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USAS Coding Instructions

37 Document Tracking Inquiry

Inquiry only. The Document Tracking Inquiry (37) screen provides online inquiry on a document’s balance, status and the actions associated with that document in USAS. Only document types with the tracking indicator on the Document Control Profile (33) set to Y (also called tracked documents) can be viewed on this screen.

 LINK TO:                  DOCUMENT TRACKING INQUIRY                       PROD 
         AGY:            DOC NO:           FY:     STATUS:                      
     TAPE NO:           DOC AMT:                    ARCHIVE REF NO:             
 BATCH – AGY:              DATE:         TYPE:         NO:                      
 RQ ACT:                                                                        
 REQUIRED REAPPROVAL ACTIONS:                       NET AMT:                    
 FNL APRVL:         NET CASH:                      PD TO DT:                    
 COMPUTED COUNT:        COMPUTED AMOUNT:                     SEC OF STATE:      
  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  ACTION HISTORY  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  

AGY (Required for recall)
Enter the three-digit agency number that represents the document agency associated with the document being recalled.

DOC NO (Required for recall)
Enter the eight-character document number. The full document number is required for the system to recall the document.

FY (Required for recall)
Enter the two-digit fiscal year (FY). A fiscal year is a 12-month period used to identify the accounting year. Fiscal years are used in GAAP-based reports. The FY for the state of Texas begins Sept. 1 and ends Aug. 31.

Note: The FY coincides with the FY of the effective date on each transaction within the document. If effective dates within the document cross FYs, then two documents are created, one for each FY.

STATUS (System generated)
Displays the current status of the document in USAS.

Y Document fully approved
N Document not fully approved or document has not been balanced and released
R Document requires re-approval

Note: The requirement for re-approval (status of R) will not prevent the document or transaction from posting. The re-approval requirement will prevent the document/transaction from paying or going to history.

If the document type is included in the DOC TYPES REQ. APPROVAL TO POST field on the Agency Profile (D02), the document will not be allowed to post to the financial tables until all approval or re-approval action codes have been received.

T Descriptive/legal text required at an object, vendor or tolerance level amount, as identified on the Doc Tracking Payee/Compt Object Profile (33A)
C Corrected document awaiting Fiscal Management Division approval
D Corrected document awaiting Fiscal Management Division re-approval
E Document rejected by Fiscal Management Division auditor – Needs correction by the agency for approval
F Document rejected by Fiscal Management Division auditor – Needs correction by the agency for re-approval

Note: The agency/action code combination of 000/099 is entered by agencies on the Multiple Document Tracking (38) or Approvals by Document (39) screens to flag documents that did not receive pre-audit approval or re-approval as being corrected and ready for re-audit. This action code combination changes the document from a status of E or F to a status of C or D.

TAPE NO (System generated)
Displays the tape number assigned to the document using the 38 screen.

DOC AMT (System generated)
Displays the document amount, which is the total amount of all transactions in a document without regard to sign.

ARCHIVE REF NO (System generated)
Displays the sequential number assigned centrally for referencing and receiving paper documents stored by the Comptroller’s office. Archive reference numbers are assigned to a document using the 38 screen.

BATCH – AGY, DATE, TYPE and NO (System generated)
Displays the batch ID that contains the AGY, DATE, TYPE and NO of the batch in which the document was entered.

RQ ACT (System generated)
Displays the series of action codes (up to 20) required to fully approve the document. Required action codes are assigned to document types using the 33 profile and are assigned to certain transactions using the 33A profile. Required actions remaining to be met are shown highlighted on the screen.

Displays the action codes (up to three) that must be entered to reapprove a document if it was once fully approved and then changed. Required reapproval action codes are assigned to document types using the 33 profile and are assigned to certain transactions using the 33A profile.

NET AMT (System generated)
Displays the net amount. For payment documents, the net amount is the calculated net payment. Net amount equals the document amount less any reversals.

FNL APRVL (System generated)
Displays the date the document received final approval.

NET CASH (System generated)
Displays the net cash amount in the document. The net cash amount is calculated by adding the general ledger cash debits and credits (including reversals) for a document. For cash to be in balance, the net cash amount must be zero. The net cash calculation applies to nonpayment generating documents such as journal vouchers (doc type J), expenditure transfer vouchers (doc type K), interagency transaction vouchers (doc type T) and system generated (doc type G only).

PD TO DT (System generated)
Displays the cumulative total amount of the transactions in the document that have been paid to date. This amount is updated each time a payment is generated for the document in the payment processing subsystem.

COMPUTED COUNT (System generated)
Displays the total number of transactions in the document as calculated by the system.

COMPUTED AMOUNT (System generated)
Displays the total amount of the transactions in the document without regard to sign as calculated by the system.

SEC OF STATE (System generated)
Displays if the document type requires approval by the Secretary of State.

Displays the DATE, TIME, AGY, (Action) CODE and USER ID for each stage that the document has completed within USAS. If approval or re-approval is required, the code must appear in this section for the document to be considered approved. Action codes are centrally defined on the Action Code Profile (D44).

The action history is purged based on the action date for each history line. For the purge criteria for the document tracking action code history, enter DT in the TABLE ID field on the Purge Criteria Profile (D30).

Function Key Definitions

F1 (Help) Automatically links to the News/Help Table (90) screen. Will transfer to the appropriate type of help depending upon the screen and activity the user is on at the time F1 is pressed.
F3 (End) Returns the screen to the menu associated with that screen.
F4 (Interrupt) Initiates or ends an active interrupt. When ending an active interrupt, F4 returns the user to the original screen showing the same information as was on the screen when the active interrupt was initiated. This does not undo the last action.
F5 (S086) Automatically links to the Document Transaction Inquiry (86) screen. If a document has been recalled and is displayed on the 37 screen, the document agency and document number will be carried over to the 86 screen. Data recalled on the 86 screen are limited to posted documents.
F7 (Text) Automatically links to the Legal/Descriptive Text (19) screen. If a document has been recalled and is displayed on the 37 screen, the document agency, current document number and fiscal year will be carried over to the 19 screen.
F8 (Next or Forward) Retrieves the following page of information.
F9 (Doc Approvals) Automatically links to the Approvals by Document Profile (39) screen. If a document has been recalled and displayed on the 37 screen, the document agency, current document number and fiscal year will be carried over to the 39 screen.
F10 (Recall) Automatically links to the Recall a Batch for Correction (510) screen. If a document has been recalled and displayed on the 37 screen, batch header information (such as batch agency, batch date, batch type and batch number) will be carried over to the 510 screen. If the document is no longer on the USAS internal transaction (IT) file, no data will be recalled.
F11 (Details) Automatically links to the View a Batch (520) screen. If a document has been recalled and displayed on the 37 screen, batch header information (such as batch agency, batch date, batch type and batch number) will be carried over to the 520 screen. If the document is no longer on the IT file, no information will be carried over to the 520 screen.
F12 (Headers) Automatically links to the View Batch Headers (530) screen.