Report to the 86th Legislature: CAPPS — ERP in Texas
CAPPS Finanacials — Accomplishments
From fiscal 2012 through the beginning of fiscal 2019, 91% of the state’s spending was processed through CAPPS Financials:
- 59 Agencies
- $89,999,605,465 in State Spending
By the beginning of fiscal 2020, 92% of the state’s spending will be processed through CAPPS financials:
- 19 New Agencies (78 Agencies Total)
- $90,901,248,760 in State Spending
Our deployment plan for the fiscal 2020–21 biennium will result in 94% of the state’s spending processed through CAPPS Financials:
- 22 New Agencies (100 Agencies Total)
- $92,871,513,752 in State Spending
By the beginning of fiscal 2024, CAPPS Financials is projected to be 100% complete with all anticipated agencies deployed and handling $98,661,919,213 in state spending. See Appendix C for an alphabetical list of agencies and their fiscal year deployment date.