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USPS Process Guide
Chapter 3: New Hires/Transfers in/Multiple Employment –

HMPNH – New Hire/Processing a New Employee

Screen: HMPNH
Prerequisites: For hires effective Sept. 1, 2022, or later, you must use the Contribution Rate Search by SSN tool provided by ERS to determine whether the employee will contribute to the Group 4 Cash Balance Retirement program.
Step Action
1 Access HMPNH using all three key fields.
2 An I displays in the SUBCOMMAND field unless the employee is being rehired into a previously assigned position, in which case an R displays.

Enter the following fields as required:

Note: The create position switch your agency has chosen resides on H0CUS. This switch determines whether a position will be created by the HMPNH process or whether the position must be set up before the HMPNH action. The value of this switch also determines whether an override of this switch is allowed at the HMPNH level.

Switch Definition
1 The position is always created during the HMPNH action. No override of this value may occur on the HMPNH. By default, your agency uses synchronized staffing (where budgeted equals actual).
4 The position is not created during the HMPNH action. A valid existing position must already exist on HNPU1. No override of this value may occur on HMPNH. Fields corresponding between HMPNH and HNPU1 do not have to match. Under/overfill situations are allowed.

Note: If the individual is a transfer (and has not yet been terminated by the previous agency) or will be employed by more than one agency, you will find an existing HIDU1 record displaying only the employee’s name and SSN. This means that the employee has worked or is working for a USPS agency. Because security is established at the agency level, you are not able to see the rest of this employee's information until he or she is assigned to your agency on HMPNH. After you assign this employee to a position, return to HIDU1 to verify the existing information. Enter R in the SUBCOMMAND field to change information as necessary. In the case of multiple employment, only the first employing agency has update capabilities on HIDU1. Furthermore, if this individual is a rehire, any information previously stored in the HID, H0B, HMP and HNP databases is defaulted into the appropriate fields on HMPNH during the rehire. Rehires also have their deduction (H0ZUC) and imputed income (H10SP) turned off and an HMTU1 insurance screen with no coverage inserted.

Note: If the individual is a judge, you must first complete HMPNH, then access H0BUN to insert a judge locator code.

NAME – F, M, L (First and last required)

Enter the employee’s full name. Do not use punctuation marks. However, hyphens are acceptable.

Note: If the name has a suffix, enter it in the LAST NAME field, preceded by a space. For example, John C Smith Jr or William E Harris III (no periods or commas).

ADDR LINES (First line required)
Enter the employee’s address (up to two lines).
CITY (Required)
Enter the employee’s city of residence.
STATE (Required)
Enter the post office abbreviation for the state where the individual resides. This field defaults to TX.
ZIP (Required)
Enter the five-digit ZIP code (hyphen and four additional digits optional).
BIRTH DATE (Required)
Enter the employee’s birth date. This information is required for insurance purposes.
HOME PH (Optional)
Employee’s home phone number.
WORK PH (Optional)
Employee’s work phone number.
PROTECT IND (Optional)
Blank field Protection not required by law
01 Protection based by law for any reason other than 02, 03, 04 or 05
02 Current or former CPO (certified peace officer)
03 Current or former protected agency employee
04 Both a CPO and protected agency employee
05 Agencies with protected divisions

Note: The new hire process will read across USPS, HRIS and SPRS to identify prior employment that requires the employee's address, home phone, SSN, family information and emergency contact to be protected by law and not released to the public. If prior employment identifies the employee in one of the above categories, the PROTECT IND is required and all five data release indicators must be N.

SEX (Required)
F Female
M Male
RACE (Required)
0 White
1 Black
2 Hispanic
3 Asian
4 American Indian or Alaskan Native (AIOAN)
5 Other (higher education agency use only)
6 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (NHOPI)
7 Two or more races (MULTI)
RELEASE (Required)

Enter a value indicating whether the individual allows the agency to release any of the following information to the public. A value of Y (yes) or N (no) will be used to determine whether the employee's address, home phone, Social Security number, family information and emergency contact can be released under the Open Records Act.

  • Address (Required)
  • Home Phone (Required)
  • SSN (Required)
  • Family Info (Required)
  • Emer Contact (Required)
ASGN DT (Required)

Enter the effective date of the new hire.

Note: The system automatically calculates payment to a new hire on the regular payroll when the effective hire date is other than the first of a month. If a new hire is being processed after the regular payroll has already processed, you can do a manual entry on HUAU1 to process payment on a supplemental payroll (FS) or process on an automatic supplemental payroll (FN or FA). See Chapter 8 – Payroll Processing for more information on completing HUAU1 and supplemental payroll processing.

RSN CD/EXT (Required/Optional)
010 Employee newly hired or rehired after break in service
012 Interagency transfer in
LEG Legislatively mandated interagency transfer

The second area of this field is an optional four-digit extended reason code to further define the reason code. This is a user-defined optional field that must be defined on Decode Table 987. You must send a letter of authorization (LOA) to request updates to Decode Table 987.

JOB/FUNC CLS (Required/Optional)

The first area of this field is required and indicates the actual job classification code assigned to this position. Agency-level job class codes must be established by agency on H7OU1.

The second area of this field is optional and indicates the actual functional job classification code assigned to this position. You can use functional job classes to break down a job class into agency-specific job classes and job titles.

Note: Because the FUNC CLS field is optional, an agency can establish functional job classes for some job classes and not for others. Functional job classifications must be defined on HMLU1. The functional job class code may infer the state job class code.

CARD (Optional)
The schedule card assigned to the employee. Agency level schedule cards must be established on HPSJS. If this field is left blank, the schedule defaults to eight-hour days, Monday-Friday.
GRP/STP (Display/Optional)

The pay group displays based on the job class entered.

  • Pay Table A and B Classified – Does not contain steps.
  • Pay Table C Classified – Step is required.
  • Pay Table Type 02 Unclassified – Agency-defined steps can be established on H7SLS, table 02. Valid values: 00-99 (Required).
  • Pay Table Type 03 Exempt – Agency-defined steps can be established on H7SLS, table 03. Valid values: 00-99 (Required).
SALARY (Optional when pay step is used)
  • Pay Table A and B Classified – Salary must be between minimum and maximum for a group. (No pay steps.)
  • Pay Table C Classified – Salary is determined by group and step.
  • Pay Table Type 02 Unclassified – Pay groups and steps are required. Salaries must be no greater than amount specified by step on H7SLS.
  • Pay Table Type 03 Exempt – Pay groups and steps are required. Salaries must be no greater than amount specified by step on H7SLS.
RATE (Required if hourly employee and no step is used)
  • Pay Table A and B Classified – Rate times 2080 hours must be within group range.
  • Table C Classified – Pay group and step are required. Rate is determined by group and step.
  • Pay Table Type 02 Unclassified – Pay steps are required. Rate times 2080 hours must be no greater than specified by step on H7SLS.
  • Pay Table Type 03 Exempt – Exempt employees may not be hourly.
HRS/FTE (Required)
Enter the number of hours worked in a week and the percent of full-time equivalence (FTE). Enter FTE as a decimal (for example, enter 20 hours/week as 0.500; 30 hours/week as 0.750; 40 hours/week as 1.000).
EMP TYP (Required)
CRF Classified regular full-time
CRP Classified regular part-time
CTF Classified temporary full-time
CTP Classified temporary part-time
ERF Exempt regular full-time
ERP Exempt regular part-time
UEF Unclassified exempt full-time (Agency 781 only)
UEP Unclassified exempt part-time (Agency 781 only)
URF Unclassified regular full-time
URP Unclassified regular part-time
UTF Unclassified temporary full-time
UTP Unclassified temporary part-time

Note: The field defaults to either CRF or URF based on the position code default on H0CUS. A letter of authorization (LOA) is required to change the default. Contact your USPS representative for assistance.

PAY FREQ/TYP (Required/Required)
In the first area of this field, enter a value indicating the frequency of payment.
M Monthly (Default)
S Semimonthly

In the second area of this field, enter a value indicating the employee pay type.

1 Hourly
2 Salary (Default)
4 Part-time (This value is used to describe former judges only.)
FLSA ELG/EEO CA (Required/Required)
In the first area of this field, enter a value indicating the FLSA eligibility.
0 Non-exempt
1 Admin-exempt
2 Exec-exempt
3 Prof-exempt
4 Comp-exempt

In the second area of this field, enter a value indicating the EEO category. The EEO CAT field defaults to the EEO category code for the JOB CLASS field on H7OU1.

A Officials/administrators
C Administrative support (clerical)
E Elected officials
M Service-maintenance
O Elected officials’ staff
P Professionals
Q Paraprofessionals
R Protective service workers
S Skilled craft workers
T Technicians
XFER AGY (Required if a direct transfer)
Enter the agency number from which the employee is transferring. This field is required if reason codes 012 or LEG are used. Agency numbers are validated against HRCUK (Agency Listing).
HAZ DTY IND (Optional)
The first area of this field indicates whether the employee is eligible for hazardous duty pay.
N Not eligible for hazardous duty pay (default)
Y Eligible for hazardous duty pay (automatically sets up the hazardous duty special pay on H10SP)
8 Eligible for hazardous duty; not eligible for CPO retirement benefits (for use by the TJJD, TABC and CPA)
9 Not eligible for hazardous duty pay, employee is a certified peace officer
MSR (Required)
Enter the management-to-staff ratio indicator.
H Agency head
M Manager
S Supervisor
N Non-supervisory
STRT DY (Required)
Enter a value indicating the day the employee’s regular work week begins. This is the day the employee starts accumulating his or her 40 hours for FLSA.
Blank field Not specified
1 Sunday
2 Monday (Default)
3 Tuesday
4 Wednesday
5 Thursday
6 Friday
7 Saturday
CREATE POS (Display)
This switch determines whether a new HNPU1 position record is created during this process or if the position record must be set up before this action. This field is protected. The position must be set up before the new hire process if the switch is 4. If the switch is 1, the new hire screen creates the position.
Y Create new position
N Use existing position record
ORG (Required)
Enter a value to identify the organization code for this position. Valid organization codes must have been previously established on HNORG.
PCA/PCT (Required)

In the first area of this field, enter the primary funding source for this position assignment. If your agency validates the PCA/index assignment against the organization code, the PCA/index must be set up for the organization code on HMMU1. Enter P (PCA), I (index), or A (agency-defined). Establish the PCA or index in USAS.

In the second area of this field, enter the percentage of the position assignment salary that will be charged to the fund indicated by the primary labor code. For example, enter 50.00 for 50 percent. If the primary labor percent is less than 100, enter additional labor codes on HO2U1.

LOC/EXT (Required/Optional)

In the first area of this field, enter the location of the position. Establish valid locations on HNJU1.

The second area of this field is an optional, user-defined value to provide a further breakdown of the location code. Establish valid extended locations on HMJU1.

POS TYP (Defaults to space which equates to STD)
Enter a value indicating the type of position (for example, standard, co-op or seasonal). Press F2 twice for values (Decode Table 975).
EEO-4 (Required)

EEO-4 function code as established on HDWE4.

Note: The default for the primary EEO-4 function code is set on H0CUS. A letter of authorization (LOA) is required to change the default. Contact your USPS representative for assistance.

BUD UNIT (Optional)
A user-defined value indicating a reporting group (other than an organization) for budgeting and reporting purposes.
SPVR POS (Optional)
The position number of the supervisor to whom the employee in this position reports.
TIME CARD (Required)
0 Time card required. Manual entry required when employee is to be paid.
1 No time card required. Employee paid automatically (default).

Note: If an hourly employee is auto-paid (status 1), the system multiplies the number of work hours in the pay period by the employee’s actual FTE to determine the number of hours the employee worked.

Note: The default for the primary time card type is set on H0CUS. A letter of authorization (LOA) is required to change the default. Contact your USPS representative for assistance.

RET TYPE (Required)
Enter the retirement type. The system automatically generates the retirement deduction based on the value entered in this field.
1 Judicial Retirement Plan 1
2 Judicial Retirement Plan 2
C Law Enforcement and Custodial Officer Supplemental Retirement
D Decline
E Employees Retirement System (ERS)
O Optional Retirement Plan
L ERS – elected
M Maximum retirement service credit – ERS/JR1/JR2
R ERS – surcharge for a return-to-work retiree
S ERS – surcharge LECOS for a return-to-work retiree
T Teacher Retirement System (TRS)
X Exempt (use for returning retirees, etc.)

Note: In most cases, the RET TYPE will populate to the agency default specified on H0CUS (generally an E). If the employee is a return-to-work retiree, HMPNH defaults to the value of X (Exempt) or R (surcharge for return-to-work retiree) and a value of E (ERS) in the PRE RET field, which denotes the employee as retired. Review RET TYPE value against the response received from the ERS Contribution Rate Search by SSN tool to determine if additional action is needed to update the record before processing payroll for the employee.

Note: If you enter O in this field, the system automatically links you to HN1U6 (Optional Retirement Plan Information) when you press Enter to process the screen. See Chapter 4 – Employee Maintenance for more information.

PRE RET (Optional)
Use only if the employee is previously retired from a state of Texas retirement plan.
1 Judicial Retirement Plan 1
2 Judicial Retirement Plan 2
L ERS-elected
O Optional Retirement Plan
AGENCY DEFINED 1 (Optional) (Title from H0CUS)

This value, up to eight alphanumeric characters, defines additional employee information.

Note: Contact your USPS representative to set up the screen literal for AGENCY DEFINED 1. This field does not have any edits validating the information. It is included on Report 50 (Personnel Extract File).

TAX ST (Required)

Enter a value to indicate the employee’s federal income tax (FIT) status.

1 Use this value only if you do not report an employee’s income to the IRS. The system will not accumulate taxable wages or withhold federal taxes. This is rarely used (for example, use when an employee dies). If you do not want to withhold for taxes but want to report taxable income, see value 3.
3 Withholds the amount entered in the EXTRA AMOUNT field. If you do not need to deduct withholdings (that is, if the W-4 is marked Exempt), use this value but enter 00 in the EXTRA AMOUNT field.
4 Withholds taxes based only on the tax tables, the employee’s filing status and any income adjustments entered, i.e., Steps 2-4(b) on IRS Form W-4 (default).
6 Withholds taxes based on the tax tables, the employee’s filing status and any income adjustments entered, i.e., Steps 2-4(c) on IRS Form W-4. In addition, withholds the amount entered in the EXTRA AMOUNT field.
FILE ST (Required)
Enter a value to indicate the employee’s filing status from the employee’s IRS Form W-4, Step 1(c).
1 Single or married filing separately (default)
2 Married filing jointly
3 Head of household
STEP 2 BOX (Required)
This field defaults to N. If the Step 2 box on the employee’s IRS Form W-4 is checked, enter a Y.
DEP CREDIT (Optional)
Enter the amount from box 3 of the employee’s IRS Form W-4. This must be a whole dollar amount without decimals; for example, enter 02000 for $2,000.
Enter the amount from box 4(a) of the employee’s IRS Form W-4. This must be a whole dollar amount without decimals; for example, enter 0010000 for $10,000.
FICA STATUS (Required)
Enter a value to indicate the status of the employee’s FICA withholding. Not all employees are subject to FICA withholding. See IRS Circular E for rules regarding FICA eligibility.
1 Exempt from FICA
4 Withhold FICA (default)
BRP (Required)
Y Leveled – Individual receives an equal installment of BRP (benefit replacement pay) for each pay period worked.
N Not Leveled – Individual will receive BRP with all eligible payments until he/she reaches maximum Social Security wages of $16,500.
L Leveled, Do Not Pay – Individual is eligible for leveled BRP but YTD amounts paid by another agency have not been entered/verified. To pay BRP, change to Y when YTD BRP has been verified and entered.
U Not Leveled, Do Not Pay – Individual is eligible for unleveled BRP but YTD amounts paid by another agency have not been entered/verified. To pay BRP, change to N when YTD BRP has been verified and entered.
W Not eligible for BRP – Employees who were not eligible for state-paid Social Security on Aug. 31, 1995, are not eligible for BRP. An eligible employee who leaves state employment after Aug. 31, 2005, for at least 30 consecutive days before returning is ineligible to receive BRP. Employees who have retired from state employment and returned to work become ineligible for BRP under the following circumstances:
  • Retired before June 1, 2005, and returned to work after Sept. 29, 2005.
  • Retired before June 1, 2005, returned to work before Sept. 30, 2005, and have any break in employment after returning.
  • Retired before June 1, 2005, and returned to work before Sept. 30, 2005, after a break in employment greater than 12 months.
  • Retired on or after June 1, 2005.

Note: Each state agency must maintain supporting documentation of its verification of the employee’s previous employment to determine eligibility for BRP entitlement.

Enter the amount from box 4(b) of the employee’s IRS Form W-4. This must be a whole dollar amount without decimals; for example, enter 0002500 for $2,500.
Enter the amount from box 4(c) of the employee’s IRS Form W-4. This must be a whole dollar amount to withhold in addition to the calculated FIT amount. The TAX ST field must contain a value of 3 or 6. Enter this amount without decimals; for example, enter 00050 for $50.
4 Press Enter to process the transaction.