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CAPPS Modules

The main CAPPS modules (core) provide agencies with the key functionality needed to operate as CAPPS Financials and/or CAPPS HR/Payroll agencies.

Agencies have the option of implementing additional CAPPS modules (non-core) beyond the requisite suite of core modules.

CAPPS Financials Modules

The CAPPS Financials baseline application is centrally managed by the Comptroller’s office and contains four core modules and six additional non-core modules.

CAPPS Core Module Description Benefits
Accounts Payable Maintains transaction and vendor data while invoices are paid in a centralized system.

Integrates with the current statewide vendor and accounting systems.

  • Ensures agencies only pay for goods and services that were ordered and received.
  • Provides a rigorous audit trail for vendor and voucher information.
  • Provides a single, centralized source for transaction data.
Asset Management Provides a fully integrated asset information system, including integration with Requisitions, Purchasing, Receipts and Accounts Payable modules.
  • Reduces redundant data entry.
  • Adheres to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) rules and statutory reporting.
  • Allows agencies to track non-financial asset information.
General Ledger/Commitment Control Provides efficient and flexible processing of financial data with real-time controls to ensure data accurately meets agency reporting requirements.
  • Enables flexible reporting to meet federal, state and agency-specific requirements.
  • Provides real-time check of transactions.
  • Enables efficient processing of general ledger data.
  • Allows for comprehensive budget inquiry with drill-down-to-source-transactions capabilities.
Purchasing/eProcurement Improves processing efficiency for the purchase of goods and services (including requisitions) with electronic approvals, contracts, purchase orders and receipts. Ensures statewide policy compliance through data validation and integration of documents within the procurement lifecycle.
  • Provides a centralized source of transaction processing.
  • Enhances traceability and visibility for the entire transaction lifecycle.
  • Enables integration with the Accounts Payable, Asset Management, Commitment Control/General Ledger modules.
  • Facilitates internal agency and statewide reporting.
  • Integrates with the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) Contracts Database. Identifies LBB-reportable contract records and submits the required data daily to the LBB.
CAPPS Non-Core Module Description Benefits
Billing/Accounts Receivable Manages the billing process in a single, stand-alone system that integrates with other CAPPS modules.
  • Accelerates bill creation through automated and online bill entry.
  • Leverages receivables functionality to increase efficiency of collections.
  • Focuses efforts on data analysis rather than data collection and produces a diversity of delivered reports.
  • Delivers timely information to customers through automated invoice, statement and reminder letter generation.
Customer Contracts Manages revenue-generating contracts and creates billing actions.
  • Tracks all contractual revenue.
  • Tracks all contractual agreement revenue and grant awards.
  • Tracks milestones according to costs.
  • Fully tracks revenue billed and received.
Grants Efficiently and effectively tracks grant activities from a grantee perspective through proposal, receipt, milestone-tracking and disbursement.
  • Enables complete proposal tracking and seamless generation of awards in a single source.
  • Interfaces to and automates sub-recipient identification and ALN tracking.
  • Maintains sub-recipient expenditure contracts.
Inventory Streamlines inventory processing in a centralized and integrated system.
  • Provides flexible reporting and analysis tools for managing and tracking inventory.
  • Features automated inventory replenishment triggers and integration with purchasing.
  • Uses express and multi-step order fulfillment processing.
Project Costing Manages cost collection process with a single end-to-end system.
  • Enables powerful project analysis and reporting through streamlined asset capitalization and robust billing capability.
  • Allows cost collection against a project in a shared repository for an integrated solution.
Travel and Expense Provides an online process to request travel reimbursements, cash advances, travel authorizations and expense reporting. Travel and Expense is integrated with Human Resources for organizational workflow and with Accounts Payable for expense processing.
  • Automates employee requests for approval and reimbursement of travel-related expenses.
  • Enforces compliance with state of Texas travel policies; for example, includes the General Services Administration’s per diem rates to automate allowable costs for lodging and meals.
  • Automates workflow for approval of employee travel and expense transactions based on the employee’s department structure.
  • Integration with Accounts Payable ensures travel and expense data is reviewed and employees are reimbursed on time.
  • Includes reports and online views and searches to manage historical data and conduct analytics.

CAPPS HR/Payroll Modules

The CAPPS HR/Payroll baseline application is centrally managed by the Comptroller’s office and contains four core modules and four additional non-core modules.

CAPPS Core Module Description Benefits
Core Human Resources (HR) Increases effectiveness of agency workforce-related business processes by streamlining administrative tasks.
  • Web-enabled:
    • Core– accessed by select agency users for non-self-service functionality.
    • Portal– central point of entry for self-service users.
    • Worklist– displays items for managers’ attention.
  • Develops a central repository for employee data and historical records to ensure consistency across all CAPPS modules.
  • Allows for statewide statutory edits.
Payroll Provides agencies with a data-driven approach to defining and managing diverse payroll requirements for unique agency business policies.
  • Standardizes payroll calculations for earnings, deductions and taxes to ensure all employees are paid in a timely and accurate manner.
  • Uses data stored in and created by the Core HR and Time and Labor modules to automatically build pay sheets and accurately calculate employee payments.
  • Allows employee access to pay stubs and W2s.
Position Management Manages appropriation budget allocations for approved agency positions.
  • Allows appropriation management for approved agency positions.
  • Facilitates tracking of filled versus vacant positions.
Time and Labor Provides agencies with a time management application that efficiently automates time and attendance recordkeeping for the entire workforce.
  • Accesses and manages employee time worked, leave balances and transfers in a single module while providing a rigorous audit trail.
  • Minimizes employee time spent entering their timesheet with exception time reporting (reporting only when leave is used).
  • Allows managers to approve employee time and run reports on leave used through the Manager Self Service feature.
CAPPS Non-Core Module Description Benefits
Performance Management Allows agencies to roll out performance management plans to their entire workforce and measure employee performance based on key indicators.
  • Allows for creation, evaluation and approval of performance documents
  • Allows for creating, sharing, aligning, collaboration and evaluation of goals
  • Allows supervisors to track team goals
Recruit Allows job applicants to search and apply for job postings online. Applicants can complete screening questions, view interview schedules and accept job offers.
  • Allows for online management of job requisitions and candidates
  • Allows applicants to apply for jobs and manage their applications online
  • Integrates with core HR