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USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Procedures
Profile Review for Organization Code Profile (D03) and Index Code Profile (24)

Reports and Procedures

Report PCU110 – Organization Profile Levels and Lookups

Type Listing
Source D03 profile table
Purpose The report lists selected data elements contained on the D03 profile records.


  1. Verify that status code (STAT CODE or STAT on report) is A for all organization codes and indexes to be used in the reporting period.

    Status code A indicates an active profile record.

  2. Verify the profile dates.

    Effective end date (END DATE on report) identifies the date a profile record is no longer available for use. Verify that the value is NOT set to 083120CY for CY profile records that you want to roll forward to FFY.

    Note: This field is used by the year-end close rollover programs to determine if a profile record will be rolled over to the new fiscal year. A value of 083120CY or an earlier date prevents the rollover of a CY profile record to FFY. A value of 090120CY or a later date allows a CY profile record to roll forward to FFY. When the field is left blank, a value of 12319999 is returned to the database but no value appears online.

    Last process date (LAST PROC DATE on report) identifies the date of the last modification (A = Add or C = Change) to the profile record.
    No verification is needed.

    Effective start date (START DATE on report) identifies when a profile record becomes available for use. For FFY profiles, verify that the value is set to 090120CY or prior.

    Note: When new profiles are established, this field defaults to the current effective date from the System Management (97) profile.

Report PCU108 – Index Profile Posting Levels and Lookups

Type Listing
Source 24 profile table
Purpose The report lists selected data elements contained on the 24 profile records.


  1. Verify the Agency Budget Organization Level (AB ORG LVL IND on report) Indicator setting.

    Posting-level indicators are set at the beginning of each fiscal year and should not be changed during the year.

    The agency budget organization level indicator controls the level of organization that posts to the AB table. The agency budget organization posting level should be equal for all indexes within an agency within an appropriation year.

    Caution: See Setting the Agency Budget Program Level Indicator.

  2. Verify that status code (STAT CODE or STAT on report) is A for all organization codes and indexes to be used in the reporting period.

    Status code A indicates an active profile record.

  3. Verify the profile dates.

    Refer to description of dates under report 110 above.

  4. Verify the PCA

    If the index code profile is set up to infer a PCA, ensure that the PCA is still valid.