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HRIS Error Messages

Updated: Aug. 13, 2018

All error message numbers in the 7000 and 9000 series are warning and informational messages as opposed to the others which are fatal errors and cause transactions to reject. Transactions that generate warning messages still update the system, but should be reviewed when they appear on an exception report.

The errors listed in this table are not the only error messages. The remaining error messages are straight forward (i.e., Sex Indicator Must Be 'M' or Mailing State Must Be Entered.).

Table of Contents

Fatal Messages

Errors Descriptions
1003 SSN Not Found
Inquire in HRIS to see if SSN has ever been set up. Message normally indicates SSN is not set up on HRIS.
1093 Salary Spread Code Invalid
Must be 9 or 12. System will default correct values if you enter nothing.
1120 Effective Start Date Must be Greater Than Employment Date
This error occurs on Reason Codes 099 or 910 when date entered in Employment Date field is greater than or equal to the effective date field.
1211 No Valid Employment Data Found on Agency Employee Table
Inquire in HRIS to see if SSN has ever been set up in your agency.
1212 Employee Data Not Found in Employee Table (call HRIS for assistance)
Check end date of employee's last appointment. Usually this means the job appointment end date is prior to the effective date of the transaction.
1217 Termination Date Must Fall Within Appointment Period
Message usually indicates termination date is greater than the last day of the fiscal year and there has been no reappointment in that fiscal year yet. You can terminate outside job/appt period as long as effective date falls within the same fiscal year. Another situation that could produce this error is if you sent a termination and the SSN had already been terminated on HRIS.
1230 Agency Has No Active Record for Date Entered
Message usually indicates effective date of transaction is prior to the conversion date of agency.
1262 Elements Not Found in Transaction Table
Most often seen when you are attempting to reverse a transaction that does not exist.
1332 SSN, Agency Number, Job Number Combination Not Found
Indicates a Reason Code 038 transaction was submitted for a job number that does not exist.
1346 Employee Cat Code, Class Code Combination Invalid
Message usually means the class code used in the transaction has not been added to HRIS. Ignore the reference to Employee Cat Code. Check the RTHP screen using an 'A' in the Action Code field. If the system does not come back with message that class code already exists, then you should add it using this screen.
1407 Duplicate Record
There are at least 2 of the same transaction on tape/EFT submission.
1430 Effective Start Date Must be Entered as MMDDYYYY
This means the effective date is formatted incorrectly or could contain zeroes.
1625 Employee on LWOP/FDLP; Not Eligible for Salary Change
This means the employee has the LWOP/FDLP indicator set to 'Y', indicating they are on leave without pay or faculty development leave. Any employee on leave without pay is not eligible for salary actions.
1639 Category Cd Attribute is Not Appropriate for Agency Use
If you're submitting a reason code 900 series transaction to add a job with cat code of SS, SW, CA or HH and the Employee Type that exists on HRIS is either TF or TP, the system won't accept.
1676 Reason Code Not Valid for Inactive Employee
Message means ssn has been terminated. Check ISAP screen to see date of termination.
1677 Reason Code Not Valid for Active Employee
Message can mean you used reason code 910 for an employee who has previously been set up on HRIS as a regular employee.
1690 Reason Code Invalid for Active Employee
This appears when you've sent a reason code 010 transaction for ssn that already exists on HRIS. Frequently I find that a reason code 900 should have been sent instead.
1699 Merit Amount must be Numeric
This could mean one of two things. Either the reason code used indicates an adjustment to the employee's salary (merit, promotion, etc.) and the salary adjustment field was left blank, or the salary adjustment field had a non-numeric value entered.
1714 Job No. Already Exists
Usually indicates a reason code 900 was submitted with a job number that is already on HRIS.
1738 Agency Transferred To Must Be Entered
This means that a 065 termination code was used, indicating a transfer, but no agency number was entered in the Agency Transfer To field.
1788 Appt End Must Be Between Start Date and End of Fiscal Year
Example: Effective date of transaction = 9/1/96 and job/appt end date = 8/31/96.
1917 Action Code Must be 'A', 'C', 'D' or 'S'
Code must be entered to indicate type of action being taken.
1953 No Record Found in Higher Ed Positions Table
This means that the classification code used has not been set up in HRIS for this agency.
1962 Record Already Exists on Reference HE Positions Table
If you submit an "add" transaction for a classification code that is already in the HRIS tables, you'll see this error.
2026 Appointment End Date Cannot Exceed Employee Terminate Date
A termination date already exists on HRIS with an effective date prior to the effective end date submitted in rejected transaction.
2031 Termination Not Valid - Termination Already Exists
Termination transaction has already updated system.
2041 LWOP Cannot Exceed 12 Months
System will not allow employee to be in LWOP status of 'Yes' for greater than 12 months.
2046 Job/Appt Number Exists for this FY; New Number Must Be Used
If you submit a reason code within the 900 series to add a job and the job number you enter is already on the system for the fiscal year the system will not accept.
2072 Reversal Would Backout New Hire/Transfer Information
This means the transaction you are trying to reverse and the original set up transaction for the SSN have the same effective date. This requires a management override transaction and thus requires HRIS to enter.
2084 A Break in Service Must Occur Before Rehire
Employee has a termination on HRIS with an effective date one day prior to your new hire date, if not hiring employee as a transfer (Reason Codes 015 or 017), there must be at least one day break in service.
2100 LWOP Status Unchanged from Previous Value
Transaction to either put an employee on LWOP or take them off LWOP is already on system with the same value as submitted in the rejected transaction.
2125 Invalid City
This means one of two things, either the value entered in the city field is not a valid Texas city, or the city was misspelled. (Note: If the employee is out of state, you must use your agency's mailing address.)
2131 Non-Resident Alien Indicator Must be Entered
Check Non-Resident Alien Indicator field on the HEED screen. This message indicates the field must be blank.
2140 Temporary SSN Indicator Must be Entered
This is a mandatory field for reason code being submitted.
2151 Eff Date Cannot be Greater Than 45 Days into the Future
Transactions cannot have effective dates that are greater than 45 days from current date.
2155 Reason Code Invalid, Maint. Exists Between Acquisition Dates
This error occurs when you submit a Reason Code 510, to change the effective date of the new hire, but there is maintenance between the two dates.
2156 Reason Code Invalid, Future Employment Already Exists
This error occurs when you submit a Reason Code 010 transaction for SSN who has already been added to agency with date in the future.
2158 New Acquisition Date Same as Original Acquisition Date
This error occurs when you submit a Reason Code 510 with an effective date which is the same as the existing effective date on HRIS.
2164 Salary Adjustment Must be Entered
This error message will occur when you failed to include an amount in the Salary Adjustment Amount field for one of the salary action codes that require it.
2165 Cannot Reverse Record When Multiple Transactions Occurred
If you have submitted maintenance to a job/appt, the system will not let you reverse that job. You must supply amount of BRP Increase if value of BRP Indicator field equals 'N'.
2166 Faculty Must First Have Academic Rank & Tenure Status
If the Academic Rank and Tenure Status fields are blank on the 27 record and you submit a transaction to add a faculty job, you'll get this message and you must first do a reason code 038 transaction on the 27 record to add the values to those two fields.
2167 Reason Code Invalid, Salary Action Exists on this Effective Date
Cannot place employee in Leave without Pay status if salary action exists on the system for the same effective date.
2169 "Temporary" Employee Type Invalid, Hourly Category Cd Exists
Will get this error if you submit reason code 038 and change employee type to TF or TP and the existing job has a category code of SS, SW, CA or HH.
3009 Employee May Not Retire More Than Once
This error occurs when an employee has been terminated at an agency with a reason code 068 (retirement), is rehired at the same or a different agency, and then you attempt to terminate them again with the same termination reason code.

Warning Messages

Errors Descriptions
7018 Vendor ID Not Found
Disregard this warning until you receive further information from HRIS.
7070 Dual Agency Employment Exists
Whenever you enter/submit a new hire transaction for an employee who is still active in another state agency, you will get this message. What you have to watch out for is an employee being paid double benefits. Chances are, the losing agency just hasn't done their maintenance to terminate the person.
7145 Terminating Employee is on LWOP
You'll see this message if the indicator is 'y' in the LWOP Indicator field for an employee whom you are terminating.
7159 Employee Race Submitted is Protected for Reason Code Used
Race code is a protected field for reason code submitted.
7166 Temporary SSN submitted is Protected for Reason Code Used
Temporary ssn is a protected field for the reason code submitted.
7183 Salary Adjustment Entered is Protected for Reason Code Used
Reason code of transaction submitted is a "non-salary action" code, thus the Salary Adjustment Amount field is protected.
7197 Employee is Still Active at Losing Agency
If you use one of the transfer in reason codes, 015 or 017, to hire an employee, but the agency where he was previously hasn't processed a transfer out transaction, you will see this error message.
7198 New Hire Invalid When Employee Terminated with Transfer Reason Code
This error occurs when you hire someone with a reason code 010 and the losing agency terminated them with a transfer out reason code (065).
7213 BRP Increase Must Have an Amount When BRP Indicator = N
Must supply amount of BRP Increase if value in BRP Indicator field = 'N'
7214 Employee is Ineligible for BRP - Time Elapsed
Employment date at current agency makes employee ineligible for BRP. Confirm that employee has prior employment that makes him eligible.
7215 Employee Ineligible for BRP
Employment date indicates employee ineligible for BRP, code value should be 'W' instead of 'N' unless employment with agency other than yours exists.

Informational Messages

Errors Descriptions
9126 Process Successfully Completed; Data Release Indicator Set to '2'
If employee is currently or ever has been a Commissioned Police Officer, system will default value to '2' disallowing the release of any personal information. This is mandated by the legislature.
9006 Bottom of Data
Indicates that the screen has been refreshed/retrieved and fields are available for entry.

'83' Payment Entitlement Information Exception/Pending Messages

Errors Descriptions
1255 Multiple Job No's Exist - Must Supply All job Info for PA/CA
This message appears on a cancellation transaction. There are multiple active jobs that have been paid on the original Pay Period Effect Date. The payment for each job must be canceled and a cancellation for each job must be submitted. This is because the system rolls payments for all jobs on the same Pay Period Effective Date into one warrant or check, and the cancellation is for an entire warrant. Cancel the entire payment and resubmit payments to the job numbers that are correct.
1410 Agency Employee Record Not Found for SSN
This could mean several different things. This employee has never been set up for the agency number, or that a termination has been entered for this employee before the Pay Period Effective Date of the pending payment. Set the employee up, or make the pay period effective date prior to the termination. When corrected in personnel, the pending file will be triggered to re-edit and balance the pending records in the next nightly cycle.

This message also comes up for Salary Spread payments when a termination has been entered (like end of contract or retirement), for instance.
1752 Original Payment Not Found for Trans Type
This is for a cancellation transaction. The system could not match the exact Key Mandatory Fields to anything in the permanent tables.
1753 No Matching Job Description Information
The payment is for a job number that has never been set up. Enter this job. The change in personnel information will trigger the payroll to re-edit the pending file.
2094 Salary Spread Payment Invalid Before End of Appointment
This appears when an SS payment has been submitted but the pay period effective date is before the appointment end date. Either the appointment end date needs to be changed or the payment needs to be changed to a Regular Payment.
2096 Payment Invalid After Appointment End Date
The payment is for a job number that has expired. Check the job screen (HEEJ) for the expiration date. A new appointment for the current fiscal year may need to be set up. A payment during the summer months may need to be coded for Salary Spread (SS) and the SS indicator may need to be reset to 12. This is for your agency to decide.
2238 Original Fiscal Year Must be Entered
This message appears on cancellation transactions. The original fiscal year of the original payment must be entered. This is because cancellation can cross fiscal years.
2239 CA or CE Payment Not Processed; Original in Pending Voucher
This message is also for a cancellation transaction. It usually appears after the message 1752 Original Payment Not Found for Trans Type . After the system looks in the permanent tables and cannot match the exact Key Mandatory fields, it goes to the pending tables and looks for the transactions in the pending tables. If the original voucher has not posted (pending), this message appears. You do not need to do anything for this message.
7127 Original Transaction Has Not Been Posted
This message appears on Deduction Refund (DR) transactions. DRs use the same basic format as cancellations. The original transaction must be in the permanent tables for the offsets to be created. Also, the voucher the refund resides in must have enough positive transactions to offset the refund. Look at page D.8 in the Reporting Requirements for an example of how to submit a Deduction Refund.
7217 Lump Sum Payment Invalid, Employee Must be Term for 30 Days
This is a warning message that displays the first time the payment runs through the nightly cycle. The Pay Period Effective Date is less than 30 days from the termination date of this employee. Sometimes, an employee moves from a position that accrues vacation to a position that does not, and the university pays them for their unused annual leave time. Consequently, this employee will not have a termination date.

'85' Payment Entitlement Information Exception/Pending Messages

Errors Descriptions
1325 PCT Time Must be Entered
This message does not appear until the '85' exceptions, however, percent time is entered on the '83' Record. The Entitlement Code (ENT_CD) field on the '85' edits for percent time. Go to the '83' Record and enter the percent time or change the entitlement code to one that does not require a percent time.
1329 Entitlement Code Invalid
This message means that the entitlement code is not available to use on the pay period effective date reported. The transactions that this message appeared on were for dates prior to September 1, 1996 when the made until the November, 1996 payroll.
1423 Payment Transaction Record Not Found
An '83' Record with matching Key Mandatory fields to this '85' Record transaction does not exist. Check the KM fields to make sure they are correct. If the KM fields are correct, check the Exception Report (not the pending) for the '83' exceptions to see if the record rejected.
2079 PCA Code Must be Entered
Fund number (on the '83' Record) or PCA Code number must be entered. If neither Fund Number or PCA Code is reported, the system will not catch this until it edits the '85' record. Usually, you will need to go back to the '83' Record and put the fund number in.
2183 Invalid Pay Trans Type/Entitl Code Combination
Certain code combinations cannot be reported for the same payment. Look at the edit tables in Appendix B of the Reporting Requirements for valid entitlement codes for the Pay Trans Type.

'87' Payment Deduction Information Exception/Pending Messages

Errors Descriptions
1249 For This Trans Type Posted Deduction Must Exist for This Job
This message appears on a Deduction Refund (DR) transaction. These work similar to a cancellation, where there has to be a posted transaction for the offsets to be counted against. There are not deductions with this deduction code posted in the 'permanent tables' for this job number and pay period effective date.
3076 Fund: Transfer Not Processed; SSN Exists in Pending Vouchers
There is pending voucher information for this SSN that will also affect the percentages for the job. You must first correct the pending vouchers.
3077 Invalid 'To' PCA Code
This occurs when the same PCA codes are listed in the 'From' and 'To' field. You only enter something in these fields when the numbers change. Change this online and take out the PCA codes.
1453 Wages Must be Entered for This Deduction Code
Wages must be entered for certain deduction codes that you can determine by looking in Appendix B at the coding tables. Generally, for Deduction Codes that are dependent on wages to determine the amount (like Income Tax and FICA), the wages field must be reported.
1468 Vendor ID Must be Entered for this Deduction Code
Certain Vendor ID Numbers must be entered, especially for numbers that are not hard coded into the system. For instance, the vendor Ids are hard coded for insurance, IRS, TRS, etc., because they are the same for everyone in the state.
1470 Carrier No. Must be Entered for this Deduction Code
Carrier Numbers for certain deduction codes must be entered on the '87' Record.

'89' Fund Transfer Information Exception/Pending Messages

Errors Descriptions
2042 Start Date and End Date Not Within Same Fiscal Year
You cannot cross fiscal years on Fund Transfers. This transaction will have to be separated into two, one for each fiscal year.
3061 'To' Job No. Must be Entered
Job From and Job To fields are key mandatory fields and must be entered on all '89' transactions even if the job number does not change, but the Fund or PCA does.
3067 No Payment or Payment Info Trans Data Found
The payment that this transfer is looking for to create the offset to is not in the permanent tables (Payment Data) or in the pending tables (Payment Info Tran Data). The Pay Period Effective Date on the Fund Transfer could be different than the PP EFF DT on the payment and the system cannot find the original payment to create the offsets. Or, the original payment may not have ever been submitted.
3069 May Not Transfer More Than 100% from One Job
The Transfer Pct amounts from all '89' Records for a specific pay period effective start date add up to more than 100%.
3070 'To' Job Description Data Doesn't Exist
The job that money is being transferred into does not exist for the Pay Period Effective Start on the '89' Record. The job probably needs to be set up in personnel.