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Sample Letter of Authorization


Texas State Agency


June 1, 2023

Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Fiscal Management Division
ATTN: Agency Services
111 East 17th Street
Austin, Texas 78774

SUBJECT: LOA Authorizations

I hereby authorize the following employees to submit Letters of Authorization for Data Changes (form 73-313) for the _____________________________ system (CAPPS HR/Payroll, HRIS, SPRS or USPS):

  • Jane Doe
  • Mary Johnson
  • John Smith

A Letter of Authorization Signature List for CAPPS HR/Payroll, HRIS, SPRS, USPS Data Changes (form 73-318) with each employee's original signature and pertinent information is enclosed.

Please remove the following employees from the list of employees authorized to request data changes:

  • Joe Johnson—effective 06/01/xx
  • Sue Jones—effective 06/01/xx
  • Mary Smith—effective 06/01/xx


John Doe

John Doe, Executive Director
Texas State Agency