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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

Interfund Activity

ITV Monitoring
Verify Creation of System-Generated ITVs

The system-generated ITVs are created using batch agency 005. For this reason, the ITVs are not viewable on either agency’s Internal Transaction (IT) file. As an alternative, use DAFR3762—ITV Generated Transactions to verify that the system-generated ITVs were successfully created.

DAFR3762 — ITV Generated Transactions

DAFR3762 includes the system-generated ITV transactions for all types of ITVs and is distributed to both the disbursing and receiving agencies. The document-related fields presented on the report are derived from:

  • CUR DOC: The system-generated ITV document (begins with G)
  • CUR DOC SFX: The receiving agency number
  • REF DOC: The original document number entered by the disbursing agency
  • REF DOC SFX: The disbursing agency number

DAFR3762 for Disbursing Agency

DAFR3762 123 USAS 01                                  DISBURSING AGENCY NAME                    *****************AGCY NUMBER    123 
                                                  ITV GENERATED TRANSACTIONS                                     AGCY PAGE         1
MM/DD/YY (HH.SS) CYCLE 7338  ************************************************************************************RUN PAGE          1
         BATCH                                                      EFFECT      -INTERFUND-                                         
AGY      DATE     TYPE  CUR DOC/ SFX    REF DOC/ SFX    TC    REV    DATE       AGY    FUND              AMOUNT                     
123    20231120    W    GV325001/111    T1000123/123    768         20231120    111    0001              100.00                     
                                                        770         20231120    111    0001              100.00                     
                                        T2000224/123    768         20231120    111    0001              200.00                     
                                                        770         20231120    111    0001              200.00               

DAFR3762 for Receiving Agency

DAFR3762 111 USAS 01                                 RECEIVING AGENCY NAME                      *****************AGCY NUMBER    111 
                                                  ITV GENERATED TRANSACTIONS                                     AGCY PAGE         1
MM/DD/YY (HH.SS) CYCLE 7338  ************************************************************************************RUN PAGE          2
         BATCH                                                      EFFECT      -INTERFUND-                                         
AGY      DATE     TYPE  CUR DOC/ SFX    REF DOC/ SFX    TC    REV    DATE       AGY    FUND              AMOUNT                     
111    20231120    W    GV325001/111    T1000123/123    273         20231120    123    0001              100.00                     
                                                        771         20231121    123    0001              100.00                     
                                        T2000224/123    273         20231120    123    0001              200.00                     
                                                        771         20231121    123    0001              200.00  

The successful creation of the system-generated ITVs does not indicate that the transactions completed processing and were paid. See Verify ITVs Processed Successfully and Verify ITVs Paid Successfully for the next steps.