Forms – Payee Setup and Maintenance
Before a payee can receive payments through the Comptroller’s office, the paying agency must establish a Texas Identification Number (TIN) for its payee. A payee is required to submit certain forms to the paying agency for the initial TINS setup, as well as certain forms to update the payee’s record after the initial setup. Agencies may set up payees either online in TINS or via batch.
The Comptroller’s office provides agencies with two forms that define the information required for the initial setup and/or updates after a TIN has been assigned:
- Application for Texas Identification Number form (AP-152) (login required) PDF
- Payee Change Request form (74-157) (login required) PDF
For more information, see TINS Components and Texas Identification Number.
Alternative Methods – Payee Forms
Agencies may develop and design their own versions of these forms or set up an electronic method to meet their internal agency policies and requirements, and do not require review or approval by the Comptroller’s office. An exception is the Direct Deposit Authorization Form, whether it’s a stand-alone agency form or combined with the agency’s internal payee setup form.
If an agency chooses to use the Comptroller’s forms, the agency must use the latest version. Payees must return the forms to their paying agencies; the Comptroller’s office will not accept these forms directly from the payees. If an agency develops its own forms or electronic method, its forms or electronic method must not reference the Payment Services contact phone number or the TINS email address.
If a form requires processing by the Comptroller’s office, the agency must submit the latest version of the Comptroller form; an agency’s internal form will not be processed by Payment Services.
Recommended Payee Documentation
Before performing payee maintenance, the Comptroller’s office recommends that agencies require documentation to verify the payee’s Social Security number (SSN), Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or Employer identification number (EIN), such as:
- An individual’s Social Security card.
- IRS EIN Assignment Letter Form SS4.
- IRS Federal Tax Deposit Coupon Form 8109 from the business payroll office.
- IRS EIN Validation Letter Form 147c — Payees must contact the Internal Revenue Service to request a copy.
- An IRS reinstatement letter for an expired ITIN.
- A screen print of an official SSA or IRS website or tool that validates the payee’s identification number.
Payment Services does not recommend accepting the IRS Form W-9, nor will Payment Services accept Form W-9 as documentation. Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, can be filled out online by the payee and does not provide IRS verification of the identification number.