted by June 23. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
05/31/22 | USAS Profile Review, Cleanup and Rollover to FY23 USAS Profile Review, Cleanup and Rollover to FY23
USAS Profile Review and Cleanup ReportsTo prepare for the June 18, 2022, rollover to fiscal 2023, the Comptroller’s office will transmit USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Reports to agencies June 3 - 16. The reports:
Contact your financial reporting analyst with report questions. Contact the Comptroller’s help desk at (512) 463-HELP (4357) if you need retransmission of the reports. See USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Procedures (FPP A.031) for more information. USAS Profile Rollover to FY/AY23The annual USAS profile rollover occurs June 18. The process automatically creates new profiles for fiscal year (FY) and appropriation year (AY) 2023, based on existing FY22 and AY22 profiles. See USAS Profile Rollover (FPP Q.007) for more information. |
05/31/22 | Review USAS IT File Daily Review USAS IT File Daily
State agencies and institutions of higher education must review their USAS IT file daily and complete the maintenance necessary to keep the file current and ensure timely processing. Older transactions may not process due to closed fiscal periods. When posted transactions require deletion, agencies must submit a Super Security Delete Request (73-310). Submit requests by 4 p.m. to ensure same-day processing. For more information, see USAS Internal Transaction File Maintenance and Super Security Delete Process (FPP Q.001). |
05/31/22 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for March through May will be available on DAFR reports 8190 and 8200 June 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
05/31/22 | Reminder – Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due Reminder – Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report payables and binding encumbrances for third-quarter fiscal 2022 appropriations by June 30 to the Comptroller’s office. Quarterly certification must be entered in the online form. See Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for more information. |
05/20/22 | Direct Deposit Checklist Direct Deposit Checklist
State agencies and institutions of higher education should follow the Direct Deposit Checklist before setting up, changing or cancelling direct deposit instructions. If your agency creates its own online direct deposit authorization or custom form, Payment Services must approve your agency’s form before it is implemented. See Approval Required for Alternative Methods. |
05/13/22 | Fiscal 2023 Payroll Due Dates and Direct Deposit Schedule Fiscal 2023 Payroll Due Dates and Direct Deposit Schedule
For state agencies and institutions of higher education, the monthly and twice-monthly payrolls are due by the seventh workday before payday. Submitting payrolls to the Comptroller’s office on or before the due dates ensures adequate processing time for direct deposits and warrant distribution. See Payroll Due Dates and Direct Deposit Schedules (FPP E.030) for more information, including the fiscal 2023 payroll due dates and direct deposit schedule. |
05/13/22 | Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
June 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2022 third-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (March 1 to May 31). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent by electronic file transfer (EFT) on June 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available June 16 and must be submitted by June 23. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
05/13/22 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held May 24, 9 – 11 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held May 26, 9 – 11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda and meeting materials will be available the morning of the meeting. |
05/06/22 | Fiscal 2021 SEFA and Single Audit Report Package Fiscal 2021 SEFA and Single Audit Report Package
The following FMX Financial Reporting reference topics have been updated with fiscal 2021 information:
Contact your financial reporting analyst with any questions. |
05/06/22 | New SPA Tutorials New SPA Tutorials
New video tutorials offer policy and procedure training for the Statewide Property Accounting (SPA) system. Topics include capital asset tracking, reporting and accounting. See Web-Based Training and Tutorials for more information. |
05/06/22 | Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division. |
04/29/22 | Promote Direct Deposit Promote Direct Deposit
May is Direct Deposit Month, a yearly reminder that direct deposit payments save the state money and offer a safe, convenient method of payment. This is a good time for each agency to review its direct deposit practices to protect itself and its customers. See Promoting Direct Deposit for more information. |
04/28/22 | Reminder – Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due Reminder – Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due
Security coordinators are required to certify that their records are up to date through a semiannual security verification process that is concurrent for all Fiscal Management applications.
If you have questions, email ssa.security@cpa.texas.gov. |
04/27/22 | Deadline Extended – Authorization for Warrant Pickup Deadline Extended – Authorization for Warrant Pickup
The deadline to renew the Agency Authorization for Warrant Pickup form (74-189) has been extended to close of business May 20. All authorization forms on file terminate at 5 p.m. on May 31. New forms are effective June 1. Warrants will not be distributed as of June 1 without an updated renewal form on file. See Authorization for Warrant Pickup for the form and more information. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
04/22/22 | Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund
To comply with the final federal rule implementing the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund established under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), construction appropriations must have an effective end date of or before Dec. 31, 2026. See Processing Supplemental Appropriations and Reductions (FPP A.047) for more information. |
04/22/22 | Reporting Requirements for ARPA Reporting Requirements for ARPA
For federal relief funds authorized by ARPA (HR 1319) deposited to the state’s treasury before the adjournment of the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, the Comptroller has established Appropriation 21319 for all revenue and expenditure activity relating to these funds. Contact your appropriation control officer (ACO) to request activation of Appropriation 21319. For federal relief funds authorized by ARPA, or similar legislation, and deposited to the state’s treasury after the adjournment of the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, refer to Processing Supplemental Appropriations and Reductions (FPP A.047). See Coronavirus Relief of 2020 Federal Funding Accounting Policy for the State of Texas (FPP A.048) for more information. |
04/22/22 | Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
The second-quarter general revenue (GR) reimbursement deadline for statewide allocated costs for agencies listed in Fiscal 2021 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency is April 30. See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
04/14/22 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held April 26, 9 – 11 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held April 28, 9 – 11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda and meeting materials will be available the morning of the meeting. |
04/08/22 | Warrant Distribution on Friday, April 15 Warrant Distribution on Friday, April 15
The Comptroller’s office will be closed April 15 to observe Good Friday; however, Payment Services will distribute warrants from 8-10 a.m. The warrants will be from the April 14 processing cycle. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements. |
04/08/22 | Payment Search Instructions Updated Payment Search Instructions Updated
The TexPayment Resource Payment Search instructions for both agency and state payee payment search applications have been updated to include security access requirements and details for setting up a Texas Identification Number (TIN) for Search State Payment Issued (SSPI) searches. |
04/08/22 | Reminder – Authorization for Warrant Pickup Due Reminder – Authorization for Warrant Pickup Due
Every two years, the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts requires all state agencies and institutions of higher education to renew their Agency Authorization for Warrant Pickup form (74-189). Return the completed, signed form by close of business April 15. All authorization forms on file terminate at 5 p.m. on April 30. New forms are effective May 1. See Authorization for Warrant Pickup for the form and more information. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
04/01/22 | Second-Quarter Audit Reports Second-Quarter Audit Reports
Fiscal 2022 second-quarter expenditure audit reports are available. See the Audit page for forms, fiscal policies and procedures, and audit contact information. Subscribe via GovDelivery for quarterly email notifications of audit reports posted. |
03/25/22 | Direct Deposit Fraud Increasing Direct Deposit Fraud Increasing
State agencies are reporting more fraud cases to the Comptroller’s office, especially for direct deposit payments. Agencies must be vigilant when setting up and/or changing direct deposit account information for employees and vendors. Review the Fraud Prevention Recommendations on TexPayment Resource, which include Don’t Be a Target of Fraud, Vendor Impersonation Fraud and Payment Processing Tips. |
03/25/22 | Petty Cash Account Procedures Updated Petty Cash Account Procedures Updated
The procedures in Travel Advance Account and Petty Cash Account (APS 010) (FPP A.044) have been updated, including:
The Petty Cash Account Request form (74-213) has also been updated. |
03/18/22 | Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management
State agencies and institutions of higher education sometimes send documents with confidential information to Fiscal Management. Email is not a secured transmission. Agencies must send confidential information as an encrypted email attachment as prescribed by your agency’s information security policy. See Confidential Information Must be Encrypted Before Emailing to Fiscal Management (FPP D.004) for details. |
03/18/22 | Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
General revenue (GR) reimbursement deadlines for statewide allocated costs for agencies listed in Fiscal 2021 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency are:
See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
03/11/22 | Authorization for Warrant Pickup Due Authorization for Warrant Pickup Due
Every two years, the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts requires all state agencies and institutions of higher education to renew their Agency Authorization for Warrant Pickup form (74-189). Return the completed and signed form by close of business April 15. All authorization forms on file terminate at 5 p.m. on April 30. New forms are effective May 1. See Authorization for Warrant Pickup for the form and more information. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
03/11/22 | CAPPS User Group Meetings CAPPS User Group Meetings
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held March 22, 9 – 11 a.m. A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held March 24, 9 – 11 a.m. See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda and meeting materials will be available the morning of the meeting. |
03/04/22 | Fiscal 2021 ACFR Fiscal 2021 ACFR
The audited State of Texas Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2021, is now available. This report presents the financial position and results of operations for Texas state government in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. |
03/04/22 | GAA Books Available GAA Books Available
Agencies can purchase bound copies of the 2022-23 General Appropriations Act (GAA) for $15 each, including postage. All orders must be made online and prepaid with an interagency transaction voucher (ITV) or by check. Printed copies will be mailed in May 2022. |
03/04/22 | New ITIN Renewal Notice Policy New ITIN Renewal Notice Policy
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has published the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) groups it expired on Dec. 31, 2021. The SSN/ITIN/EIN Validation Rules on TexPayment Resource were updated to reflect the current valid ITIN ranges. In addition, Payment Services implemented a new policy to define the acceptable dates on an IRS renewal notice when an ITIN group is expired and the individual needs to be set up in TINS. Contact Payment Services with questions. |
03/04/22 | Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
March 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2022 second-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (Dec. 1 to Feb. 28). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on March 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available March 16 and must be submitted by March 23. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
03/04/22 | Reminder – Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due Reminder – Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report payables and binding encumbrances for second quarter fiscal 2022 appropriations by March 30 to the Comptroller’s office. Quarterly certification must be entered in the online form. See Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for more information. |
02/25/22 | Updated USAS T-Code Sorts and Reference Information Updated USAS T-Code Sorts and Reference Information
For updated USAS documentation, see:
02/25/22 | Reminder – Statewide Cost Allocation Forms Due Reminder – Statewide Cost Allocation Forms Due
The General Revenue Reimbursement of Statewide Allocated Costs form and Federal Funds Reimbursement Calculation form are due by March 11 for agencies listed in Fiscal 2021 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency. See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
02/24/22 | Warrant Distribution Delayed Due to Inclement Weather Warrant Distribution Delayed Due to Inclement Weather
Due to inclement weather, warrant pickup will be available Thursday, Feb. 24, from 10 a.m. - noon. Agencies may call Payment Services at (512) 936-8138 to confirm that warrants are available for distribution. On days the LBJ building is closed but warrant pickup is available, your authorized representative must have photo identification and a cell phone to call (512) 475-5329 upon arrival at the LBJ building if no front desk personnel is present. |
02/18/22 | Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated
Effective Jan. 1, substantive changes have been made to the Texas Comptroller Manual of Accounts (FPP Q.009) reflecting legislation passed by the 86th and 87th Legislatures, Regular Session. The Manual of Accounts provides current information on state agencies, appropriated funds, and accounts and object codes for recording accounting transactions. |
02/18/22 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for December through February will be available on DAFR reports 8190 and 8200 March 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
02/11/22 | New Name and Email for Fiscal Management Security Team New Name and Email for Fiscal Management Security Team
The Statewide Fiscal Systems (SFS) Security team’s name has changed to Statewide Security Administration (SSA). Effective Feb. 14, the support email address (SFS.security@cpa.texas.gov) will be replaced with SSA.security@cpa.texas.gov. This email account is primarily for agency security coordinators to send questions/correspondence to the SSA team. Security access requests must still be submitted via the Security Request System. Agencies should:
NOTE: The old SFS email account will not receive messages after Tuesday, March 15. Agency security coordinators may contact the SSA team with questions. |
02/11/22 | Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
March 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2022 second-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (Dec. 1 to Feb. 28). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on March 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available March 16 and must be submitted by March 23. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
02/11/22 | CAPPS User Group Meeting CAPPS User Group Meeting
A combined CAPPS HR/Payroll and CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held Feb. 24, 9-11 a.m. See CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings or CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda and meeting materials will be available the morning of the meeting. |
02/10/22 | Designate File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Contact by Feb. 17 Designate File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Contact by Feb. 17
The Comptroller’s office needs to eliminate redundant FTP files and is identifying agencies that are:
The Comptroller’s office will contact agencies as we identify redundant FTPs. Please provide an agency contact familiar with your agency’s FTP process for this effort. Send name, phone and email address to randy.custard@cpa.texas.gov Feb. 17. |
02/04/22 | USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator
To make payment information available to the public promptly, the Comptroller’s office must be able to distinguish confidential and non-confidential payments. State agencies and institutions of higher education must ensure confidential transactions are properly marked to protect payee confidentiality as specified in USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator (FPP E.045). The agency or institution submitting a transaction is responsible for determining confidentiality. Transactions are legally considered public unless specifically excluded by the Public Information Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 552). An agency or institution that marks a transaction as confidential should be prepared to cite the law or attorney general opinion that excludes the payment from public disclosure. |
02/04/22 | Bailment Contract Violations Defined Bailment Contract Violations Defined
A bailment contract allows agencies to receive payroll warrants before payday to permit timely distribution. Violations of the contract can result in its revocation, and postdated warrants would not be available for distribution from the Comptroller’s office until payday. The Bailment Contract page on TexPayment Resource now defines contract violations for presenting warrants before their issue dates. |
02/04/22 | Reminder – Statewide Cost Allocation Worksheet and Forms Due Reminder – Statewide Cost Allocation Worksheet and Forms Due
Deadlines for agencies listed in Fiscal 2021 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency are:
See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
02/02/22 | Warrant Distribution Canceled Due to Inclement Weather Warrant Distribution Canceled Due to Inclement Weather
Due to inclement weather, warrants will not be distributed Thursday or Friday. Warrants printed on Thursday and Friday will be available on Monday, Feb. 7, from 8 – 10 a.m. Contact Payment Services at (512) 936-8138 for additional information. |
01/28/22 | First-Quarter Audit Reports First-Quarter Audit Reports
Fiscal 2022 first-quarter expenditure audit reports are available. See the Audit page for forms, fiscal policies and procedures, and audit contact information. Subscribe via GovDelivery for quarterly email notifications of audit reports posted. |
01/28/22 | Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division. |
01/21/22 | Reminder – Request Form 1099 by Jan. 28 Reminder – Request Form 1099 by Jan. 28
Jan. 28 is the last day to adjust the 1099-reportable data and request 1099s in USAS. Payments of $600 or more to a non-corporate payee for services or interest during a calendar year must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service on Form 1099-Miscellaneous (MISC), Form 1099-Nonemployee Compensation (NEC) or Form 1099-Interest Income (INT). See USAS Procedures for 1099 Reporting for Calendar Year 2021 (FPP E.001) for more information. |
01/21/22 | Reminder – Upgrade to TLS 1.2 by Jan. 30 Reminder – Upgrade to TLS 1.2 by Jan. 30
The Comptroller’s office will disable two transport layer security (TLS) protocols, 1.0 and 1.1, on Jan. 30. After that, only TLS 1.2 connections will work. This update is needed to correct security vulnerabilities. This change will impact all connections to Comptroller systems, so be sure your information technology team is aware of the upgrade. The Comptroller’s office alerted state agencies to the upcoming change in September and has worked with agencies to replace the older protocols. See Microsoft’s update for more information. |
01/14/22 | Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division. |
01/07/22 | Tax Implications of the Family Leave Pool Tax Implications of the Family Leave Pool
The Texas Legislature established a state employee family leave pool to give eligible employees more flexibility to care for children during the first year following birth, adoption or foster placement, and to care for a seriously ill family member or themselves, including for pandemic-related illnesses or complications caused by a pandemic. Agencies must determine the appropriate tax treatment for leave donated to this leave pool based on each agency’s implementation of the program. |
01/07/22 | Statewide Cost Allocation Worksheet and Forms Due Statewide Cost Allocation Worksheet and Forms Due
The Fiscal 2021 Statewide Cost Allocation Plan, Summary of Fixed Costs PDF provided by the governor’s office is now available. Deadlines for agencies listed in Fiscal 2021 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency are:
Quarterly deadlines for general revenue reimbursements are March 31, April 30, June 30 and Aug. 30. See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for instructions, contacts and forms. |
01/07/22 | CAPPS User Group Meeting CAPPS User Group Meeting
A combined CAPPS HR/Payroll and CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held Jan. 25, 9-11 a.m. See CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings or CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda and meeting materials will be available the morning of the meeting. |
01/07/22 | Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2022, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 58.5 cents per mile (up from 56 cents in 2021). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. |
01/03/22 | Current Forms Always Available on FMX Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Check the Forms page or appropriate topic page on FMX before submitting a form to ensure you submit the current version. Previously downloaded forms or stored links might be outdated. You’ll find a link to the Forms page at the top of any FMX page. Also, FMX topic pages such as Appropriations or Payment Services feature links to related forms. |
12/30/21 | Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2022, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 58.5 cents per mile (up from 56 cents in 2021). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. Note: State agencies may adopt an internal policy with a rate that is lower than the maximum; however, the agency must distribute the policy before its employees begin any travel under the lower rate. |
12/15/21 | Upgrade to TLS 1.2 Required by Jan. 30 Upgrade to TLS 1.2 Required by Jan. 30
The Comptroller’s office will disable two transport layer security (TLS) protocols, 1.0 and 1.1, on Jan. 30, 2022. After that, only TLS 1.2 connections will work. This update is needed to correct security vulnerabilities. This change could impact any connection to Comptroller systems, so be sure your informational technology team is aware of the upgrade. The Comptroller’s office alerted state agencies to the upcoming change in September and has worked with agencies to replace the older protocols. See Microsoft’s update for more information. |
12/15/21 | Reporting Settlements and Judgments to the IRS Reporting Settlements and Judgments to the IRS
Effective Jan. 1, 2022, federal law requires the appropriate official of a state agency involved in a suit or agreement to file an information return with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) when money is paid as part of a settlement or judgment. See 26 U.S.C. § 6050X-1. For cases where the office of the Attorney General (OAG) provides legal representation to the litigating state agency, the OAG will file information returns concerning settlements, judgments, or other qualifying payments. However, this is not a legal determination that this reporting responsibility falls solely on the OAG. Consult applicable laws concerning any reporting responsibilities your agency might have. State agencies not represented by the OAG must determine whether a settlement, judgment, or other qualifying payment made to the agency triggers IRS reporting requirements. The OAG will not file information returns regarding matters in which the OAG did not provide representation, including cases in which a state agency has attained OAG approval to retain outside counsel. Email general.counsel@oag.texas.gov for more information. |
12/15/21 | Reminder – ACA 1094-C and 1095-C Contact Information Update Due Reminder – ACA 1094-C and 1095-C Contact Information Update Due
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) requires employers to offer affordable health insurance that provides minimum essential coverage to their full-time (and full-time equivalent) employees and their dependents or incur tax penalties. The Comptroller’s office has updated ACA 1094-C and 1095-C Reporting Requirements (FPP F.039) for calendar year 2021. Agencies should review this guidance for how it affects your agency. Your agency is responsible for 1094-C and 1095-C reporting. USPS agencies are required to update 1094-C and 1095-C contact information by Dec. 31. CAPPS Central agencies are required to update the new Manage Agency Contact Info page in CAPPS by Jan. 7. |
12/13/21 | Supplemental Appropriation and Reduction Transactions Due Supplemental Appropriation and Reduction Transactions Due
Processing Supplemental Appropriations and Reductions (FPP A. 047) has been updated with instructions for USAS and CAPPS to reflect recent changes from the 87th Legislature, Special Sessions. Affected state agencies and institutions of higher education must follow the instructions in FPP A.047 by Dec. 21. |
12/10/21 | 2022 Earned Federal Funds Update 2022 Earned Federal Funds Update
State agencies are responsible for collecting and depositing earned federal funds (EFF) and indirect cost reimbursements to the General Revenue Fund. Effective Sept. 1, the EFF collection totals have been updated per the General Appropriations Act (GAA). See Earned Federal Funds and Indirect Cost Reimbursements to the General Revenue Fund (APS 023) (FPP A.017) for defined conditions and deadlines. Contact your agency’s appropriation control officer with any questions. |
12/10/21 | Reminder – Warrant Distribution in December Reminder – Warrant Distribution in December
Payment Services will distribute warrants from 8-10 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 23. There will be no warrant distribution Dec. 24. Payment Services will also distribute warrants from 8-10 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 31. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements and the System Outages and Holidays calendar for more information. |
12/10/21 | Reminder – Direct Deposit Reversal Request Deadline Changed Reminder – Direct Deposit Reversal Request Deadline Changed
Due to the New Year’s Day holiday, the deadline to submit Direct Deposit Reversal Request form (74-191) for payroll reversals has been changed to 10 a.m. on Dec. 31. |
12/10/21 | Reminder – USAS/TINS File Submission Reminder – USAS/TINS File Submission
If you need to submit a USAS or TINS batch file on a weekend or holiday, see the USAS/TINS Input Record File Submission Schedule. |
12/10/21 | Reminder – Direct Deposit Settlement Dates Reminder – Direct Deposit Settlement Dates
To determine the direct deposit settlement date of a payment, you must exclude federal holidays, since financial institutions are closed and no direct deposit activity occurs on those days. Agencies must account for these dates to ensure prompt payment and avoid late payment interest. See the System Outages and Holidays calendar for federal holidays with no scheduled USAS cycles. |
12/03/21 | Warrant Distribution in December Warrant Distribution in December
Payment Services will distribute warrants from 8-10 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 23. There will be no warrant distribution Dec. 24. Payment Services will also distribute warrants from 8-10 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 31. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements and the System Outages and Holidays calendar for more information. |
12/03/21 | Direct Deposit Reversal Request Deadline Changed Direct Deposit Reversal Request Deadline Changed
Due to the New Year’s Day holiday, the deadline to submit Direct Deposit Reversal Request form (74-191) for payroll reversals has been changed to 10 a.m. on Dec. 31. |
12/03/21 | USAS/TINS File Submission USAS/TINS File Submission
If you need to submit a USAS or TINS batch file on a weekend or holiday, see the USAS/TINS Input Record File Submission Schedule. |
12/03/21 | Direct Deposit Settlement Dates Direct Deposit Settlement Dates
To determine the direct deposit settlement date of a payment, you must exclude federal holidays, since financial institutions are closed and no direct deposit activity occurs on those days. Agencies must account for these dates to ensure prompt payment and avoid late payment interest. See the System Outages and Holidays calendar for federal holidays with no scheduled USAS cycles. |
12/03/21 | Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
Dec. 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2022 first-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (Sept. 1 to Nov. 30). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on Dec. 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available Dec. 16 and must be submitted by Dec. 30. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
11/23/21 | Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report payables and binding encumbrances for first-quarter fiscal 2022 appropriations by Dec. 30 to the Comptroller’s office. Quarterly certification must be entered in the online form. See Important Dates in the Reporting Guidelines of Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for more information. |
11/23/21 | Reminder – USPS Unavailable Dec. 11 Reminder – USPS Unavailable Dec. 11
USPS will be unavailable all day Saturday, Dec. 11, during the calendar year-end (CYE) file split. All USPS payrolls finalized after the 2021/2022 file split must have a warrant date in calendar year 2022 and will be reflected in the 2022 files. See the schedule in USPS Calendar Year-End Close Process (FPP R.014) and Splitting Files in the USPS Calendar Year-End Close Manual for more information. Contact the USPS help desk at (512) 463-4008 or your assigned USPS representative with questions. |
11/22/21 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for the associated hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for September through November will be available on DAFR reports 8190 and 8200 Dec. 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
11/10/21 | CAPPS User Group Meeting CAPPS User Group Meeting
A combined CAPPS HR/Payroll and CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held Nov. 18, 9-11 a.m. See CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings or CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings for more information. The agenda and meeting materials will be available the morning of the meeting. |
11/10/21 | Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
Dec. 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2022 first-quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (Sept. 1 to Nov. 30). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on Dec. 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available Dec. 16 and must be submitted by Dec. 30. See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information. |
11/10/21 | Reminder – Warrant Pickup Availability Nov. 24 Reminder – Warrant Pickup Availability Nov. 24
The Comptroller’s office will be closed for business on Wednesday, Nov. 24; however, Payment Services will distribute warrants from 8-10 a.m. for the Nov. 23 processing cycle. There will be no warrant distribution on Nov. 25 or 26. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements. |
11/10/21 | Reminder – Direct Deposit Settlement Dates Reminder – Direct Deposit Settlement Dates
State and federal holidays with no scheduled USAS cycle that are listed on the System Outages and Holidays calendar are excluded when determining the direct deposit settlement date of a payment. Since financial institutions are closed, no direct deposit activity occurs on those days. Agencies must exclude these dates when determining when to process their payments to ensure prompt payment and avoid late payment interest. |
11/10/21 | Reminder – USAS/TINS File Submission Reminder – USAS/TINS File Submission
If you need to submit a USAS or TINS batch file on a weekend or holiday, see the USAS/TINS Input Record File Submission Schedule. |
11/05/21 | USPS Unavailable Dec. 11 USPS Unavailable Dec. 11
USPS will be unavailable all day Saturday, Dec. 11, during the calendar year-end (CYE) file split. All USPS payrolls finalized after the 2021/2022 file split must have a warrant date in calendar year 2022 and will be reflected in the 2022 files. See the schedule in USPS Calendar Year-End Close Process (FPP R.014) and Splitting Files in the USPS Calendar Year-End Close Manual for more information. Contact the USPS help desk at (512) 463-4008 or your assigned USPS representative with questions. |
11/05/21 | 2021 State of Texas Annual Cash Report 2021 State of Texas Annual Cash Report
The State of Texas Annual Cash Report for fiscal 2021 is now available, as required by Government Code, Section 403.013. The report presents the state’s financial condition and details revenues and expenditures on a cash basis. |
11/05/21 | Warrant Pickup Availability Nov. 24 Warrant Pickup Availability Nov. 24
The Comptroller’s office will be closed for business on Wednesday, Nov. 24; however, Payment Services will distribute warrants from 8-10 a.m. for the Nov. 23 processing cycle. There will be no warrant distribution on Nov. 25 or 26. See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements. |
11/05/21 | Direct Deposit Settlement Dates Direct Deposit Settlement Dates
State and federal holidays with no scheduled USAS cycle that are listed on the System Outages and Holidays calendar are excluded when determining the direct deposit settlement date of a payment. Since financial institutions are closed, no direct deposit activity occurs on those days. Agencies must exclude these dates when determining when to process their payments to ensure prompt payment and avoid late payment interest. |
11/05/21 | USAS/TINS File Submission USAS/TINS File Submission
If you need to submit a USAS or TINS batch file on a weekend or holiday, see the USAS/TINS Input Record File Submission Schedule. |
10/29/21 | AFR Deadline AFR Deadline
The deadline for the fiscal 2021 annual financial report (AFR) is Saturday, Nov. 20. The Financial Reporting section strongly recommends that agencies make and release all USAS entries related to the AFR by 7 p.m., Friday, Nov. 19. Agencies that need to make USAS entries on Nov. 20 must use Batch Edit Mode 2 for all entries. No USAS entries for fiscal 2021 may be made after Nov. 20. All entries for the fiscal 2021 AFR must be backdated using an effective date of 08322021. Contact your financial reporting analyst for questions about AFR submission requirements and deadlines. |
10/29/21 | Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must ensure payments of benefit costs are proportional to the agency’s or institution’s method of finance, unless another legal provision prohibits proportionality. Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports and related adjustments are due Nov. 19. Agencies and institutions funded with a single method of finance must submit a letter confirming this status by Nov. 19. See Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance (APS 011)(FPP A.010) for more information, including forms and sample letters. |
10/29/21 | Reminder – Benefit Replacement Pay Leveling Election Due Reminder – Benefit Replacement Pay Leveling Election Due
State agencies that permit eligible employees to level their benefit replacement pay must update their payroll/personnel systems for December payrolls paid in calendar year 2022. See Benefit Replacement Pay (BRP) Leveling Election (FPP F.035) for more information. |
10/28/21 | Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due Semiannual Verification of Users’ Security Access Levels Due
Security coordinators are required to certify that their records are up to date through a semiannual security verification process that is concurrent for all Fiscal Management applications.
Email sfs.security@cpa.texas.gov with any questions. |
10/25/21 | USAS 1099 Reporting Procedures USAS 1099 Reporting Procedures
State agencies and institutions of higher education must file 1099 forms with the IRS (electronically or as hard copies) and mail 1099 forms to recipients by Jan. 31, 2022. Agencies may request forms in USAS Jan. 4-28, and they will be available for pickup the following business day in the LBJ Building, room G17. See USAS Procedures for 1099 Reporting for Calendar Year 2021 (FPP E.001) for instructions on requesting 1099 data from USAS. |
10/22/21 | CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures
Entering procurement and travel card transactions in USAS or CAPPS Financials requires special considerations for timely payment reconciliation. Agencies should review the procedures for entering credit card information into USAS and CAPPS invoice number fields as detailed in the section on central billed account (CBA) and corporate liability individual billed account (CLIBA) numbers in USAS and CAPPS Financials Invoice Number Field Requirements (FPP E.023). See Processing Third-Party Transactions in USAS for Payment/Travel Cards, Direct Bill Payments and Reimbursements (FPP A.043) (login required) for more information. Contact Expenditure Assistance with questions. |
10/22/21 | Reminder – Budget T-Codes Effective Date Change Reminder – Budget T-Codes Effective Date Change
Nov. 2, at 7 a.m., the effective start date for USAS budget T-codes 001, 003, 006, 009, 012, 015, 018, 021, 036, 039, 040, 041, 042 and 043 will be changed to 09012021. Fiscal Management’s Financial Reporting section verifies general revenue (GR) information submitted by state agencies and must ensure agencies cannot backdate entries, which would change the agency’s GR amount. The GR Reconciliation Certification is due Nov. 1. Contact your financial reporting analyst with questions. |
10/22/21 | Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
Per Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019), state agencies and institutions of higher education must submit the online Annual Certification form by Oct. 30. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies was Sept. 30.) An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle. |
10/15/21 | Final EEO Report Final EEO Report
Final copies of the 2021 Equal Employment Opportunity Report (FPP F.016) will arrive at agencies and institutions of higher education via electronic file transfer on Oct. 28. Oct. 26 is the deadline for making data corrections. Corrections entered or submitted after this date will not be reflected in the final report. The Comptroller’s office will send the final report to the Civil Rights Division of the Texas Workforce Commission on Oct. 28. |
10/15/21 | 87th Legislature eXpendit/Textravel Updates 87th Legislature eXpendit/Textravel Updates
These eXpendit topics were updated to reflect legislative changes: This Textravel topic was also updated: Contact Expenditure Assistance with any questions. |
10/15/21 | Benefit Replacement Pay Leveling Election Due Benefit Replacement Pay Leveling Election Due
State agencies that permit eligible employees to level their benefit replacement pay must update their payroll/personnel systems for December payrolls paid in calendar year 2022. See Benefit Replacement Pay (BRP) Leveling Election (FPP F.035) for more information. |
10/15/21 | Fourth Quarter Audit Reports Fourth Quarter Audit Reports
Fiscal 2021 fourth-quarter expenditure audit reports are available for view, print and download. See the Audit page for forms, fiscal policies and procedures, and audit contact information. Subscribe via GovDelivery for quarterly email notifications of audit reports posted. |
10/15/21 | Reminder – TFOA 2022 Nominations Reminder – TFOA 2022 Nominations
Nov. 10 is the deadline to nominate candidates for the 2022 Texas Fiscal Officers Academy (TFOA), a professional development program for state agency fiscal officers. Candidates must be nominated by their executive directors or chief fiscal officers. The 2022 TFOA curriculum has three week-long sessions:
See the TFOA website for details. |
10/08/21 | USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields
Transaction entry screens in USAS and CAPPS let state agencies and institutions of higher education enter payment information in the invoice number and description fields. Never enter confidential or sensitive information such as complete or partial Social Security numbers or information covered by the protected health information prohibition. See USAS and CAPPS Financials Invoice Number Field Requirements (FPP E.023) for more information and to review your agency’s procedures for compliance. |
10/08/21 | Reminder – SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines Reminder – SPA/AFR Reconciliation Deadlines
State agencies (and institutions of higher education reporting to SPA) must annually reconcile SPA ending balances with their annual financial reports (AFRs). Due dates for certifying SPA fiscal balances and Note 2 using the Capital Asset Note Submission System (CANSS) web application are:
See SPA Fiscal Year-End Reconciliation and Certification of Fiscal Balances in Chapter 2 of the SPA Process User's Guide (FPP N.005) for more information. |
10/08/21 | Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
By Oct. 30 each year, state agencies and institutions of higher education must lapse appropriation balances above the level needed to satisfy outstanding binding encumbrances and/or payables. All agencies must also submit the online annual certification form by Oct. 30. (Sept. 30 is the recommended due date for GR consolidated to lapse appropriation balances and submit annual certifications.) An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle to lapse all unencumbered nonconstruction appropriation balances for all prior appropriation years. See Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for details. |
10/01/21 | Budget T-Codes Effective Date Budget T-Codes Effective Date
Nov. 2, at 7 a.m., the effective start date for USAS budget T-codes 001, 003, 006, 009, 012, 015, 018, 021, 036, 039, 040, 041, 042 and 043 will be changed to 09012021. Fiscal Management’s Financial Reporting section verifies general revenue (GR) information submitted by state agencies and must ensure agencies cannot backdate entries, which would change the agency’s GR amount. The GR Reconciliation Certification is due Nov. 1. Contact your financial reporting analyst with questions. |
10/01/21 | TFOA Accepting 2022 Nominations TFOA Accepting 2022 Nominations
State agency officials have until Nov. 10 to nominate candidates for the 2022 Texas Fiscal Officers Academy (TFOA), a professional development program for state agency fiscal officers. Candidates must be nominated by their executive directors or chief fiscal officers. The 2022 TFOA curriculum contains three week-long sessions:
See the TFOA website for details. |
10/01/21 | Reminder – Preliminary EEO Report Reminder – Preliminary EEO Report
Preliminary copies of the 2021 Equal Employment Opportunity Report (FPP F.016) will arrive at agencies and institutions of higher education via electronic file transfer on Oct. 14 with each agency’s regular daily downloads. Deadlines:
Data corrections entered or submitted after Oct. 26 will not be reflected in the final report issued on Oct. 28. |