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SPRS Payment Status Code Definitions

Statuses Definitions
A The payroll document that generated the transaction has been accepted by USAS. This status would only be found on a transaction that has been held on the detail table as 'negative balance' based on rollup key. This condition is also identified by presence of the transaction on the detail table with an Original Document Number but no INRECS Document Number.
P The transaction is pending payment. Both the original payroll document and the deduction transaction have been accepted by USAS. Suspense funds have been updated by transactions in P status.
$ The transaction has been paid. These are also identified by the presence of a Vendor Payment Document Number, Vendor Payment Number and Vendor Payment Date.
C Used to manually delete transactions in status 'P'. Reversing USAS transactions will be generated.
D Used to manually delete transactions in status 'A'; for example, when an unresolved negative amount has been recovered by the agency. Reversing USAS transactions will not be generated.