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ACR 28958 – SPA System Change
Dec. 10, 2010


ACR 28958 modifies the State Property Accounting System (SPA) effective Dec. 10, 2010.


The SPA application (both online and batch) does not currently edit the effective date and in-service date against the fiscal year entered when adding a property. The SPA application does not provide a means to add a prior fiscal year property.


The system will be modified to provide for:

The new function, called Add Prior FY Property, is identical to the current Add Property function in SPA, with the exception that the effective date is protected from entry and defaulted to 09/01 of the “open” fiscal year. The property addition will be restated for the prior fiscal year entered in the SPA fiscal year field (in online entry the field is called FISCAL YR: and in batch in the field is called FISCAL_YEAR.)

Note: The ACR creates the Add Prior Fiscal Year Property (PAPPFY) screen to record prior fiscal year properties via the SPA online application. This function will be available via batch.

When to Use the Add Property Function

Use the Add Property function to add property purchased in the current fiscal year and in the subsequent fiscal year, when SPA is open for two fiscal years. As always, be sure to use an effective date that corresponds to the fiscal year of the property purchase. For example, use an effective date between 09/01/2009 and 08/31/2010 for a property purchased in 2010 and an effective date between 09/01/2010 and 8/31/2011 for a property purchased in 2011.

When to Use the Add Prior FY Property Function

Use the Add Prior FY Property function to add property purchased in a prior fiscal year. A prior fiscal year is one that is no longer “open” in SPA, such as fiscal 2009, 2008, etc. The effective date will be protected from entry and will default to 09/01 of the current fiscal year that is open in the SPA system. The prior fiscal year property addition will be restated for the prior fiscal year that is entered online in the SPA fiscal year field on the screen (FISCAL YR:) and via batch in the fiscal year field (FISCAL_YEAR).

The system will produce the following new error messages:

Screens affected

Layouts affected

Reports affected


For more information

Contact your agency’s SPA Analyst.