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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

Pass-Through Activity

Instructions for the SEFA Web Application
Step 7. Reconciliation

Data can be reconciled or verified on downloaded data at various stages of the data entry process.

  • Reconcile data from a download of the report (see Step 6 – Format for Download).

    Since the download process is fairly easy, this is the most practical reconciliation method for larger agencies.
  • Review records individually after each entry (only practical for agencies with very few lines of SEFA data).
    1. After entering a record, click Save.
      If all information was entered correctly, the record is accepted and the data appears on the SEFA Record Detail screen.
    2. Use the Print option in your web browser’s menu bar to print the contents of the screen.

View a record from the Main Record List screen.

  1. Access the Main Menu.
  2. Click Main Record List, leaving the ALN and the RECORD No fields blank.

    The SEFA Record List screen displays the necessary control totals for the agency’s SEFA. A printout of this entire screen is not available — only the left side of the screen will print. To print all the columns, see Step 6 – Format for Download.

To view an individual record:

  1. Click the radio button next to the desired Record No.
  2. Click Change Selected Record.
  3. Use the Print option in your web browser’s menu bar to print the contents of the screen.