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TexPayment Resource

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CICS Login to TINS

Follow these steps to access TINS via the Customer Information Control System (CICS).

Signing On Via CICS

CICS                       . - - - - - .                              
                          / .           .                              
 User Help Desk           / .           .           Glenn Hegar        
                          / .           .     Texas State Comptroller  
  (512) 463-HELP          / .           .                              
                          / .            --...__.-.._.-._..--..        
                          / .                                 .        
                          / .                                 .        
              . _ _ _ _ _ _ .                                  .       
             /  .                                               .      
               /  .                                             .      
                 / .                     Statewide              .      
                  / .                        *                .        
                   / .                Teleprocessing       .           
                    / .       _ _         System       .               
                     / .    . / / .                 .                  
 Unauthorized use     /  - .     / .              .                    
 is prohibited.        / /        / .            .                     
 Usage may be subject                / .          .                    
 to security testing and monitoring.  / .         .                    
 Misuse is subject to criminal         /  .       .                    
 prosecution.  There is no expectation   /  . . __ .                   
 of privacy except as provided by law.     / / / / /                   


  1. Type CICS on Line 1 (upper left position) of the Statewide Teleprocessing System sign-on screen (Texas map).
  2. Press Enter to display the CICS sign-on screen.
                                                             REGION :  PCICSTOR    
                                                             TERM-ID:  #XXX        
                                                             TIME:     HH:MM       
                            NEW PASSWORD:                                          
                            VERIFY NEW PASSWORD:                                   
  3. USERID (Required): Enter your User ID.
  4. PASSWORD (Required): Enter your current password.
  5. NEW PASSWORD: Leave this field blank unless the current password is being changed.
  6. VERIFY NEW PASSWORD: Leave this field blank unless the current password is being changed
  7. Press Enter.
    The system displays the user’s name and the message Has Successfully Signed on to: PCICSTOR
                              USER:   LAST NAME, FIRST NAME                            
                        HAS SUCCESSFULLY SIGNED ON TO:  PCICSTOR                    
           LAST ACCESSED: PCICSTOR  ON: MM/DD/YYYY  DAY   AT: HH:MM                 
  8. To proceed, enter one of the following on Line 1 (upper left position):
  9. Press Enter
    INQMEN                                                                MM/DD/YY
                                 TINS - INQUIRY MENU                              
                        A  -  (PYADDR) - PAYEE MAIL CODE INFORMATION              
                        B  -  (PMTHIS) - PAYEE MAINTENANCE HISTORY                
                        C  -  (PVOUIN) - PAYEE VOUCHER HISTORY                    
                        D  -  (PYHOLD) - PAYEE HOLD INFORMATION                   
                        E  -  (PYMAST) - PAYEE MASTER INFORMATION                 
                        F  -  (PYDIST) - PAYMENT DISTRIBUTION - DIRECT DEPOSIT    
                        G  -  (PYWRNT) - PAYEE PAYMENT INFORMATION                
                        H  -  (PFYWRT) - PRIOR FY PAYMENT INFORMATION             
                        I  -  (PYWTHD) - PAYEE WARRANTS ON HOLD                   
                        J  -  (PYWTHR) - PAYEE HELD WARRANTS RELEASED             
                        K  -  (PAYVEN) - VENDOR PAYMENT INFORMATION               
                        L  -   NOT OPERATIONAL                                    
                        M  -  (PDDINQ) - BANK TRANSIT CODE INQUIRY - COMP USE ONLY
                        N  -  (RSNINQ) - AGENCY HOLD REASON INQUIRY               
                        O  -  (BANKIN) - FINANCIAL INSTITUTION INFORMATION        
                                 ENTER OPTION: _                                  

Signing Off Via CICS

A user, having entered TINS through the USAS Session Manager screen, follows this procedure to sign off of TINS.


  1. Enter LOGOFF on Line 1 over the last TINS transaction code displayed or on a blank screen.
  2. Press Enter to return to the Statewide Teleprocessing screen (Texas map).
                                . - - - - - .                                       
                              / .           .                                       
     User Help Desk           / .           .           Glenn Hegar                 
                              / .           .     Texas State Comptroller           
      (512) 463-HELP          / .           .                                       
                              / .            --...__.-.._.-._..--..                 
                              / .                                 .                 
                              / .                                 .                 
                  . _ _ _ _ _ _ .                                  .                
                 /  .                                               .               
                   /  .                                             .               
                     / .                     Statewide              .               
                      / .                        *                .                 
                       / .                Teleprocessing       .                    
                        / .       _ _         System       .                        
                         / .    . / / .                 .                           
     Unauthorized use     /  - .     / .              .                             
     is prohibited.        / /        / .            .                              
     Usage may be subject                / .          .                             
     to security testing and monitoring.  / .         .                             
     Misuse is subject to criminal         /  .       .                             
     prosecution.  There is no expectation   /  . . __ .                            
     of privacy except as provided by law.     / / / / /