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USAS Coding Instructions

D18 NACUBO Fund Profile

Centrally defined. The NACUBO Fund Profile (D18) screen creates fund classifications for colleges and universities. National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) funds were used before the implementation of Statement Number 34 of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Before GASB 34, the NACUBO fund structure (see Data Classification Structure on the USAS Reference page) was used in preparing the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR).

  • NACUBO fund is set up as a one-to-one relationship with the NACUBO Subfund Profile (D38).
  • NACUBO fund is inferred by the D38; it cannot be directly input on transactions.
  • NACUBO fund is not posted to the financial tables; it is used for reporting only.
 LINK TO:                      NACUBO FUND PROFILE                         PROD 
 ACTION:    (A=ADD, C=CHANGE, D=DELETE, N=NEXT, R=RECALL)                       
                   NACUBO FUND:                                                 
              NACUBO FUND TYPE:                                                 
                                                         STATUS CODE:           
  EFF START DATE:            EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE:           
 F1-HELP F3-END F4-INTERRUPT F6-PROCESS                                         

ACTION (Required)
Enter the one-character action code.

A Add a new record
C Change an existing record*
D Delete an existing record*
N Next – Recall next record
R Recall

*Note: Record must be recalled before this action can be performed.

NACUBO FUND (Control key – Required)
Enter the four-digit NACUBO fund.

1100 Current funds – unrestricted – educational and general
1200 Current fund – unrestricted – designated
1300 Current funds – unrestricted – auxiliary
2100 Current funds – restricted
3100 Loan funds
4100 Endowment and similar funds
5100 Annuity funds and life income funds
6100 Plant funds – unexpended
6200 Plant funds – renewals and replacements
6300 Plant funds – retirement of indebtedness
6400 Plant funds – investment in plant
7100 Agency funds
8100 Component units – blended
9100 Component units – discrete

TITLE (Required to add new record)
Enter the fund title (up to 40 characters).

NACUBO FUND GROUP (Required to add new record)
Enter the two-digit NACUBO fund group. See the NACUBO Fund Group Profile (D17) for a listing of valid values.

NACUBO FUND TYPE (Required to add new record)
Enter the two-character fund type.

AF Agency funds
AL Annuity and life income funds
ES Endowment and similar funds
LF Loan funds
PI Plant funds – retirement of indebtedness
PP Investment in plant
PR Plant funds – renewals and replacement
PU Plant funds – unexpended
RE Restricted current funds
UA Unrestricted current funds – auxiliary enterprises
UD Unrestricted current funds – designated
UE Unrestricted current funds – educational and general

STATUS CODE (Optional)
Enter the one-character status code.

A Active (Default)
I Inactive

Note: The status code may be used in lieu of deleting a profile record to prevent the system from using the profile record for system processing. Set the status to I to inactivate profiles no longer in use.

Enter the eight-digit effective start date (MMDDYYYY), which identifies when the information established on the profile record becomes accessible for system processing. Leaving this field blank causes the vendor/payee number to become immediately available for system processing, and the effective start date defaults to the current date.

EFF END DATE (Optional)
Enter the eight-digit effective end date (MMDDYYYY), which identifies when the profile record is no longer accessible for system processing. Leaving this field blank causes the profile to have no effective end date; therefore, any system processing using the profile record will not be restricted by the effective end date.

LAST PROC DATE (System generated)
Displays the last process date. The system defaults to the last date (MMDDYYYY) that any online modification (add or change) was made to the profile record.

Function Key Definitions

F1 (Help) Automatically links to the News/Help Table (90) screen. Will transfer to the appropriate type of help depending upon the screen and activity the user is on at the time F1 is pressed.
F3 (End) Returns the screen to the menu associated with that screen.
F4 (Interrupt) Initiates or ends an active interrupt. When ending an active interrupt, F4 returns the user to the original screen showing the same information as was on the screen when the active interrupt was initiated. This does not undo the last action.
F6 (Process) Submits transaction data to the edit process. If the edit process is successful, an acceptance message is produced, and the profile record information is stored in the system. If the edit process is not successful, an error message(s) will result. Retains current information on the screen upon completion of processing.