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Method 1 for Depreciating Libraries with Class Code 752 Items

FPP N.006

Step Action
1 Reduce the library’s total value by the value of items that will remain under Class Code 752:
  1. Identify all items that will remain as Class Code 752 items after this conversion. Compute their total historical value.
  2. Compute the adjustment amount needed for step 1c:

    (library's total value) – (total historical value of Class Code 752 items)
    = adjustment amount

  3. Access the existing library property number in SPA. Decrease the library’s total value by fund and DEFY by the adjustment amount calculated in step 1b. Perform multiple decrease transactions if necessary.

    Note: This decrease appears in the adjustment column of the SPA CAAB101 report, Non-Depreciable Assets section, Other Capital Assets line item. The line item's ending balance should now equal the total historical value calculated in step 1a.

2 Establish a new library property number with:
  • Class Code 751 (depreciable)
  • a component number for each fiscal year since 1990 for which data are available

    Note: This does not include Class Code 752 items because they are not depreciable.

  • in-service dates that reflect original purchase dates (or, when the purchase date is not known, September 1)
  • effective date equal to 9/1/2004 (fiscal 2005 purchases should reflect the actual dates).

Note: The total for all components must equal the adjustment amount computed in step 1b.

3 After establishing the new property number and components, contact your SPA analyst, who will:
  • change the DEPR ENTITY FY on each component to reflect the correct fiscal year.
  • correct the Asset Balance table so the component balances will show up in the adjustment column (with the exception of the FY05 layer; those purchases will appear in the additions column).
  • change the C/I Indicator to “C” for any layers below the $5,000 threshold.

Note: After these corrections, the SPA system will automatically calculate depreciation (accumulated and expense) and place it in the appropriate columns on the SPA CAAB201 reports.