Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
CAPPS - Report to the 87th Legislature

Executive Summary

ERP for Texas

Passed by the 80th Legislature in 2007, House Bill 3106 charged the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (the Comptroller’s office) with establishing clear standards for implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in Texas. ERP consolidates aspects of a business — including the business of government — within a commonly aligned set of systems: accounting, human resources (HR), payroll, procurement, inventory and more.

With an ERP-based platform, information is entered once, then carries over to all other functions. This reduces errors and manual efforts, which increases efficiency and reduces costs.

CAPPS – a Statewide Solution

The Comptroller’s ProjectONE (Our New Enterprise) team has created the ERP solution for Texas known as the Centralized Accounting and Payroll/Personnel System (CAPPS). By employing a statewide ERP-based strategy reflecting the approach requested by the 80th Legislature, state dollars are systematically leveraged to deploy a flexible, reliable, efficient and secure statewide accounting and HR/payroll system available to all agencies regardless of complexity or size.

The CAPPS family of agencies has significantly grown over the past biennium and new deployments are planned through the beginning of fiscal 2024. Currently, 107 agencies are using CAPPS Financials, CAPPS HR/Payroll or both. With the current plan for the next biennium, by the beginning of fiscal 2024:

  • 119 agencies will be using either CAPPS Financials, CAPPS HR/Payroll or both.
  • 75 percent of state full-time employees will be administered through CAPPS.*
  • 96 percent of state spending will flow through CAPPS.*

*Excludes institutions of higher education.