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ACA 1094-C and 1095-C Reporting Requirements

FPP F.039

Update CAPPS Central Contact Information

All CAPPS Central agencies are required to review and confirm their agency contact information by Dec. 31, 2024. This ensures the information for Forms 1094-C and 1095-C is current. This information will appear on Forms 1094-C and 1095-C, except the contact name, which only appears on Form 1094-C.


  1. Select the Navigator icon, then Menu, then Payroll for North America, then U.S. Annual Processing, then ACA Annual Processing, then Manage Agency Contact Info.

    Note: You must have the TX_HCM_BN_MAINTAIN_ACA security role to access this page.

  2. Enter the search criteria to select your agency (company).
    Visual representation of Find an Existing Value Tab on the Manage Agency Contact Info screen.
  3. Once you enter your agency number, the Manage Agency Contact Info page will open. Screen shot of Manage Agency Contact Info page.
    If the information is current and correct, no action is required. If the information is incorrect, click the plus sign to add a new effective-dated row and enter the effective date, employee ID and business phone number.

Access Requirements

The TX_HCM_BN_MAINTAIN_ACA security role is required to access this page and manage agency contact information. This role will also allow your agency’s ACA contact to access individual employee 1095-C forms in CAPPS once they are available.