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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities


Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
GASB Questionnaires

All full reporting and GR consolidated agencies are required to complete and submit every GASB Questionnaire each fiscal year.

Annual GASB Questionnaires

All of the following GASB Questionnaires are due on or before Aug. 15, 20CY:

  • GASB 14/39/61/80/90 Component Unit (PDF Preview)

    GASB 14/39/61/80/90 establishes accounting and financial reporting standards for agencies with new potential component units or changes to existing component units. All agencies are required to submit the GASB 14/39/61/80/90 Questionnaire (even if your agency has no component units). For more information, see Component Units.

  • GASB 47 Accounting for Termination Benefits (PDF Preview)

    GASB 47 establishes accounting and financial reporting standards for termination benefits. When an agency provides termination benefits arrangements to voluntary or involuntary separated employees, the agency must take steps to determine whether a liability exists and disclosures are required as of the fiscal year-end. All agencies are required to complete the GASB 47 Questionnaire. For more information, see Termination Benefits.

  • GASB 49 Pollution Remediation Obligations (PDF Preview)

    GASB 49 establishes accounting and financial reporting standards for pollution remediation obligations. When an agency knows or suspects pollution may exist at a site, the agency must take steps to determine whether an obligating event occurred that requires accounting for a pollution remediation obligation. All agencies are required to complete the GASB 49 Questionnaire (even if your agency has no pollution remediation). For more information, see Pollution Remediation Obligations.

  • GASB 69 Government Combinations and Disposals of Government Operations (PDF Preview)

    GABS 69 relates to the accounting and financial reporting of government combinations and disposals of government operations (such as government mergers, government acquisitions, transfers of operations and disposals of government operations). All agencies are required to complete the GASB 69 Questionnaire. For more information, see Government Combinations and Disposals of Government Operations.

  • GASB 70 Non-exchange Financial Guarantees (PDF Preview)

    GASB 70 relates to accounting and financial reporting of non-exchange financial guarantees. A state agency sometimes extends financial guarantees to other governments, non-governmental entities, or individuals as part of its mission to assist these parties within its jurisdictions. All agencies are required to complete the GASB 70 Questionnaire. For more information, see Non-exchange Financial Guarantees.

Interim GASB 94 Questionnaire

Due on or before June 30, 2023:

  • GASB 94 Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships and Availability Payment Arrangements (PDF Preview)

    GASB 94 relates to accounting and financial reporting of arrangements between the state and a governmental or non-governmental entity to provide public services. This is accomplished by the transferor allowing the operator to have control of the right to operate or use a nonfinancial governmental asset (like infrastructure or any other capital asset) for a period of time in an exchange or exchange-like transaction. GASB 94 supersedes GASB Statement No. 60 — Accounting and Financial Reporting for Service Concession Arrangements. If your agency did not complete the questionnaire by June 30, contact your financial reporting analyst.